
Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

"JPL Chronicles": They are the most eye-catching group of people in the "Sword Net 3" Professional League (JPL) field, from the south of the world, because of various ways to associate with "Sword Net 3", becoming a professional player standing at the peak of the competition. The outside world does not know much about them, how do they see themselves? This column will take you to see yourself in the eyes of the contestants.

Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

JPL Chronicles No. 11: Lan Xi Chen

In this JPL, Lan Xichen competed as a new player. He is not well known and is as low-key as the studio on Weibo. But his ability can not be ignored at all, is a seemingly low-key, in fact hidden top master, but can you imagine that the master is actually very likely, right next to you?

Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

A "part-time" pro who works in the subway

Among the popular words of the fires of previous years, there is a word called "slash teenager", which refers to people who no longer meet the exclusive professional lifestyle and choose to live in multiple identities. Yes, Lan Xichen is one of them, in addition to being a professional player in "Sword Net 3", he also has another job, working in the subway.

On the day that game daily interviewed the Douyu Club, it happened that Lan Xichen went to work...

The mysterious player who only appeared in front of the public not long ago is not as well known as the professional player interviewed earlier, nor is he taking the route of a regular full-time anchor + professional player, and still maintains a nine-to-five life.

"If the time conflicts, take a leave of absence", in a later interview, Lan Xichen told game daily that this is how he handles work and e-sports, probably in his world, e-sports players are currently a "part-time job".

Although the training time is not as much as that of full-time professional players, but the ability is not worse than others, Lan Xichen's bully knife is fierce and fierce. This is Lan Xichen's first time to participate in the JPL, and his performance on the field has also attracted the attention of many "Sword Net 3" players, and fans have given him a rescue video, calling him a "sword god".

Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

When the second dimension collides with the third dimension, something wonderful happens. After Lan Xichen said that after inviting his colleagues to play "Sword Net 3", the matter of playing the game was also quietly discovered by his colleagues. Lan Xichen himself was directly embarrassed to buckle his toes, but colleagues felt very good about it, and even sent a message saying, "We all have to cheer you up on the subway!" ”

Such loving colleagues are probably one of the reasons why Lan Xichen can't put down his work.

Two years ago, he lost the audition and entered the JPL stage two years later

Who would have thought that such a Lan Xichen was still a "passerby" who was 1 point behind in the audition two years ago.

Lan Xichen told Game Daily that he played "Sword Net 3" in 2016 and has always been playing the bully knife. At that time, his relatives and friends all went their separate ways, but he persevered. And the early dream of "Sword Net 3", Lan Xichen has already realized more than half.

When there is nothing to do, Lan Xichen will send a tutorial on the B station, although there are not many fans, but there are everything you need. From the beginning of Lan Xichen's first video in June 2018 to the present, it can be seen that his strength has increased significantly every once in a while. In July 2019, he once tweeted that "the Huya Cup is one point away from entering the audition", and he was angry for a few months.

Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

Although the qualifications are still shallow, the strength is still not to be underestimated. He, like Qing Qingzi Feng, is a top figure who can play a good wall and can be well built, so that the nurse is invincible and at ease, and the fans have named him captain of the security brigade. Many people even have the tendency to change their profession to play the bully knife because they watched his live broadcast, and Lan Xichen himself is not shy, "Maybe my bully knife is more handsome (dog head)." ”

After joining the Fighting Fish Club and becoming a professional player, Lan Xichen only felt a little changed, "More than before, I care more about winning or losing in the arena." "After all, winning or losing is the key.

In the view of the game daily, Lan Xichen is probably inseparable from the "pit" of "Sword Net 3", and if he loses, he will gamble and leave, but it will not be long before he will come back by himself. In other previous interviews, Lan Xichen had also been exposed that every time he won a game, his teammates would praise him and ask them if they were strong, so in the eyes of fans, Lan Xichen was a "great cut in the world".

"Social Cow X Syndrome" in the Eyes of Teammates

In the eyes of teammate Xiao XuanPeiqi, Lan Xichen is a man with social cattle X syndrome, "He just came on the first day, everyone is not very familiar with the situation, he can train very excited, very familiar and the voice is particularly large, the voice is really very big." Xiao Xuan Pei strangely repeated the sentence with a particularly loud voice twice.

And when we asked Lan Xichen, Lan Xichen immediately retorted, "No, I am an introvert." "Is that right? How hard it is to believe the feeling...

How offline is not easy to say, but online if you say that Lan Xichen is an introvert, I am the first not to agree!

Perhaps in the future, everyone will forget Lan Xichen's bully knife and forget his performance in the JPL arena, but many "Sword Net 3" players will remember the professional player who is very active. From Weibo to Station B to Tieba, but wherever Lan Xichen is mentioned, you can see him running over to join in the fun, feeling as if he is summoning a beast.

For example, the "Sword Net 3" event official Blog sent the "Sword Man Quotes" video at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and it turned out that it was almost 3 a.m., and it was estimated that Lan Xichen, who had just left work, also ran out to leave a message and chat with netizens, and it was difficult to understand how he was so energetic.

Driving the subway at work, playing e-sports after work? The most amazing pro player in Sword Net 3 appeared

Lan Xichen told Game Daily that his family's attitude towards him is not supportive or opposed, and his own will, like most e-sports players, can fight as long as he wants. After all, Lan Xichen is "the god who hits the highest stage when he takes time out of work", and perhaps in the future, he will create his own legend at some moment, but he may also leave because of the pressure of real life... Let's give time to announce the answer!

I hope that this time Lan Xichen can work with his teammates to get a good result, realize his dream as soon as possible, and win a championship.

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