
For the 56-year-old Yongzheng gave birth to a young son, she was flipped by Yongzheng, but the son was sent by Qianlong

It is difficult to imagine that a 15-year-old palace girl who has just entered the palace will win the favor of the Yongzheng Emperor, and the yongzheng who has always been practical will rarely treat this woman from Xinzhiku with the same eye, and pour the favor of his old age into this woman, just like treating Qiao Yindi in "Yongzheng Dynasty". Let's walk into the life world of Yongzheng's pet concubine in his later years.

For the 56-year-old Yongzheng gave birth to a young son, she was flipped by Yongzheng, but the son was sent by Qianlong

1. A palace maid from Xinzhiku

Concubine Liu, concubine of the Yongzheng Emperor, was born in the fifty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty, 36 years younger than Yongzheng, and was in charge of Liu Man's daughter.

Regarding Liu's origin, it is very clear, that is, to see the official position of her father Liu Man, liu man held the position of steward, that is, the steward of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also known as the internal management collar.

The so-called inner management collar, that is, the head of the inner court's wrapped pipe collar, is mainly responsible for the sacrifice of the inner court, the melon and fruit used for consumption, the snacks, the wine and sugar and other utensils, and is also responsible for the cleaning and repair of the palace area of the inner court concubine, which belongs to the official position of Zhengwupin in the Qing Dynasty.

From this point of view, although the Liu clan belongs to the Xinzhiku family, at least the family conditions will not be too bad, after all, it belongs to the family of middle-class officials. Moreover, from the beginning of the Yongzheng Dynasty, the status of the Xinzhiku was no longer as low as that of the Kangxi Dynasty, for example, Kangxi once called Liangfei a lowly woman of the Xinzhiku, and this situation was improved to a certain extent by the Yongzheng Dynasty.

However, then again, Liu Man's father Liu Man's errand is not a worry-free job, mainly because there are too many royal ceremonial activities, which need to be fully prepared or timely, and if it is slightly poor, it may be punished. For example, at the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian during the Qianlong period, the internal steward Qingtai (the father of Empress Xiaoyichun) was punished for not preparing snacks in time.

2. Yongzheng's favorite concubine who has just entered the court

It is said that during the Qing Dynasty, a woman like Liu Shi who was born in a coat needed to participate in the palace women's draft organized by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, if you look good, and have certain embroidery (female red) and other techniques, there is a great hope to stay in the palace, and the royal family will also take some time to train these palace women, mainly to increase their cultural literacy, help them read and so on.

After the training is over, those with outstanding conditions will serve some concubines of high lords and concubines, and those with poor conditions will do some rough work such as cleaning and washing. Of course, there are some particularly excellent ones, who will be introduced to the emperor and included in the harem by the emperor, so it can be said that it is one of the best in a hundred, and Liu Shi can be favored by Yongzheng, indicating that her own conditions are very good.

In the seventh year of Yongzheng, Liu Shi, the daughter of Liu Man, participated in the palace women's draft, and successfully stayed in the palace, not long after entering the palace, Liu Shi was favored by Yongzheng, fortunately, Liu Shi became the emperor's woman, and Yongzheng named her a promise, calling Liu Promised.

For the 56-year-old Yongzheng gave birth to a young son, she was flipped by Yongzheng, but the son was sent by Qianlong

The eighth year of Yongzheng was a very important year for Liu Shi, and in this year, she was awarded the Yongzheng canonization twice, and was successively promoted to Liu Changzai and Liu Guiren, which was completed in just three months, which shows that during this time, Liu Shi was very favored, and her own treatment was also greatly improved, and there were more palace women waiting around her, and more cases were obtained.

However, in the same year, Yongzheng fell ill with a serious illness, and Empress Uranara died in the second year (the ninth year of Yongzheng), which made Yongzheng experience a huge crisis in his life. It is said that Yongzheng even arranged the aftermath at that time, but he was still pulled back on the edge of life and death, and in the second half of Yongzheng's ninth year, Yongzheng slowly recovered.

