
Wearing stars and wearing the moon, thousands of miles of attack, the "Iron Lady" vowed to break the difficulty of judicial enforcement! | the most beautiful figure in Jiangsu

author:Litchi News

Editor's Note:

  A typical is a flag, and a model is a spiritual coordinate. Our Su Network and the Jiangsu City Channel "Jiangsu Most Beautiful People" column group launched the "Jiangsu Most Beautiful People" series of special articles. Communist Party members who dedicate themselves to the grassroots, pioneers of the times who innovate and start a business, skilled craftsmen who take root in the frontline, and strivers in ordinary posts... We will continue to tell the advanced models of practicing the core values of socialism, record the outstanding figures and moving deeds of all walks of life in Jiangsu, and present the new journey of comprehensively building socialist modernization and the emerging Jiangsu forces and Jiangsu deeds in the construction of "strong, rich and high" new Jiangsu.

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Justice is the last line of defense for safeguarding social fairness and justice; and enforcement is the last link in this line of defense. Because of the special link in the judicial chain, the difficulty of enforcement work can be imagined. Zhu Yanping, director of the executive bureau of the Dafeng District People's Court in Yancheng City, is the "desperate three women" in the mouth of her colleagues, and in order to solve the difficulty of enforcement, she has made every effort to keep walking.

  Fighting wits and courage, not afraid of difficulties

  18 years of diligent writing of 2,000 trial and execution cases with zero error cases

  "Today we carry out special implementation actions related to people's livelihood, and at the implementation site, please pay attention to the implementation of standards and civilization." Let's go! At 5:30 a.m. on December 7, 2021, when the people of the small town of Dafeng were still asleep, Zhu Yanping and her colleagues had already taken action.

  In the past 5 years of judicial enforcement work, Zhu Yanping can't remember clearly that this is the first time that she has gone on a mission with a star and a moon. "In 2017, the second year that the Supreme People's Court demanded 'basically solving the difficulty of enforcement', the party group transferred me to the executive bureau to take charge of this work, mainly for the purpose of implementing the tough problems."

Wearing stars and wearing the moon, thousands of miles of attack, the "Iron Lady" vowed to break the difficulty of judicial enforcement! | the most beautiful figure in Jiangsu

  In order to avoid enforcement, the person subject to enforcement often hides around, and the more the person subject to enforcement relaxes his vigilance, the more the best opportunity is to strike hard. Zhi Tongqiang, assistant judge of the Executive Bureau of the Dafeng District People's Court in Yancheng City, said: "In order to achieve better enforcement results, we go to the home of the executor in the evening, late at night or in the early morning, and such overtime is the norm for us. ”

  In addition to running around and working overtime, the implementation of the work also needs to have wisdom, use the "golden eye of fire" to judge the whereabouts of people, money and things, and the spirit of not being afraid of difficulties and not giving up. "The difficulty of execution lies in whether you do it or not. The difficulty lies in finding people and things, realizing assets, and resolving contradictions; it is not difficult, it is that we really want to solve problems for the people, and with such a belief, it is not difficult to do so! Zhu Yanping said.

  In the past 18 years of judicial work, Zhu Yanping has successively worked in the grass-roots people's court, the first civil trial division, the criminal trial division, and the juvenile and family trial divisions, and she has concluded nearly 2,600 civil and criminal cases of various kinds, with 0 wrong cases.

  Holding a sword, warm heart

  A legal expert who has achieved law enforcement for the people with a passion for the people

  While calmly and rationally judging, Zhu Yanping also conveyed the warmth of the judiciary, humanistic care and positive and optimistic attitude to more people in need.

Wearing stars and wearing the moon, thousands of miles of attack, the "Iron Lady" vowed to break the difficulty of judicial enforcement! | the most beautiful figure in Jiangsu

  In the 1980s, after the parents of Xiao Gen and Xiao Feng (both pseudonyms) divorced, the father left home in a negative mood and pushed Xiao Gen down before leaving, causing him to fall and become disabled, and since then, he has never paid child support for more than 30 years. Now, when the father is old, he comes to the door to ask his children to fulfill their maintenance obligations, which is strongly opposed by Xiao Gen and Xiao Feng.

