
China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life

With the theme of "Our New Journey", China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night will be officially opened in Fuzhou on January 10. As a representative of China's cutting-edge SUV brand, Jetway Automobile will fully enter the "Travel +" segment, covering different travel ecological scenarios, and is committed to becoming a leader in the "Travel +" travel ecology.

China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life

Precise positioning, strive to be a new force in the industry

The rapid development of the "new four modernizations" of automobiles is reshaping the competitive pattern of the industry, the survival of the fittest market mechanism is more prominent, the domestic automobile consumption structure has been upgraded, youthfulness, diversification and personalization have become a development trend, and the automobile has got rid of a single tool attribute and evolved into a third space connecting users' lives and work.

Since its inception, Jetway Auto has deeply understood the needs of users, accurately positioned the "Travel +" market segment in the blue ocean of the market, rooted in the brand positioning of +ecology, +interconnection, +product, +experience, continuously strengthened the "Travel +" brand gene, and enriched the "Travel +" brand connotation. Strive to improve the overall layout in terms of intelligence, health and "travel +" travel ecology, build a digital ecological organization, and face the needs of users at zero distance. Continue to create "travel +" scenes and product labels to create smart travel and healthy living spaces for users.

China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life

Kunlun architecture, the debut of future products

From the upgrading of travel tools to the carrier of travel scenarios, user needs and technological innovation have driven the innovation of the automobile industry. The R&D technology and resources of Chery Group, combined with the platform architecture of Chery Group and the Kunlun architecture created by Chery Group and the positioning of "Travel +", will be exhibited for the first time in China's first "Travel +" conference. Kunlun architecture focuses on travel scenarios, makes travel intelligent, visualizes travel health, and truly builds Jietu Automobile into a smart partner for users' travel scenarios.

In terms of products, Jietu Automobile's two star series products - Jietu X90 Zilong and Jietu X70 Zhuge will all appear at the event site with 4 travel modified cars, and the new model based on Kunlun architecture , the T2 product model featuring hardcore tide play, will also be unveiled at this conference.

China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life
China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life

Deeply cultivate "Travel +" and step towards "New Journey"

Looking to the future, Jietu Automobile will still firmly adhere to the "Travel +" brand strategy and continue to deepen the "Travel +" market segment. At the upcoming opening of China's first Travel + Conference and Jietu Automobile Brand Night event, Jietu Automobile will officially release the strategic layout of the four major products of "Travel +", which also marks the official opening of the "4+3+N Product Matrix" era of Jietu Automobile, and realizes the comprehensive coverage of SUV series, cross-border series and hybrid series. At this brand night, the partners of the "Travel +" ecosystem alliance from Huaqiang Fantawild, Ctrip, Qiuyedi and other Jietu will also be jointly exhibited to jointly create travel scenes for users, and continue to provide users with high-quality and upgraded value-added rights, positive interaction and interesting experiences.

China's first travel + conference is coming, and it is a cross-border car tide that breaks the boundaries of life

In the future, Jietu Automobile will unswervingly practice the strategic layout of "Travel +", create a million sales plan for Jietu in 2026, and strive to become a leading brand in the "Travel +" travel ecology. Ahead of the times, Jetway Automobile is striding towards a "new journey".

On January 10th, China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night, let us wait and see.

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