After Yongzheng recovered, he still did not forget that this very pampered Liu Clan was very fond of her, and from time to time he flipped her brand, and Liu Shi did not live up to his expectations, and even gave birth to the tenth son (the sixth brother of the sixth brother) for Yongzheng on June 11, the eleventh year of Yongzheng.

At that time, Yongzheng was already 56 years old, and he was naturally very happy when he was old enough to have a son, so he ordered Liu Shi to be named a concubine: "Liu Guiren was promoted to concubine, and his words should be sealed, and he should be selected to play it." ”

The text of the Book of Humble Concubines is as follows:

"Shu Wei Gong Min Zuo Li, Zi Shu Shen Zhi Xian Yuan; Hu Tu Liu Hui, With the Grace of Su Yan." Lun Yin Yu Ben, Ban Rank Jia Long, Er Gui Ren Liu Shi, Temperament Gentle Jia, Bow and Prudence, Yun Xie Heng Huang Zhi, Yi Ban Title Honor. Hereby in the book of gold, feng'er is a humble concubine. Erqi Inherits The Fate, YiMao Is Humble, Serves the Elephant to Accept the Grace, and Celebrates the Glory of the Hongxi. Thanks. ”

However, only two years later, Yongzheng died in the Yuanmingyuan, and in this way, Liu Shi became a concubine of the former emperor.

3. The favored Yongzheng Gongzi

It is said that when Qianlong succeeded to the throne, Hongyao was only three years old, and Qianlong was very fond of this younger brother who was more than twenty years younger than himself, and left him in the Yuanmingyuan to raise him, so this Hongyao had an additional title: Brother of the Yuanmingyuan.

Once, Xiao Hongyao was playing in the Yuanmingyuan, and was suddenly seen by Qianlong, Qianlong wanted to summon him to talk to him, but Hongyao was afraid of the emperor's brother, and ran away with a cigarette, for this, although Qianlong was a little unhappy, he did not blame this young brother, but only reprimanded the eunuchs around Hongyao.

In the third year of Qianlong, Yongzheng left to his son Qianlong to retain the prince of Guoguo died of illness, because Yunli did not have a son to inherit the title, so Qianlong adopted the advice of Yunlu the Prince of Zhuang and passed on his younger brother Hongyao to his uncle Yunli, so that Hongyao inherited the title of King of Guojun.

For the 56-year-old Yongzheng gave birth to a young son, she was flipped by Yongzheng, but the son was sent by Qianlong

Everyone must not think that Qianlong passed on his younger brother Hongyao to his uncle, which is equivalent to giving his younger brother away. This was not the case, although nominally Hongyao became The Son of Yunli, but in the final analysis, he was also the son of Yongzheng.

Generally speaking, the Qing Dynasty prince will not be knighted until he reaches adulthood, and Qianlong will pass on Hongyao to his uncle Yunli, which is equivalent to giving Him the title of a county king when Hongyao is only six years old, which is a great thing. You know, during the Qing Dynasty, the king of the county could have five thousand taels of silver and 5,000 yuan of Lu rice, plus the property left by Yun Li, hongyao, which is equivalent to being given a golden mountain with empty hands!

In addition, in order to cultivate Hongyao, Qianlong specially invited the famous poet Shen Deqian to teach him, there is such a master to be Hongyao's teacher, Hongyao natural learning has achieved success, became a polymath brother, it is said that Hongyao likes to collect books, his study is enough to rival the Mingshan Hall in Prince Yi's mansion.

In the fifteenth year of Qianlong, Hongyao was already eighteen years old, and Qianlong began to entrust this young brother with heavy responsibilities, allowing him to manage the Wuying Hall, the Eight Banners Guard Barracks of the Yuanmingyuan, the Imperial Library, and the Pharmacy. Four years later, Qianlong also let Hongyao also manage the office, which had both military power and fat difference, and Qianlong could say that he attached great importance to this younger brother.

