
Mafada 12 horoscopes for June 27, 2024 to July 3, 2024

author:Say fortune

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Mafada 12 horoscopes for June 27, 2024 to July 3, 2024

There is sweetness in bitterness, small retreat, and big advance

The auspicious Mercury/Saturn trine kicks off with the two retrograde planets: Saturn and Neptune inverse, and this week is the lull before the Painful July, which is about to enter the year with the most astrological bad signs. The "Cancer Moon" is a happy hour before the first wave of July storms on July 3. Cancer values such as cherishing family, guarding values, being grateful for pictures, standing firm, settling down, and being honest and trustworthy are the most resonant collective subconscious during this period.

The eight major astrological events are:

June 26: "Mercury/Saturn Trinity" (Perseverance)

29 June: "Mars/Venus sex" (Affectionate conjunction); "Mercury/Uranus sex" (social activity); "Saturn Retrograde/Earth Retrograde" (Clearing Karma)

July 2: "Mercury/Neptune Trinity" (to soften rigidity); "Venus/Saturn Trinity" (emotional anchoring); Mercury settles in Leo (eloquent); Neptune Retrograde/Retrograde (Escapism)

This week, when the astrological signals are numerous, urgent, and confusing, the tone will be set by two major planetary inversions: "Saturn retrograde" and "Neptune retrograde", which are auspicious signs of the five zodiac signs. The two opposite planets Saturn and Neptune are together, symbolizing a period of anxiety and confusion and collective karma where truth and illusion are tug-of-war; The latter brings all sorts of good news that can be comforted. The general environment is also bitter and sweet, big advances and small retreats, and there are not no small turmoil in stability.

It is worth noting that Saturn retrograde (Earth Retrograde) and Neptune (Sea Retrograde) on June 29 and July 2 respectively. "Earth reversal" symbolizes karmic inventory, and the blessings planted in the past, the cause and effect will have double karma. Good deeds are doubled and vice versa. "Sea Reversal" is a time of internalization of anxiety, fear and avoidance of heightened motivation, beware of withdrawal, loneliness, betrayal, depression and self-deception. It is also a time to break away from the relationship with the taste or the harmful baggage.

In terms of finance, this week, when the Fortune Star and the Sun are still in Cancer, Mercury turns into "Leo", the "Earth Retrograde" and the "Sea Retrograde" are together, and the main axis of the Fortune Star signal is more, the astrological signs show that the speculative greed of Leo's tone will slightly seep into the conservative defense of Cancer's financial tone. While investor pessimism is quietly rising, another wave of opportunism in the midst of danger will also take advantage of the situation. In the coming week, the volatility and speed of the international stock market will once again be affected by short-term speculative variables. Investors should consider the risk tolerance attribute and act within their means.

As far as individual zodiac signs are concerned, the frequency of the stars has increased greatly this week, except for the two major regressions of "earth reversal" and "sea reversal", it can be said that auspicious signs envelop the whole world. The fortune champion falls in Libra. It is the peak month of the year, and the career palace has the joint help of gold and Japan, helping others and benefiting others; There are also two waves of career auspicious signs, relying on initiative and strategic thinking, will suppress the opponent with absolute advantage.

The second in good luck is Gemini. The natal planet turns into a strong Leo, and the three major signs are auspicious, which is enough to get a lot of surprises and excitement beyond expectations in life and work, as well as financial rewards that exceed reasonable feedback; The third horoscope is Virgo. Like Gemini, the three auspicious signs are the most fortunate time of the year to make your dreams come true through positive thinking.

Although the frequency and intensity of the star signal rose again this week, it finally ended with auspicious signs crushing bad signs, and there was no particularly perverse low-tide star.

Constellation ranking

Libra: Dominating the enemy, all parties competing for invitations, invincible (the most prosperous)

Gemini: Flying to Hengfu, throwing bricks and attracting jade, doubling the reward (the most profits)

Virgo: Expectation, Response, Rejuvenation (Career Smoothest)

Taurus: Pick up the stars quickly, meet the source left and right, and bloom everywhere (the best opportunity)


Knock on the trend, and then continue the front edge. During this period when the natal planet is in an auspicious aspect with Venus and the career star begins to retrograde, the wealth increase is suddenly strong, and it is expected that there will be a wave of wealth, salary increases, or romantic climaxes. There are also signs of scene replication and rewind of missed opportunities or fate. Drawing on previous experience, this time I am prepared, and I can correct and respond to the test and pass the exam. In the regression of career stars, the follow-up impact is nearly half a year, and major decisions should be more considered. Wealth comes from action. Love is a comfortable constant temperature.


Insight first, first step. In the days when the life stars are at the lucky angle with the battle stars and the success stars, action and self-discipline are the two major auxiliary powers of success. Grasp the trend trend, rely on faster and more courageous execution than others, act immediately and unswervingly, and naturally will not miss any trend dividends. The main business manager and the secondary line complement each other, and it is natural for the network to expand, the nobles to carry out, and the high promotion. The wealth is rolling in, and the income is increasing day by day. Love is an open-ended topic.


