
Why did the martingale become a street rat? After reading the Book of Shang Jun, I found out that this bad man died late

Sima Qian read the two articles of Kaisai and Gengzhan in the Book of ShangJun, and his hatred was so itchy that he said in the "History of Shangjun Liebiography" that Shang Martingale had more than enough to die. In fact, there are a total of twenty-six articles in the Book of Shang jun, and there is no need to read them all, that is, just look at the two articles related to the common people and the weak people, and those who can read it are eager to bite him a few bites -- Shang Martin is only loyal to two people in this world: one is Qin Xiaogong, and the other is himself. Perhaps he had no loyalty to Qin Xiaogong to speak of, and the relationship between him and Qin Xiaogong was a transaction, and Shang Martin sacrificed the interests of all the officials and people of qin in exchange for qin xiaogong's trust and reward.

As an ordinary citizen, the author once believed that the Shang martingale transformation method brought great benefits to the Qin state, but if we look closely at the historical data, we will find that before the Shang martingale entered Qin, the Qin state was not weak: Qin Jian Gong Yin allowed the people to carry swords, cultivating the martial spirit of the Qin state; Qin Xiangong Shi Fei abolished human martyrdom, encouraged business, compiled household registration, and established counties. It was precisely because of the foundation laid by his predecessors that Qin Xiaogong appointed the Shang Martingale Transformation Law, summed up and summarized the reform experience of the predecessors, and formulated a severe punishment law, and squeezed the common people to suck the marrow out of their bones -- if it were not for Qin Shi Huang's magnanimity, but always clinging to the old rules of shang martingale, let alone not being able to unify the six, that is, whether the Qin state can survive or not, it is an unknown, so it is actually a very gratifying thing to say that Qin Huiwen Wang Yingsi killed the rebellious Shang martingale.

Why did the martingale become a street rat? After reading the Book of Shang Jun, I found out that this bad man died late

Readers who are familiar with the history books know that Qin Huiwen Wang Yisi is a promising prince who can be ranked in the top three in the Qin state, but he is not as narrow-minded and inactive as in some TV dramas, he attacked the Wei state in the east, took a large area of Shanxi, Henan, and Shaanxi that belonged to the Wei state, and destroyed Shu and defeated Chu, sending Zhang Yi to use the strategy of Lian Heng to separate the Six Kingdoms Alliance, and what is more worthy of respect is that Qin Huiwen Wang Huiwen also returned to the north to conquer the Xiongnu, turning a branch of the Xiongnu (Yiqu) into a county of the Qin state - it can be seen that the county system was not the first creation of Qin Shi Huang's government.

Here we want to correct a common-sense misunderstanding: many people think that after Yingsi took the throne, he took revenge for personal gain before he caught and killed Shang Martin, and it was a torture to kill the car split. The actual situation was that at that time, someone accused Shang Martin of plotting rebellion, and King Huiwen of Qin naturally wanted to investigate, but Shang Martin directly ran away--this cannot but remind us of Song Jiang and Wu Song in the Water Margin, Who killed the murderer of his brother and went to the county to turn himself in; Song Jiang, in order to cover up his crime of colluding with the Liangshan thief, killed people and sat down to kill him, and then ran away with a cigarette. Song Jiang ran around and finally ran to Liangshan to rebel, and Shang Martin also rebelled: "Take Shangyi, and his disciples Fayi troops will attack Zheng in the north." Qin sent troops to attack Shang Jun and killed Zheng Yichi. ”

Why did the martingale become a street rat? After reading the Book of Shang Jun, I found out that this bad man died late

Unlike Song Jiang, who was popular everywhere he went, Shang Martin became a real dog that lost his family after the death of Qin Xiaogong. Defecting to the State of Wei, the State of Wei did not accept it, because Shang Martin betrayed his treachery and pretended to negotiate and invited him to dinner, and captured the Wei army and defeated the Wei army--this was already a big taboo in the very well-behaved Spring and Autumn Warring States period, and it belonged to the great disobedience of the world.

