
Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

Stars Interpret Destiny · Tarot pointed out the mystery

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Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

Author / Spirit

D A Y2 3 3 2/ N O . 5 9 1

The 2022 Annual Horoscope series is divided into two parts: Horoscope Overview + 12 Horoscope Guide

This is Part 5 of the Horoscope

On January 18, 2022, the north-south intersection officially changed seats, from the original Twin-Shooter axis to the Taurus-Scorpio axis, and continued until July 17, 2023.

The seating and falling palaces of the north-south intersection indicate a shift in the center of gravity of life, and the axis of the moon's intersection is often also the location where the eclipse phase takes place, and the eclipse phase contains a huge amount of energy, like a magical door opened by the universe, which will touch the potential in the individual or organizational astrolabe and transform it into reality.

In many crossover dramas, strange celestial phenomena such as "five stars and pearls" will be involved, but it is also a good idea to use the eclipse cycle once every 18-19 years as a clue.

The lunar intersection will enter the oligus sign every 9 years or so, such as January 2022 to July 2023, the north node in Scorpio in taurus, and from September 2012 to February 2014, the north node in Scorpio south in Taurus. So you can look back at that time about ten years ago, what was the focus of your life, what major events happened in your life, and they often echoed with the major time of the following year and a half.

The lunar intersection will complete a complete cycle every 19 years or so, such as April 2003 to 2004 12 years, the north node in Taurus south node in Scorpio, and the next eclipse cycle energy is very close, although it will certainly be different, but you can also look back at life nearly twenty years ago, which must also hide important clues about the next year and a half.

The wonderful thing about life is that it seems to be like a planetary cycle that always repeats itself, do you know that some new people are very similar to people you have known in the past, and some new things that happen and some choices that you face seem to have appeared in the past? If you don't believe in reincarnation, have you ever experienced reincarnation in this lifetime?

If you have a Moonlight Chest, you can travel through the past and the future. Although we don't have a moonlight treasure box, we do have a lunar eclipse where the moon and the sun interact.

Time seems to be gone forever, and there is no way to change the decisions made in the first place. But as long as you are willing, you can still use the energy of eclipse to make new decisions and actions, which can not only help you change the future, but also help you change the past.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

If you can't defeat you, it will make you stronger

Scorpio in the south

When you think of Scorpio, what comes to mind? Insidious, dark-bellied, powerful? Jealous, possessive, and vengeful?

This is definitely a sign that people love and hate, and at the same time may love and fear.

But there are many misunderstandings, because people don't know Scorpio, and because people forget that everyone has such a Scorpio in their own astrological chart.

The location of Scorpio in the astrolabe is often a dark and hidden place, like a wound with a band-aid, which can feel the pain but is never easily uncovered. Such as loneliness, poverty, deception, betrayal, conspiracy, abuse... But all such dirty and taboo issues as the waterways fall under this constellation.

Why does Scorpio always look at it coldly? Because they have seen through the cold of the world since they were young, and human feelings are cold and warm. This intuitive talent can help them see through people's hearts at a glance, especially the dark side, fear points, and parts of the human heart that want to be covered. If you can't face yourself, don't come into contact with Scorpio because they export ruthlessly.

Why is Scorpio always cautious? Because most of them have witnessed or experienced deception, jealousy and betrayal, often related to the people closest to them or the most trusted people, and often occur when they are innocent and powerless, such as childhood, such as first love. So from then on they learned to scab wounds, to be emotionally immune, to no longer trust anyone or anything, to be skeptical and cautious about everything, even to their emotions and feelings. That's why they have infinite observation before falling in love with someone, and countless more tests after falling in love with someone.

Do you think I'm just talking about the Sun Scorpion or the Rising Scorpion? No! I'm talking about the location of Scorpio in your astrolabe, the planet that falls into Scorpio, and the phase with Pluto involved.

Just because you never noticed it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In the next year and a half, when the South Node touches it, when the eclipse ruthlessly tears open the wound, you will feel it.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

On January 18, 2022, the South Node returns to Scorpio again after a gap of 19 years, and the unpleasant feelings of embarrassment, regret, anxiety and fear in the memory will begin to spread again, just like you open a dusty basement or trash can, and then a pungent stench rushes out of it.

Don't turn it off! Otherwise it will stink even more the next time you open it!

Everyone has a trash can in their home, everyone has a sewer in their home, it is a normal part of the functioning of life, and we must learn to be friendly with it, not turn a blind eye.

Looking back at your life impressions from 19 years ago and the most important things in your memory will help you find clues, and if you know astrology or have an astrologer you know, you can take a look at the falling houses, falling stars and phases of Scorpio in the astrolabe to help you diagnose the inner shadow.

If there is garbage, then dump it, thorough cleanup and break away is the easiest thing we can do during the Scorpio cycle.

If there is attachment, then abandon it and face it instead of running away; let go, not forget.

If there is a wound, heal it, and if no one loves you, then love yourself.

In fact, how can no one love you? Someone loves you all the time, all the time

When you choose not to be with the shadows, you naturally throw yourself into the arms of the light.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

Oh, Scorpio is not only fragile and pathetic, its powerful energy still supports your entire life, like a sewer to help you remove dirt and achieve purification.

