
The world's largest hospital "massive recruitment": recruit 400 doctors, come to the interview to give 2000 yuan!

Absorbing high-level talents is the only way for hospitals to overtake in curves.

"The world's largest hospital is hiring again!"

On the first day of the new year, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University released the "2022 Open Recruitment Of Staff (Doctor) Plan for the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University" (hereinafter referred to as the "Recruitment Plan"). In addition to mentioning the hard indicator of requiring a doctorate, the "Recruitment Plan" also provides favorable interview conditions for doctors who come to apply.

The "Recruitment Plan" proposes that candidates (except graduates of Zheng University and online applicants) will be subsidized by 2,000 yuan per person during the application period, and reimbursed for round-trip travel expenses once (aircraft economy class, high-speed rail second-class seat or hard sleeper and the following standards, valid from the beginning of registration to the end of the interview), the hospital will provide working meals on the day of the interview. After the interview, go to the hospital finance office with a valid bill to receive the subsidy and round-trip travel expenses.

The world's largest hospital "massive recruitment": recruit 400 doctors, come to the interview to give 2000 yuan!

Subsidy wars

Only the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital persisted to the end

Come to the interview to give 2000, but also reimburse the round-trip travel expenses!

In fact, in order to attract talents, the Zheng University First Affiliated Hospital has been issuing "benefits" to candidates for many years. At the end of December 2015, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University issued the "2016 Recruitment announcement for master's and doctoral students". That time coincided with the eve of the opening of the Zhengdong Branch of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University, and the hospital recruited 680 masters and doctors in one go. At that time, the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University gave the condition that "regardless of whether the application is successful or not, as long as you come to the scene, you will subsidize 2,000 yuan per person and reimburse a round-trip travel fee (except for graduates of Zhengzhou University)". (In this heartache, the friends of Zhengda University are 20 seconds)

A doctor from the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University told the "think tank of the medical community" that this year's large-scale recruitment may be related to the formation of a "1 hospital and 4 district pattern" last year. After the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengda University took over the former Henan Provincial Hospital last year, some doctors with postgraduate degrees or less and nursing staff with bachelor's degrees or younger were transferred to their posts. This year, we need to add some highly educated talents.

Interestingly, from 2016 to 2017, medical institutions in Henan Province once set off a round of "subsidy frenzy".

The above screenshot comes from the official website of Henan Provincial People's Hospital

For example, at the end of December 2016, the Henan Provincial People's Hospital issued the "2017 Annual Recruitment Announcement", which clearly stated that the 2017 doctoral students (institutions outside Henan Province) who came to apply for employment were each subsidized by 3,000 yuan, and the 2017 master's students (institutions outside Henan Province) were each subsidized by 2,500 yuan.

Even medical schools are not far behind, in 2016, Xinxiang Medical College released the "2017 High-level Talent Recruitment" clearly pointed out that all doctors (after) who come to the school for interview will provide 3,000 yuan of transportation subsidies per person.

That is to say, if you are a medical doctor who graduated in 2017, as long as you apply for a job in various medical institutions in Henan Province, even if you do not work in these hospitals, you can also receive at least tens of thousands of interview fees.

In the subsidy year of 2017, the "subsidy fee" of many hospitals was higher than that of the first affiliated hospital of Zheng University. However, these hospitals did not persist, and in the latest recruitment announcements of many hospitals, the relevant provisions of the interview subsidy have disappeared.

Only the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University has never changed since the end of 2015, as long as it is a large-scale recruitment announcement, it is indispensable to 2,000 yuan subsidies, as well as the content of reimbursement of transportation costs, and the original intention has not changed for many years, and it has been consistent.

Both administration and nursing require a doctorate

Absorb talents to promote the comprehensive development of hospitals

In the 2022 "Recruitment Plan", there is a significant change, that is, in addition to clinical related departments, administrative positions such as case management, finance and even nursing positions require doctoral degrees.

The "Medical Think Tank" combed through the recruitment plan of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University in recent years and found that it has the following characteristics:

Administrative positions such as the Publicity Office and the Finance Office require a doctorate.

Explicit rejection of the "exclusive promotion".

In previous years, the "limited to 985/211" for graduating colleges and universities has been relaxed this year.

Since the hospital issued a recruitment announcement in 2018, it has stopped the large-scale recruitment of master's degree students.

The high requirements of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital, in addition to its rapid development of the thirst for talents (the top 20 chinese hospital rankings, a number of specialty rankings in the forefront of central China hospitals), its advantageous treatment in the industry is also an important reason for attracting talents.

In the "List of The Best Employers of Chinese Medical Institutions" released every year, ZhengDa First Affiliated Hospital has repeatedly ranked in the top 10 of the "Best Employers of Chinese Medical Institutions Salary and Welfare List". The superior treatment and development conditions in the industry naturally help hospitals to occupy a dominant position in the competition to attract talents.

Kan Quanquan, former party secretary and president of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital, also admitted in an interview with the media that our medical and nursing income is "definitely much higher than other hospitals."