It can be seen that since Hongyao was born, he has lived in the favor of everyone, and such a growth environment is not conducive to the shaping and cultivation of personality. Sure enough, when he grew up, Hongyao gradually became arrogant, and liked to accumulate money and behave indulgently.

For example, once, Qianlong asked Hongyao to go to Shengjing to deliver jade, but Hongyao went hunting first, and then went to Shengjing. Qianlong was very angry about this and reprimanded him, and Hongyao relied on the identity of the imperial brother, believing that the imperial brother would not do anything to him.

In the twenty-eighth year of Qianlong, Qianlong also found out that Hongyao was involved in the case of Gao Heng, the government of lianghuai, who sold ginseng for profit on behalf of the prince of Jingshi, and according to Qianlong's in-depth investigation, Hongyao had ordered officials from all over the country to buy python robes, imperial clothes, embroidery, antiques, and favors, and only gave them a small price. He was also an official of the imperial court, and Hongyao personally asked the military minister Arigun to choose, but Aligun did not agree.

This matter is more serious, which shows that Hongyao still has signs of interfering in the government, and on another occasion, the Yuanmingyuan where Qianlong lived, the Qing feast in Kyushu, where Qianlong lived, caught fire, and Hongyao's residence was the closest, but it came the latest, and when he arrived, he still giggled with all the brothers, and had no concern, and finally it was the fifth brother Yongqi who rescued Qianlong.

In addition, there was another time when Hongyao and his brother Hongzhi went to ask Empress Chongqing for peace, and actually knelt down to sit in the place where Qianlong once knelt, qianlong was very unhappy about this, and the anger suppressed in his heart finally broke out.

In September of the 28th year of Qianlong, Qianlong ordered that Hongyao be demoted from the king of the county to Baylor, dismissing Hongyao from all official positions and paying a fine of 10,000 taels of silver.

For the 56-year-old Yongzheng gave birth to a young son, she was flipped by Yongzheng, but the son was sent by Qianlong

What people did not expect was that since he was dismissed, Hongyao could not go out behind closed doors, and he could not afford to be ill. After Qianlong heard this, he personally visited Hongyao, and Hongyao prostrated his head to the imperial brother on the bed to apologize, and Qianlong was finally touched by the brotherhood and said: "I have slightly punished you because of your youth to change your temper, and I did not expect that you would be so seriously ill because of this." ”

Subsequently, Qianlong ordered the restoration of Hongyao's title of county king, but it was no longer helpful, and on the eighth day of March in the 30th year of Qianlong, Hongyao died of illness in the palace at the age of 33.

4. The favored concubine of the former emperor who ended up regretting it

After Liu Shi succeeded to the throne in Qianlong, his name was further improved, and he was honored as an imperial concubine. Moreover, seeing that his son Hongyao had received such great love from Qianlong, Liu Shi was naturally very happy in his heart.

But with the passage of time, or the exposure of Hongyao's various bad deeds, Liu Shi became more and more worried about this son.

It is said that on Liu's fiftieth birthday, Empress Chongqing had asked Hongyao to prepare rich gifts for her mother, but this rich but door-picking Hongyao did not prepare gifts for her mother on the grounds of not fighting with Gaozong for wealth.

Thirty years after Qianlong, Hongyao, who was punished by the imperial brother, died of depression, when Liu Shi was also plagued by illness, and the death of her son undoubtedly added a fire to her weak body, two years later, Liu Shi died of illness in the palace at the age of 54, Qianlong ordered him to quit the dynasty for three days, and at the end of this year he was buried in the Tailing Concubine Garden.

Zichen said:

In fact, with the origin of Concubine Liu, it was already a great blessing to be favored by Yongzheng, and she also gave birth to her young son, Hongyao, and received qianlong's incomparable favor, this kind of luck, even in the entire history of the Qing Dynasty, is relatively rare. The only thing that was lacking was that her son Hongyao was punished by Qianlong for personal qualities and eventually died prematurely.

References: Draft History of the Qing Dynasty, Records of Emperor Qing Shizong, Records of Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty

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