Shang martingale was also not popular in the Qin kingdom, and the inn asked him to prove his identity, and he did not dare to say that he was a martingale, because he also knew that he was already the enemy of the whole people in the Qin state. If his change of law is really beneficial to the country and the people, rich and strong, then the officials and people of the Warring States period, who have always paid attention to sacrificing their lives for righteousness, are willing to give up their lives to protect him, and everyone can refer to the Orphans of the Zhao clan and Wu Zixu to pass through Zhaoguan.

How treacherous Shang Martin is on the battlefield, we don't care about him, because he can defend himself with "soldier trickery". But today, we will stand on the perspective of the common people and see how Shang Martin has offended the people of the Qin Kingdom. The Book of Shang Jun was written by Shang Martin himself, and was used by many dynasties as a must-read textbook for the crown prince, and he could not push it off. Let's pick a few sentences from two of the articles to take a peek at the leopard.

Why did the martingale become a street rat? After reading the Book of Shang Jun, I found out that this bad man died late

There are a total of twenty-six chapters in the Book of Shangjun, namely Changing the Law, Reclamation Order, Agricultural Warfare, De-Strengthening, Speaking of the People, Calculating the Land, Kaisai, Yi yan, Wrong Law, Tactics, Li Ben, Bing Shou, Jin Ling, Xiu Quan, Laomin, Punishment Covenant, Reward Punishment, Drawing Strategy, Domestic, Weak People, Imperial Thieves, Outer And Inner, Junchen, Forbidden Envoy, Prudent Law, and Fixed Points. Among them, it is said that the people and the weak people are closely related to our common people, but they cannot be translated too clearly - in fact, the language of the Warring States period is not so difficult to understand.

First of all, let's talk about the folk passage, and the first sentence at the beginning is "Debate and wisdom, the praise of chaos; the liturgy, the sign of adultery; the kindness, the mother of the passing; the honor of Ren, the rat of adultery." "To put it bluntly, you can't be kind to the people. Then Shang Martin proposed a solution: "The people win the law, the country is in turmoil; the law wins over the people, and the army is strong." Therefore, it is said that if the good people are ruled, they will be chaotic to the point of cutting; and if they are ruled by the treacherous people, they will be ruled to the strongest. The meaning of this sentence is that the rulers cannot treat the common people as good people, first make a presumption of guilt, and use the means of treating criminals to manage (this sentence has another explanation: it is not possible to let good people become officials, but to let bad people manage the people), so that the Qin state can be stable and strong, and one of the important points is that "the act of governing the country makes the poor rich and the rich poor." ”

Why did the martingale become a street rat? After reading the Book of Shang Jun, I found out that this bad man died late

In the weak people chapter, the first sentence is still the opening sentence: "The people are weak and the country is strong, and the country is strong and the people are weak." Therefore, the kingdom of the word is in the weak. Then Shang Martin emphatically emphasized: "The government is evil to the people, the people are weak; the government is happy for the people, and the people are strong." The people are weak, the country is strong; the people are strong, the country is weak. That is to say: If the Qin state wants to be strong, it must discipline the common people into obedient lambs, so how to turn the common people into lambs? The best way is to formulate the regulations that the people are most disgusted with, if the local administration is welcomed by the people, then the people become stronger, the country becomes weaker - in fact, it seems more appropriate for Shang Martin to replace "country" with "king".

We don't care about what severe punishment laws Shang Martin has formulated, because under the guidance of the "weak people" ideology, if he can seek the welfare of the common people, then he will really see a living ghost. Therefore, it is not surprising that after the death of the patron Qin Xiaogong, Shang Martin immediately turned into a bereaved dog and a street rat. So please ask the readers, after reading the two articles about the common people in the Book of Shangjun, do you think that Shang Martingale is dead or not? If you are king of Qin Huiwen, will you leave Shang Martingale alive?

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