The Jedi counterattack, a godsend. The natal planets are in auspicious aspects with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune one after another, and during the period that follows, resistance to stress, alternativeness, and imagination are the three major victories or turnovers. Along the way, relying on the cross-use of hard power and soft power, carrots and mallets were released in turn, and finally in the rain of bullets and the danger of the workplace, the soldiers used danger and turned the crisis into an opportunity, so as to achieve the impossible task that everyone originally regarded as difficult and unsolvable. Giving up brute force and using strategy, operating against the trend and thinking in reverse, you can get unexpected solutions from different angles and win by surprise. There is hope that a stalemate, grievance, or friction will be eased. The opportunity for a career reversal and showdown is near, and it is advisable to seize it. There is an unexpected cost. Love is an unpredictable distance.


Everything went smoothly, all the way to the gallop. During this period of gold and the blessing of the two stars of the day, the aura of the "Star of the Month" will bring prosperity to wealth, relationships, studies and careers. Whether active or passive, he is always the "wind breaker" who goes to the line of fire to face tough battles and difficult opponents. The career is taking off, and the work is getting smoother and smoother, and the smoother and smoother it is, which is the leading indicator in the organization. Try a lot of innovations, and always race against the clock. Gain value by knowledge. Love is a kind of adjustment of advance and retreat.


After a long drought and rain, take advantage of the trend. The house of life ushers in the auspicious star Mercury in this period of time, and the ordinary life ushers in a turnaround, which will also add a few touches of color. Persuasion and communication skills become stronger, and will play the function of threading the needle and lubricating and unwrapping in a timely manner. sufficient to compensate, repair or mitigate an omission. The cause turns from offense to defense, and strictly prevents careless oversight and mistakes in details. It is also a good thing to do your part. Positive and financial are good. Health is an investment that should not be neglected. Love is a heart that is ready to wander.


The dispatch is well-organized, and the enemy is like a god. In the days when the natal stars and earth, Uranus, and Neptune are formed, they have three major advantages in medium and long-term development, and have a considerable mass base, box office charm and foresight, and will take on the important task of integrating all walks of life, commanding the overall situation or leading everyone, and become an indispensable bucket hoop. The business management makes good use of the group's advantages and crowd tactics, unites internally and externally, and has a leading and invincible posture. In addition, he was particularly prescient in leading the way and was expected to gain the upper hand in a number of important battles by having a comprehensive and long-term grasp of the situation, taking a long-term view, and making arrangements in advance. Financial management depends on vision and luck. Love is at the edge of ambiguity.


Conquer everything, and the record is brilliant. The two stars of life and the sun sit in the career palace, and welcome the auspicious signs of the two major careers, the good news continues, and will advance to the peak of personal annual career under the impetus of the subjective and objective situation. Although the burden of power is heavy, the substantive contribution, decision-making impact, speech weight and professional evaluation will once again set new records, which can be said to be well deserved. It is rare to take into account ideals and realities, work and family. Positive and prosperous wealth. Love is a responsibility, but also a trust.


Straight to the peak, fleeting. The days when Venus and Battlestar joined forces in the Career Palace were the last golden week of the first half of the year. The career, study, career promotion or territory development are in sight, and the long-term vision and future are full of hope. And participate in professional study, certification, advanced study or visits, travel, etc., and gain a lot, and expand your vision, wisdom and life stage simultaneously. It is advisable to act before negative energy hits next week. Manage your money wisely. Love is a chic tipping point.


Open low and go high, and the future is promising. During this period of auspicious signs and surprises and harvests, a dark horse story of gorgeous transformation and coming from behind will be staged. Many people will experience a dramatic transformation from behind the scenes to in front of the stage, from silently carrying a sedan chair to leading the protagonist, and they are the hidden winners whose strength is underestimated. Stand up to scrutiny. In the transformation of the career, although the process is not without pain and sacrifice, it is worth stepping up. Prosperity and increased banknote capacity. Love is a kind of surrender and dormancy.


There are many happy events, and the flaws are not hidden. The natal planet begins to retrograde (earth retrograde), but it is also in an auspicious aspect with Mercury and Venus during this period, make correct judgments and actions at the right time, and often have good luck and noble people flying for no reason, and immediately relieve the crisis that occurs during the earth reversal period to stop the bleeding and avoid evil. It is worth mentioning that the kindness, blessings or karma accumulated in the past show signs of doubling the reward. Although the competition in the workplace is fierce, cooperation will be better. Prosperity is prosperous, and the timing is lucky. Love is the sound of hearing the blossoms bloom.


Calm down and keep pace with the times. During this period when the natal planet and Mercury are in a lucky angle, with their flexible antennae and knowledge, they can not only come out of the chaos, but also make the best results within the limited conditions by taking measures according to the time and local materials. Familiar with the work, the sense of responsibility and loyalty are above the level, and it is a stable force that can be trusted by the organization. Recently, there are cooperation cases or large orders to the door, which is conducive to job hunting and job change. Fortune is optimistic, recovery is a little slower. Love is an emotional inertia.


Straight, straight ball duel. During this period of retrograde and Mercury in a lucky angle, long-suppressed emotions, talents, or desires will emerge like a rash. Many people will slowly look directly into their hearts and face themselves during this period of ruler retrograde (sea retrograde). The old self is reborn, the new wine is the old bottle, and there will be completely different prospects in life and career. Brainpower, inspiration, ideas and ideas are engaging. Remember to be consistent. Don't gamble speculatively. Love is a face nourished by happiness.

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