
These 12 symptoms can be cancer warnings, and you must be careful once they are discovered

Reviewed by: Xinli Zhou (Huashan Hospital, Fudan University)

When something abnormal happens to the body, some "distress" signal may be emitted. Cancer is no exception, and if a tumor appears in the body, there are often some signals.

The following cancer signs, which are important for both men and women, should be paid special attention to.

1. Decreased appetite

In many cases, such as a bad mood or the flu, it can make people's appetite drop. Cancer changes the rhythm of the body's metabolism, which can lead to a decrease in appetite.

In addition, stomach, pancreatic, colon, and ovarian cancers can also cause pressure on the stomach, causing patients to feel full.

2. Blood in the stool

Cancer can cause abnormal bleeding, as well as problems such as ulcers, hemorrhoids, infections or pain. When blood is found in the stool, it usually comes through the gastrointestinal tract, that is, the esophagus, stomach, or intestines.

By looking at the color of the blood in the stool, you can roughly determine the source of the bleeding:

Bright red indicates that blood comes from the rectum or the end of the rectum.

Dark red or even black and tarry means that blood comes from a greater distance, such as bleeding from a stomach ulcer.

Whatever the cause, blood in the stool needs to be tested. Patients may require colonoscopy or other tests.

3. Hematuria

Blood in the urine may be an early warning sign of urinary tract problems.

Kidney or bladder cancer can cause this symptom, but it can also be caused by a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or kidney disease.

4. Persistent cough

A cold or flu can cause a cough, but coughing is also highly likely to be a potential symptom of lung cancer, accompanied by chest pain, weight loss, hoarseness, fatigue, and shortness of breath.

Especially for smokers, if the cough persists, please see a doctor in time.

5. Extreme fatigue

These 12 symptoms can be cancer warnings, and you must be careful once they are discovered

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

This is one of the most common symptoms of cancer.

The fatigue mentioned here is not general fatigue, but a feeling of exhaustion that cannot be relieved. If you are still listless after exercising or increasing your sleep time, see a doctor promptly.

6. Persistent fever

Elevated body temperature is usually a symptom of infection. However, some cancers, including lymphoma, leukemia, and kidney and liver cancers, can also cause fever to persist.

7. Neck lump

Infections may be the result of infection, but cervical lymph nodes are also early warning signs of oral, throat, thyroid, and laryngeal cancers.

Lumps caused by cancer usually do not feel painful.

If the cervical lymph nodes do not shrink or continue to grow, see a doctor promptly.

8. Night sweats

For middle-aged women, night sweats are often a symptom of menopause. However, night sweats are also a symptom of cancer or infection.

9. Skin changes

One warning sign of skin cancer is that abnormal tissue on the skin continues to grow or that the wound does not heal.

See a dermatologist if you experience the following symptoms:

Enlargement and thickening of the affected area;

Color changes;

Strange shape at the edges;

The affected area is larger than the eraser;

The wound cannot heal for a long time.

10. Lymphadenopathy

Cervical lymphadenopathy is usually caused by septic laryngitis or other infections. Rare cases such as lymphoma or leukemia can also cause swollen lymph nodes.

Spreading breast cancer can cause swollen underarm lymph nodes, and if it is a painless mass that persists for about a week and does not resolve, see a doctor for further testing.

11. Difficulty swallowing

A foreign body sensation in the throat is usually a symptom of heartburn.

These 12 symptoms can be cancer warnings, and you must be careful once they are discovered

Rarely, if the patient feels difficulty swallowing and chokes on the infarction, it may be a sign of esophageal cancer.

If the foreign body sensation does not resolve or continues to worsen, see a doctor promptly.

12. Unexplained weight loss

In every 5 people diagnosed with cancer, at least 2 experience weight loss. There is no obvious reason why this happened.

If there is unexplained weight loss, such as 5 kg in a month, please see a doctor in time.

Male-specific symptoms

1. Blood in the urine or semen (hematuria or hemospermia)

The appearance of pink, brown, or red in urine or semen is usually not a concern. Infections, kidney stones, trauma, and non-cancerous prostatic hyperplasia can all cause hematuria. Rarely, however, it can also be kidney, bladder, or prostate cancer. After the visit, the doctor will perform a urine test or other test to find the cause of the bleeding.

2. Testicular mass

Painless masses may be a warning sign of testicular cancer. Although the mass may be caused by trauma, effusion, or hernia, it is difficult to infer the cause from these conditions alone, so patients need to be examined.

3. Pain in ejaculation or urination

If you feel pain when urinating or ejaculating, it may be caused by an infection or enlarged prostate/urethra, but it can also be a symptom of prostate cancer. If the pain cannot be relieved, see a doctor promptly.

Women-specific symptoms

1. Breast lump or change

Although it is a symptom of breast cancer, most lumps are not cancerous. May be a hydrocele cyst or a non-cancerous tumor.

However, if you find a new lump in the breast or the lump continues to grow, please consult a doctor in time to rule out the possibility of cancer.

In addition, further testing is required if:

Redness or ulceration of the skin at the breast;

Breast pain;

Nipple changes;

Appearance of a lump under the armpit;

Non-milky fluids flow from the nipples.

These 12 symptoms can be cancer warnings, and you must be careful once they are discovered

2. Bleeding after non-menstruation or menopause

During fertility periods, vaginal bleeding in women is usually menstruation. Bleeding after menopause or non-menstrual periods may be cervical or endometrial cancer.

If any abnormal vaginal bleeding occurs, seek medical attention promptly.

brief summary

If you notice these signs, be sure to act as soon as possible. See the doctor early and get a check-up. In general, the earlier the disease is detected, the easier it is to treat.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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