
Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

What is history: it is the echo of the past to the future, the reflection of the future on the past. - Hugo

War and peace, martial and beautiful, arrogant and courteous, dull and fickle, tame and stubborn, loyal and rebellious, brave and cowardly, conservative and new. This is also the basic core of Japanese culture "kiku" and "sword".

Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

"Chrysanthemum and the Knife" was created in the context of World War II, the author Ruth Benedict from the Japanese children's parenting customs to deeply analyze the Japanese character, in the traditional concept, the Japanese people consider themselves to be "debtors", this debt is both the "grace" of the parents, but also the emperor gave the "imperial grace", unconsciously, this consciousness, contributed to the spirit of killing Bushido.

For Japanese culture, civilization we know less, interested in Japanese culture can read "Chrysanthemum and Sword", for the height of the Japanese, we know less, in our concept, the Japanese are particularly short, ancient China even gave Japan a "slave country".

Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

The "Book of Han and Geographical Chronicle" contains: There are dwarves in the Lelang Sea, divided into more than a hundred countries, and they are dedicated to the age. The dwarves mentioned here are the Japanese who live in the Japanese archipelago, who admire the civilization of the Han Dynasty and send envoys to the Han Dynasty, and the Han Guangwu Emperor also specially gave the seal of "King of han Wunu".

The Japanese are located on the island, food is scarce, which also causes height growth disorders, known as one of the "Three Masters of the Sengoku", Toyotomi Hideyoshi, almost the same all of Japan, and his height is only 1.40 meters, the other Tokugawa Ieyasu, the height reached 1.56 meters, he is known as the "mighty man", Oda Nobunaga, height 1.69 meters, so he got the reputation of "towering giant".

Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

Seeing this, many people think it is unlikely, and the Japanese army in the TV series is quite tall! After all, TV dramas are TV series, and watching the Tokugawa Ieyasu armor left behind in japan during the Sengoku period can also speculate how tall he really is.

Although short, but the Japanese combat is indeed very terrible, the Japanese design of the longbow, higher than the human, but shot, either dead or wounded, the Ming Dynasty general Qi Jiguang recorded in the "New Book of Ji Xiao": the arrows are heavy, the bows are strong, and the hair is not far away. If you do not lightly hair, you will be in the middle of the people, and those who are in the middle will be killed, so the people will fear it.

Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

During the Second World War, the Japanese, who were only one meter and five meters, had a very strong ability to fight individually, and the large knives of the Chinese army suffered a lot of losses in the hands of the Japanese, and it can be seen from these old photos that the Japanese were very short, although they did not look so fierce, they committed numerous crimes in China.

However, after the Second World War, the height of japanese people "by leaps and bounds" increased, in 2017, the Central China Normal School collected the overall height of Chinese and Japanese children and teenagers in 2016, and the height of the two countries has not been much different, so how does Japan shorten this gap?

Since World War II, Japan has spent more than 10 years of economic depression, in 1955 the Japanese economy began to recover, in 1968 Japan's GDP surpassed West Germany, becoming the second largest economy after the United States, in order to cultivate talents, Japan attaches great importance to education, learning pressure to reduce burden, provide nutritious breakfast.

Japan also promulgated the "School Feeding Law", their breakfast is very rich, milk, eggs, pasta are complete, not only that, the Japanese diet is also relatively special, they do not eat a meal is not particularly much, but nutrition can keep up, rice balls are the most eaten, as well as hand rolls, tempura, meat cakes, ramen, sushi, fish... Due to various factors, the height of Japanese children naturally goes up.

Were the Japanese 1 meter 5 during the War of Resistance?

Children are the flowers of the motherland, do not let children grow into '"piranha flowers", before the war in Japan, the education of male children has two sides, on the one hand, they can vent their naughtiness at will, after the age of six or seven, they will be disciplined and trained, so the Japanese have a very contradictory personality.

"Chrysanthemum and knife" in the "chrysanthemum" is the symbol of the Japanese imperial family, "sword" is the embodiment of the spirit of Japanese Bushido, they can enjoy the cherry blossoms, but also with a knife to carry out cruel killing or suicide, in 1990 China also published this book, unexpectedly on the best-seller list, for us living in peacetime, this book is able to let us understand that period of history.

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