
Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

"JPL Chronicles": They are the most eye-catching group of people in the "Sword Net 3" Professional League (JPL) field, from the south of the world, because of various ways to associate with "Sword Net 3", becoming a professional player standing at the peak of the competition. The outside world does not know much about them, how do they see themselves? This column will take you to see yourself in the eyes of the contestants.

Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

JPL Chronicles No. 2: Cloud Dyeing Leaves

"When I was a teenager, I did not live up to Shaohua's behavior and knew", the Cloud Club commented on the cloud dyeing leaves. Yun Dye Ye has been playing the "Sword Net 3" event for 5 years, is the number one top wet nurse in the circle, and is also a member of last year's JPL champion team, but he has always been relatively low-key and introverted. In his eyes, e-sports only needs two words to interpret - "want to win".

Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

My first game was actually DPS, and I liked to "fight" in the arena.

[Cloud dyeing leaves are really strong, I see the recording screen other teammates have been hit 14 match points, cloud dyeing leaves hard to save back?? I was dumbfounded, is he the contemporary resurrection stone? When it comes to cloud dyeing leaves, the friends who play "Sword Net 3" will not be strangers to it. Just to say that his wonderful performance at this year's Masters has already made people shoot the case, which can be said to be the handle in the treatment.

However, "hot blood" seems to only appear on the field, on weekdays everyone will feel that Yun Dye Ye is more taciturn, he does not often live broadcast, even if the live broadcast is often very quiet, it is said that some fans will watch him live while writing homework.

But talking about the initial game of Sword Net 3, Yun Dye Ye said the other side of him.

"Probably in 2015, I came into contact with it when I was in college", like most people, Yun Dye Leaf was also associated with "Sword Net 3" in his youth, using it as an entertainment. "The reason why I have played until now is because the competition is simple and clear, and I still prefer to play in the arena, and there are many friends who play together."

According to Yun Dye Ye, at first he played not milk but DPS, preferring the pleasure of fighting. Even now, if you have something to do, you will soak yourself in the arena. A lot of stories happen here.

"At that time, I found that I was playing well, and then I was just in time for my senior year to graduate, just had nothing to do, after a friend's introduction to play professional, tried it and found that it was OK." Not long after playing, Yun Dye Ye "turned positive" to become a professional player, and the first job in the internship period was to enter the club to participate in training.

"I feel that there is no change from playing on my own before, if I play e-sports, the time schedule is not the same as other jobs that I normally do."

Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

There are only "want to win" and "hard" e-sports professionals in Weibo

"It's been 5 years, do you know how I've lived these 5 years?"

Before he interviewed Yun Dye Ye, the game daily jun already knew his answer - want to win. From 2017 to the present, as long as his Weibo is related to the "Sword Net 3" event, he can often see the words "want to win" and "work hard". On the 9th of this month, Yun Dye Ye was still complaining: I couldn't sleep after losing.

It seems that in his eyes, whether it is the competition in the game or the struggle on the field, there is only one goal, that is, to win. After losing the game, it is often seen that Yun Dye ye apologized on Weibo and summarized the reasons to continue to work hard. And if the game is won, he will also tweet happy for several days. He embarked on the esports path of many boys' dreams and then kept working on it.

Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

When the Game Daily Jun asked him what it was like to lose consecutive matches, he said calmly:

"Mainly at that time, I was trying some different configurations and different ways of playing, so I said that I would lose a lot, but there was no way, because after all, I had to show everyone on the game, and it was normal to lose in the training game." But the next sentence still showed his inner thoughts. "Boys don't like to lose when they play games, so it would be very uncomfortable if I lose."

Of course, if you really lose, you have to accept reality, so Yun Dye Ye will also take the initiative to adjust his mentality. "Just change your focus, play something other than the arena, like eat chicken or something."

So the reason is understood, but want to win is the strongest obsession, this obsession, Yun Dye Ye insisted on "Sword Net 3" for 5 years.

Ancient martial arts idiots, like Yun Dye Ye, should be "sai idiots".

Sword Net 3 esports is growing, and I'm growing too

After playing for 5 years, Yun Dyeye has his opinion on the "Sword Net 3" e-sports, "The format is becoming more and more mature and perfect, and it is developing towards more professional top events, such as opening a double-channel competition between professional players and private players, including the rule that unilaterally chooses the other side cannot choose, which I think is a great progress and rationality." ”

Of course, it's not just "Sword Net 3" that is growing, but also the cloud dyeing leaves, for example, this time to step on the clouds is a change.

"At that time, my contract with the Canghai side was about to expire, and Treading cloud just came to ask me to consider it, plus I and Xia Xiaohua had a very good relationship, and a lot of things happened in the follow-up, so I came to Treading cloud here." From the former opponent to the current teammate, the relationship between Yun Dye Ye and his brothers has never changed, you can live and die on the field, and you can drink together off the field.

Why did she think of stepping on the clouds, Xia Xiaohua did not think much about it, and told the game daily newspaper very directly, "At that time, we just happened to have no wet nurse, so we asked him to come over." "This is probably the brotherhood that we have fought together for many years."

The styles of Canghai and Treading Clouds are more or less different, "Originally Canghai was a club based on pure external skills, and then there were a lot of internal power configurations to play on the side of stepping on the clouds, so this change was a challenge for me." But after all, he was a veteran on the field, and Yun Dye Ye also said that it was not a difficult task.

From the third place of the Famous Sword Cup to the champion of the professional league, from the vicissitudes of the sea to the stepping on the clouds, Yun Dye ye has experienced different life twists and turns, and has been learning and changing himself, just to play a good game, in order to win.

Cloud dyeing leaves: The sun is carving and the moon is pondering, "want to win" is his indomitable motivation

"Be kind and treat everyone like this." Yun Dyeye's Weibo signature has always been this sentence, he is steady and introverted, even Mandarin speaks very well, it is difficult to see that he is actually a northerner in Liaoning.

Looking forward to this time, the cloud dyeing leaves are still blooming, bringing us surprises.

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