If the hospital wants to develop, the core is talent. Under the promotion of the "talent first" strategy of zhengda first affiliated hospital for many years, the hospital has made a number of diagnosis and treatment and academic achievements.

The world's largest hospital "massive recruitment": recruit 400 doctors, come to the interview to give 2000 yuan!

Source: The official website of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University

In the 2020 Comprehensive Ranking and Discipline Ranking of Chinese Hospital Science and Technology Quantity (STEM) released by the Institute of Medical Information of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the comprehensive ranking of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital was raised to twenty-first place, an improvement of two places over the previous year, among the 31 disciplines listed in the list, 18 disciplines of Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital entered the top 20, of which 6 disciplines entered the top 10.

Since its establishment, the postdoctoral research station of clinical medicine of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zheng University has undertaken 224 projects and published 482 papers in core journals.

Driven by the introduction of high-end talents and the emphasis on scientific research, high-end diagnosis and treatment technology has also been significantly improved in the past two years.

The hospital's "intra-brain transplantation of neural precursor cells based on matching human embryonic stem cells" was successfully implemented to fill the international gap.

The application of single-cell SNP microarray technology for preimplantation genetics diagnosis IVF birth, the application of in vitro activation of dormant follicles and ovarian tissue autograft technology to treat the birth of premature ovarian failure IVF, Huntington's disease using "nuclear mapping and SNP chip" combined diagnostic technology for preimplantation genetic diagnosis "double core IVF baby" birth, homozygotic double body donor liver liver transplantation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy offspring genetic blockade and so on to fill the international and domestic gaps.

There are more than 6,000 cases of kidney biopsy and renal pathology, ranking first in domestic hospitals.

The number of pediatric kidney transplant cases ranked first in domestic hospitals for five consecutive years.


There are only a few hundred MDs each year

It is urgent to accelerate the training of local doctors

From the national hospital rankings, it can also be seen that the zheng university first affiliated hospital has made great strides forward.

In the latest 2020 Fudan edition of the "China Hospital Rankings" released in November 2021, Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital ranked 19th in the country. From 100th to 19th, in just 9 years, ZhengDa First Affiliated Hospital has risen by 81 places in the national ranking.

Zhengda First Affiliated Hospital has long been ridiculed as "the world's largest township health center", the meaning is very clear, that is, it is a major illness and small diseases are received, which is not conducive to graded diagnosis and treatment.

In the face of the pressure of public opinion, the then dean Kan Kan had firmly explained his concept of "first becoming bigger and then stronger":

Why didn't the hospital develop in the past? One is that there is no money to buy equipment, the second is that there is no ability to introduce talents, and the third is that there is no ability to establish a good scientific research platform. In the long run, it will fall into a vicious circle, never catching up with the hospitals in Shanghai and Beijing, and always being at the third-rate level. Therefore, if the hospital does not make it bigger, it will never be strong. If our medical technology is not done well, 100 million people in Henan will have to go to other provinces to see a doctor. In the past, many neurosurgery patients in Henan went to Beijing, and now they can solve the problem without leaving Henan, which is also the main reason why we want to be bigger and stronger.

In recent years, Henan Top 3 Hospital has developed rapidly and the effect is obvious. According to the statistics of the National Health Commission, as early as 2018, the external transfer rate of patients in Henan Province has dropped to about 5%, and the results are remarkable. In 2017, the figure was still 20%.

Medical institutions are competing to recruit talents, and they are also storing strength and reserve talents for their next development. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Henan Provincial Health Commission introduced that the construction and training of the talent research team is also the most powerful backing for the development of a hospital. Therefore, at the critical moment, the leading hospitals have recruited talents one after another, which is a good thing for the improvement and development of the comprehensive strength of medical and health care in Henan Province.

"It is urgent to accelerate the training of local doctors and existing doctors." Some insiders have analyzed that a closer look at the recruitment notices of many hospitals will find that it is mainly around the attraction of senior talents such as doctors. From another level, it can also be seen that at present, there is a shortage of senior medical talents in Henan Province, and can only throw olive branches outward.

The industry insider said that at present, there are only a few hundred clinical medical doctors trained in Henan Province every year, while Guangzhou is about 3,000 a year, Beijing has almost 4,000, and Shanghai is also about 3,000. In addition to the first-tier cities, Henan Province and the second-tier cities, compared with the second-tier cities, there is also a gap, Hubei Wuhan trains 1000-1500 clinical doctors every year, Sichuan Chengdu and Hunan Changsha are more than 1000.

Taking the Department of Neurosurgery in a top three hospital in Henan Province as an example, there are 10 doctors, of which 5 are from medical colleges in Wuhan, 3 are from medical colleges in Sichuan, and two are from Guangzhou and Xi'an. "The academic level, universities, and comprehensive strength of a region are closely related to the cultivation of senior talents." According to the relevant person in charge of the Henan Provincial Health Commission, accelerating the cultivation of senior medical talents in Henan has also played a positive role in promoting the development of large hospitals.

Source: Medical Community Think Tank

Editor-in-charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreader: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao

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