Scorpio's intelligence and detective-like ability to see into the depths of the matter needless to say, it can help you through the surface fog and penetrate the truth.

More important is the ability of PUBG to bounce back from the bottom. Because Scorpio has always had a strong sense of crisis, even the taiping world will think of danger in peace, so when really facing a crisis, it can be unafraid of danger, and calmly come up with various solutions, and then choose the best among them. This can help you be more resilient and explosive in the face of crises.

Of course, the most important thing is the ability to "transform" stones into gold. Since he can face the darkness and withstand the lows, Scorpio will definitely not sit still. In addition to being very good at integrating resources, they are also very happy to turn waste into treasure, that is, to extract valuable things in large areas of seemingly useless resources, referring to "alchemy". This is especially evident in the first half of 2022, as Jupiter will be in harmony with Pluto. Therefore, the more painful and desperate the place, the more precious flowers can bloom.

Those who can't defeat you will make you stronger, and they will become stronger and stronger

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

It is our responsibility to pursue abundance

North Node Taurus

When the south node enters Scorpio, the north node also enters its opposite house Taurus.

What comes to mind when you think of Taurus? Foodies, money addicts, materialism? Slashing and searching, stingy, materialism?

The human mind likes to label, and labeling sometimes means prejudice. However, the focus is not on the label, but on the interpretation of the label.

Taurus's "foodie" personality reflects their attitude towards reality and their connection to nature.

For Taurus, there is nothing that cannot be done with a meal, but they do not eat everything, but have a very high aesthetic and demand for food. The taste of delicious food, along with other good things (such as good-looking and good-quality clothes and jewelry, elegant artwork and pleasant sex, etc.) will bring comfortable sensory enjoyment to Taurus. Respect for food, respect for the gifts of nature, respect for human ingenuity, and respect for your own body.

Taurus easily derives a sense of security from matter and reality, such as eating, shopping, and going for a walk in nature, and this way of focusing on external objects can be a good balance between the problem of over-focusing on the mind and emotions of the Palace Scorpio. So in the next one-and-a-half-year cycle, we can use this to balance the emotional side of the Scorpio in Nanjiao Andyo.

Eat well, sleep well, cherish your body, respect food and vegetables, and enjoy the sun and the scenery.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

In addition to eating, there is also money.

In fact, the axis of Taurus-Scorpio is money and resources, and the strong possessiveness behind this. It's just that Scorpio's desire for money stems largely from their distrust of human nature and emotions, while Taurus' desire for money comes from their recognition of their self-worth and desire for a stable life. This is also why the Taurus is in charge of the Palace of Wealth, while the Scorpion is in charge of the Palace of Partial Wealth. Taurus is good at making money from their own labor, while Scorpio is good at taking money from other people's pockets and making money out of it.

In the Golden Bull Cycle of the Scorpion in the South, it is better to develop the real economy with heart than to blindly believe in the virtual economy, or it is better to work honestly and safely and steadily than to toss around. Investment is feasible, speculation is not advisable. In addition, it is to develop their own ability to exert their own strength in exchange for remuneration to make the heart more stable, and always want to benefit themselves by investing and financing with the help of others' strength, which will make the heart become turbulent, unless you can overcome the shadow brought by the Scorpio in South Jiaotong, then it is also a merit of this cycle.

As for making money, since Uranus is also currently located in Taurus, and there is a six-point phase in the first half of the year, the stars are encouraging bold exploration, experimentation and innovation in the financial (such as electronic money, mobile payment), agriculture, resources (such as attention is a valuable resource, such as fresh water resources, non-renewable resources, etc.), energy (such as new energy), space (aerospace), and some artistic aesthetics (such as beauty salons, styling, plastic surgery and aesthetic fields linked to reality). In the next year and a half, these areas are prone to new outlets.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

In addition to making money, saving money is also important. Now in a period of change, change is bound to break the old and build a new, just like a wave needs to subvert a lot of destruction in order for the new seedlings to thrive. Therefore, many downward industries will become more and more depressed, and there will be various waves of unemployment. If you can't raise your income, then at least you have to reduce your expenses to ensure a stable life.

Respecting the cost performance of things is an important principle. It is unfair to label Taurus as "stingy", not because they are reluctant to spend money, but they are always willing to spend it only where it is spent. For example, healthy Taurus energy is willing to spend more money to buy better quality things or services, willing to invest in their bodies and minds, willing to donate or resell things they no longer need, rather than buying everything as cheaply as possible, punching the fat face, and blindly hoarding waste.

Learning how to see the true value of ourselves and things, and how to deal with our relationship with the material world, is a subject that beijiao Taurus wants to teach us.

Finally, I would like to use a sentence of Roman Rolland as a summary of the next year and a half of the South Jiaotong Scorpio-Beijiao Taurus:

The most valuable thing about people is that they still love life after seeing through the essence of life.

Lingzheng 2022 12 Horoscope Overview 5: After seeing through the essence of life, you still love life

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