
After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

author:Blake talks about the past and the present
After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?
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After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

On May 12, 2008, Wenchuan, Sichuan Province suddenly shook the sky. At Guangya School in Dujiangyan City, a teacher named Fan Meizhong made a shocking decision to leave the students and escape alone.

The act quickly spread on the Internet, and the ironic nickname "Fan Ran Run" was born.

Why did Fan Meizhong, a top student in the history department of Peking University, abandon his duties at a critical moment? Is his choice reprehensible? This issue has sparked heated discussions across the country, and people have begun to think deeply about the relationship between the boundaries of teachers' responsibilities, the right to individual life and social moral norms.

A great debate about humanity, responsibility and morality has begun.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

On May 12, 2008, Fan Meizhong was explaining to students the technique of "dreaming" in "Dream of Red Mansions" at Guangya School in Dujiangyan City. A sudden earthquake interrupted his lessons.

When the classroom began to shake violently, Fan Meizhong's first reaction was to escape. Ignoring the students around him, he rushed straight to the stairs and ran to the football field.

This move quickly sparked huge controversy. When the other teachers and students were safely evacuated, the students asked him in confusion why he didn't run away with them. Fan Meizhong admitted that he was most afraid of death, just like the previous fire, he was always the first to escape.

This remark did not cause much repercussions at the time, and the students even laughed it off.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

However, when Fan Meizhong later published the article "The Mountains Shook at That Moment", the situation took a sharp turn. In the article, he openly admits that he is not a self-sacrificing hero, and only thinks about himself and those closest to him in life and death.

The remarks were like a bomb that caused an uproar on the Internet.

Public opinion has been criticizing Fan Meizhong in waves and waves. Many people think that his behavior is contrary to the teacher's morality, and some netizens even gave him the nickname "Fan Ran Ran".

Colleagues and parents of students expressed their displeasure and demanded that the school dismiss him. Under tremendous pressure, the Dujiangyan Municipal Education Bureau finally made a decision to revoke Fan Meizhong's teaching certificate.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

In the face of overwhelming criticism, Fan Meizhong did not choose to remain silent. He has repeatedly expressed his views through media platforms, insisting that teachers are not obliged to sacrifice their lives to save students.

He argues that "teacher" is just an over-glorified professional title and should not be asked to make sacrifices beyond the scope of duty.

Fan's words and deeds have triggered people to think deeply about the responsibilities of teachers. Proponents believe that his actions reflect the true side of human nature, and that everyone has an instinct for self-preservation in the face of danger.

Opponents argue that as a teacher, we should be more accountable to our students, and that Fan's actions are contrary to professional ethics.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

This controversy continues to ferment, and the discussion of the "Fan Ran Run" incident in the society continues to deepen. People are beginning to wonder: how should we balance personal survival and professional responsibility when faced with life and death decisions? Should teachers be asked to make sacrifices that go beyond the ordinary? There is no standard answer to these questions, but they have triggered a deep reflection on morality, responsibility and humanity in society.

Over time, while criticism still dominated, more and more people began to try to understand Fan's situation. This incident not only affected the trajectory of Fan Meizhong's life, but also left a topic worthy of long-term discussion in Chinese society.

Fan Meizhong was born in 1977 in a remote mountain village in Longchang County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province. This seemingly ordinary birthplace laid the groundwork for his future life trajectory.

In this family with extremely limited economic conditions, Fan Meizhong has shown a unique rebellious character since she was a child.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

The family environment had a profound impact on Fan Meizhong. His father was an avid drinker and often squandered the family's meagre income. Faced with this situation, the young Fan Meizhong dared to stand up and question his father's behavior.

However, what awaits him is often his father's fists and kicks and abuse. This experience allowed Fan Meizhong to gradually develop a sense of precaution and also cultivated his habit of questioning authority.

After entering the school, Fan Meizhong's rebellious spirit was further developed. Despite his poor academic performance, he always believed in his own judgment. He often ignores school discipline and leaves the school without permission to explore the outside world.

In his opinion, teachers are just reading from the textbook and lack real teaching ability.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

However, Fan Meizhong eventually realizes that only by reading books can he get out of the environment he hates. With his own efforts, he was successfully admitted to the Department of History of Peking University.

This place, known as the temple of learning, was supposed to be an ideal place for Fan Meizhong to pursue knowledge. However, the reality was very different from what he expected.

At Peking University, Fan Meizhong still maintains a skeptical and critical attitude. He quickly grew tired of the teachers' lectures and considered their views insignificant. Lacking motivation to study, he focused his energy on his areas of interest.

On the occasion of graduation, he even wrote an article entitled "Commenting on Mr. Zhu of the History Department of Peking University", mercilessly criticizing the teachers who made him dissatisfied.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

After entering the society, Fan Meizhong's job search road was not smooth. He used to teach at Shuguang Middle School in Zigong City, but he left in anger because his teaching philosophy was not in line with the school. After that, he traveled to many cities and tried various careers such as editor and writer, but he was not able to do so.

It wasn't until 2004 that he returned to Sichuan and entered the media industry.