  Zhu Yanping patiently advised them: "I understand what you say, and they are all true. However, supporting the elderly is a legal obligation for children and a traditional virtue in our country. The Civil Code stipulates that children must have an obligation to support their parents. It is certainly not right that your father failed to fulfill his parenting responsibilities before, but now that he is old, his health is not good, and there is no one to take care of him, can we really ignore the children? Filial piety comes first, I think you see the old man on the road needs help, will also take the handle, right? ”

  The contradictions of family affection, which have been separated by several decades, have achieved satisfactory results under the efforts of Zhu Yanping, which not only maintains the majesty of the judiciary, but also guards the temperature of family affection.

  Zhu Yanping was also impressed by a case when she first joined the enforcement work, although the process was very tortuous, but it was also the successful execution of this case that strengthened her confidence.

Wearing stars and wearing the moon, thousands of miles of attack, the "Iron Lady" vowed to break the difficulty of judicial enforcement! | the most beautiful figure in Jiangsu

  In 2002, when the applicant Shi Chunhua was 5 years old, he encountered a traffic accident and became disabled. The perpetrator fled, and the application for execution became the last wish of Shi Chunhua's grandfather before his death. The executor has been avoiding him, and Zhu Yanping has made up her mind to find him no matter what. In the end, the perpetrators compensated Xiao Shi with 250,000 yuan.

  Zhu Yanping said: "It is precisely because we have more than twenty times of perseverance and have not given up, and finally let the applicant get the compensation." When I saw the applicant executors get the execution money, they smiled from the bottom of their hearts, and I felt very proud, and I also strengthened my belief in doing a good job in the execution work. ”

  Do your best to overcome difficulties

  Vow to strive for fairness and justice and solve difficulties in implementation

  Because of the lack of time at home, the younger son is particularly dependent on Zhu Yanping. But she knew that going to the execution site was doomed to leave her back to her family.

  Zhu Yanping's husband, Fu Xiaogang, said: "Overtime is very common for her, sometimes she comes back at eleven or twelve o'clock at night to work, sometimes she goes out at four o'clock in the morning, but as a family member of an executive policeman, I am very understanding and very supportive." ”

  The support of her family allows Zhu Yanping to have no worries and give more time and energy to work. "In two to three years, we will basically solve the problem of difficult implementation and break down the last barrier to achieve fairness and justice." For this solemn promise, for five years, Zhu Yanping and her partners have been fighting day and night on the front line of execution.

Wearing stars and wearing the moon, thousands of miles of attack, the "Iron Lady" vowed to break the difficulty of judicial enforcement! | the most beautiful figure in Jiangsu

  No matter how arduous the task of handling cases, Zhu Yanping insisted on working, studying, investigating, and summarizing at the same time, and worked tirelessly in trial practice, constantly improving her trial practice ability and the level of legal theory.

  Cai Rong, assistant judge of the Executive Bureau of the Dafeng District People's Court in Yancheng City, said: "Director Zhu is a business-oriented expert, and if we have any problems in handling the case, we will consult her. ”

  Whenever the executive took the legal document to sign her, Zhu Yanping would carefully examine the file and thoroughly study the legal and procedural issues. When encountering difficult cases and cases with great social influence, she always faces difficulties, bravely shoulders heavy burdens, and tries everything to overcome "bone cases".

  Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Jiangsu Provincial CPC Committee and the Department of Justice of Jiangsu Province awarded Zhu Yanping the honorary title of "The Most Beautiful Rule of Law Figure in Jiangsu". The north and south of the river, thousands of miles of attack, wind and food camping, squatting and waiting... In order to solve the "difficulty of implementation", Zhu Yanping and her colleagues are still working day and night, relaying and running.

  (I Su Network editor / Tong Tingting material source / Jiangsu City Channel "Jiangsu Most Beautiful People" column group "Jiangsu Times Model Release Hall" WeChat public number)

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