
Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

Beijing News (reporter Cheng Yalong) on January 5, Zhengzhou Zhongmu County patient Mr. Peng reported to the Beijing News reporter that in November 2017, he accidentally cut his left hand and went to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University (hereinafter referred to as "Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital") for surgery, and the charging records showed that 6 microvascular anastomosis devices were used in the operation, totaling 100,800 yuan, but X-rays showed that none of the 6 "non-degradable and absorbed" imported equipment did not exist in his body.

Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

▲ Mr. Peng's later X-ray photographs showed that there was not a single microvascular anastomosis device. Beijing News reporter Cheng Yalong photographed

A few days ago, the Beijing News reported that "9 patients of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital paid high equipment fees but were not used", and the patient's attending physician explained that because the blood vessels were not unobstructed after use operatively, the blood vessels were manually anastomated after cutting the equipment. The day after the report, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University responded that the doctor involved was suspended from his post for investigation. But so far, the hospital has not reported the results of the investigation.

High-priced medical equipment charging more than 100,000 yuan "disappeared"

On January 5, outside the door of Zhongmu County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mr. Peng, 26, took off the black gloves he had worn on his left hand for many years and showed the palm of his thumb, index finger and middle finger to the Beijing News reporter.

On November 18, 2017, Mr. Peng accidentally cut his left hand and was sent to ZhengDa First Affiliated Hospital for surgery after simple treatment by the county hospital. Hospitalization records show that Mr. Peng's left thumb, index finger, middle finger and ring finger are broken. The next day, Mr. Peng underwent "phalangeal fracture incision reduction and internal fixation + blood vessel, nerve and tendon anastomosis" under general anesthesia.

Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

▲Relevant surgical records. Beijing News reporter Cheng Yalong photographed

Mr. Peng said that the total cost of the materials he used on the day of the operation was 143,000 yuan, of which the highest proportion was the microvascular anastomosis device, a total of 6 were used, and the fee was 100,800 yuan. After the operation, when he took X-rays at the zhengda first affiliated hospital, he found that these expensive imported equipment did not exist in his body.

Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

▲Detailed list of relevant surgeries. Beijing News reporter Cheng Yalong photographed

A few days ago, after the Beijing News published the article "9 patients of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital paid high equipment fees but were not used, doctors: intraoperative dissolution is not applicable", Mr. Peng found that his attending physician at that time was the doctor involved in the report - Wang Fujian, deputy chief physician of the emergency surgery department of the hospital.

On January 5, Mr. Peng went to Zhongmu County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine again to take X-rays, showing that there were no microvascular anastomosis devices in his body. Previously, a number of medical industry practitioners and microvascular anastomosis device manufacturer staff said that the device "is composed of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and stainless steel needles, non-degradable, absorbable, and will be displayed on X-rays after use."

Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

▲Microvascular anastomosis device. Source: Agent's official website

Mr. Peng told the Beijing News reporter that in 2018, he sued Zheng Da First Affiliated Hospital for failed surgery, demanding compensation for medical expenses and refund of the cost of unused microvascular anastomosis devices. However, due to the inability to obtain the certificate of conformity and other information of the equipment at that time, the forensic evaluation institution failed to make a judgment on whether to use it, and the court did not support it in the end.

Surgical records do not reflect the equipment, forensic identification: defective

A judicial appraisal opinion issued by the Forensic Forensic Forensic Appraisal Center of Xi'an Jiaotong University provided by Mr. Peng to the Beijing News reporter in July 2018 shows that for the use of high-value consumables such as microvascular anastomosis devices, including parts, quantities, models, etc., the doctor should reflect it in the operation, but in Mr. Peng's operation, there is no relevant record in the medical record of the doctor's operation, and there are defects.

Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital's medical equipment was not used during surgery: Another patient said that more than 100,000 yuan of equipment was not in the body

▲Relevant judicial appraisal opinions (partial). Beijing News reporter Cheng Yalong photographed

The Beijing News reporter combed and found that only one of the 9 patients in the previous report had a surgical record that "the use of vascular anastomosis under the microscope using a vascular anastomosis device", and the other 8 people's surgical records did not mention that the anastomotic vessel used the equipment.

The Basic Specifications for The Writing of Medical Records (hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications") issued by the National Health Commission (formerly the Ministry of Health) in 2010 clearly pointed out that the surgical record refers to a special record written by the surgeon reflecting the general situation of the operation, the surgical process, the intraoperative discovery and treatment, etc., which should be completed within 24 hours after the operation. In exceptional cases, when written by the first assistant, it should be signed by the surgeon.

A deputy chief physician of a judicial appraisal center in Guangzhou, who is inconvenient to name, believes that although the "Specification" does not explicitly mention the equipment to be clearly recorded in the surgical record, the microvascular anastomosis device is, after all, a high-value consumable implanted in the patient's body, and according to clinical experience, he believes that it should be clearly defined in the surgical record.

The physician said that the complaint received by the reporter about the patient's surgery time was from 2016 to 2018, spanning up to three years, "If the previous statement that 'the blood vessels were cut after the anastomotic device was not passed for the patient' was still reasonable, then the patient's blood vessels were not smooth again and again, why did they continue to use the product?" It's incomprehensible. ”

Mr. Peng also questioned that the four fingers he had severed were anastomated sequentially during the operation, which lasted up to 12 hours. "Why did I use the anastomosis device once and the blood vessel did not pass, and I continued to use it?" With 6 anastomosis devices in a row, are the blood vessels not smooth? At present, he has consulted a lawyer and considered continuing to resolve the issue through legal means.

On January 6, the staff of the Publicity Office of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University said that the investigation of the doctor Wang Fujian was still ongoing, and a reply was given after the investigation was completed.

Proofread by Wu Xingfa

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