This experience shaped Pham Mei Chung's unique values. He advocated liberalism, pursued the realization of personal values, and was critical of traditional ideas. He believes that everyone should have the right to choose their own way of life and that every decision should be treated fairly.

This thinking was fully reflected in his later words and deeds, and it also became an important background for his choices in the earthquake event.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

Fan Meizhong's upbringing explains to some extent his reaction in the face of crisis. His rebellious nature, his questioning of authority, and his quest for freedom all influenced his decision at that critical moment.

However, that doesn't mean he made the right choice. On the contrary, it provokes reflection on how the environment in which individuals grow up influences the formation of values, and it also shows us the important role of education in shaping personality.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, Fan Meizhong did not change his position due to the pressure of public opinion. Instead, he continued to defend himself through various media platforms, insisting that his actions were human.

He has participated in variety shows many times, expounding his views, saying that some of the content in "The Moment the Mountains Shake" is deliberately exaggerated, in order to explore human nature in the face of disasters and question the so-called "noble" and "promote sacrifice" values.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

However, with the passage of time, we can also observe subtle changes in Fan Meizhong's thoughts and attitudes. In the early spring of 2015, he submitted his resignation to Guangya School.

Behind this decision is a deep reflection on his past behavior. After leaving school, Fan Meizhong began to devote himself to the study of medieval philosophy, especially the ideas of the Zhuangzi, trying to find inner peace in traditional culture.

During this period, Fan Meizhong's attitude became more gentle. Instead of vehemently defending himself, he began to listen to others. In an interview, he even hinted at some remorse for his past words and actions.

This transformation shows his inner growth and rethinking the value of life.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

Fan's transformation did not happen overnight. After years of controversy and reflection, he gradually realized that his former statements may have been too extreme. Although he still insisted on his right to self-protection in times of crisis, he also began to understand what society expected of his teacher's duties.

This shift in thinking is also reflected in his new venture. Rather than give up on education, Pham founded a new type of school with like-minded partners.

The philosophy of this school is to provide an alternative for students who are tired of the traditional educational model. Here, Fan Meizhong continues to use his love of literature to inspire students' thinking by telling about it.

At the same time, Fan Meizhong also began to use online platforms to spread his own educational philosophy. He selects content from a vast collection of ancient texts to provide students of all ages with a depth and breadth of literature courses.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

Although the audience may not be much, he is content with the current state of life.

Fan Meizhong's experience tells us that people will grow. Even after experiencing great controversy and criticism, he was still able to reflect on himself, adjust his perspective, and find a new direction in life.

His transformation is not only a personal growth, but also a model for society to think about: how we should look at the mistakes of the past, and how we should find the motivation to move forward in reflection.

In 2015, an apologetic open letter attracted a lot of attention online. The author of this letter is the well-known journalist Wu Congling, and the recipient of the letter is the once controversial "Fan Ranran" - Fan Meizhong.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

This apology letter marks a major shift in society's attitude towards the "Fan Run Run" incident.

Over time, people began to look at the incident in a more rational and inclusive light. Although most people still disagreed with Fan's approach, they began to try to understand his situation and state of mind at the time.

Public opinion has gradually shifted from simple condemnation to multi-angle thinking.

This change in attitudes reflects society's growing awareness of the complexity of human nature. It is realized that in extreme cases, everyone's reaction can be different.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

The discussion triggered by the "Fan Ran Run" incident has prompted people to think more deeply about the boundaries of teachers' responsibilities and the balance between the right to individual survival and social moral standards.

At the same time, this transformation also reflects the maturity of society. People are beginning to understand that simple moral criticism will not solve the problem, and that we need to face complex social issues with a more open and inclusive mind.

Fan's experience serves as a mirror that reflects the multifaceted nature of human nature and the complexity of social and moral judgment.

Today, Fan Meizhong has returned to education, but in a completely new way. Together with like-minded partners, he transformed an abandoned farmhouse into a unique open school.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

There are no fixed textbooks and the pressure of the gaokao, providing an alternative for students who are tired of the traditional education model.

At this school, Fan Meizhong remained passionate about teaching literature. He carefully selects the best of ancient books and classics to bring depth and breadth to students of all ages.

Even though there are not many listeners, he enjoys it and is content with the current state of life.

Although the "Fan Ran Run" incident is history, the discussion it sparked continues. This incident prompted deep reflection on the complex relationship between the duties of teachers, individual rights and social morality.

After the Wenchuan earthquake, the teacher "Fan Ran Run", who abandoned the students to run first, was exposed on the Internet?

It reminds us that there are more factors to consider when judging the actions of others, to be rational and empathetic.

At the same time, this event also makes us re-examine the role of heroism and individualism in modern society. It provides a new direction for moral education, and makes us realize that moral education should not stop at simple judgment of right and wrong, but should cultivate students' judgment ability in the face of complex moral dilemmas.

Fan Meizhong's story, from controversy to reflection and then to a new start, shows us how a person can grow up in the criticism of society and find a new direction in life through reflection.

This process is not only the transformation of the individual, but also the progress of the whole society in terms of moral cognition.

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