
Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

Cake roasted two-color, also known as cake roast sweet potato taro. The raw materials are golden sweet potatoes and silver-white sweet potatoes, so they are also called golden jade (silver) mantang. And "cake roasting" is a common cooking method for cooking desserts in Chaoshi cuisine, somewhat similar to the northern silk pulling. Cake roasted sweet potato taro wrapped in transparent and thick syrup, bite into the fragrant toughness, sweet and nourishing honey to the bottom of the heart.

By Vegetable Food Diary 【Official Certified Master of Bean Fruit Cuisine】


Taro 200g

Sweet potato 150g

Yam (optional) 150g

Caster sugar 100g

Water 100g

3 tbsp cooking oil

1 chives

Cooked sesame seeds with a little

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

1: Peel taro, sweet potato and yam and cut into large pieces

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

2, pour cooking oil into the pot before the bottom of the pot, cook until 50% hot, put in taro, sweet potato, yam in batches · Change the traditional frying to less frying, a good pot is more fuel-efficient, delicious and healthy

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

3: Fry until golden brown on each side and fry until three or four are ripe

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

4, fried taro, sweet potato, yam, add 100g of fine sugar marinated for more than 2 hours, overnight best, sugar stain until the sugar melts

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

5: Pour the pickled taro sweet potatoes into the pot, add 100g of water and bring to a boil on high heat · Stir-fried syrup is also easy to stick to the pan, it is recommended to use a pot with good non-stick performance, otherwise the product is not beautiful

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

6: Turn the heat to low and cook for 10-15 minutes, turn the dough halfway through, simmer until the taro can be easily inserted into the chopsticks, the sugar is thin and viscous, and put out

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

7、 Add 3 tbsp cooking oil to the pot, add green onion/green onion and fry until fragrant · Shallot oil can add flavor, but it can also be omitted if it feels greasy

Cake grilled two-color | Sweet and fragrant

8: Drizzle on the freshly cooked sweet potatoes and sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds


Based on the original recipe, I reduced the amount of sugar and oil used and adjusted it to a good ratio. It is not only in line with the taste of modern people eating sweet, but also preserves the unique Chaoshan characteristics.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of taro</h2>

Taro ganxin, flat, small poison, attribution to the intestine, stomach meridian; has the effect of stomach, wide intestine, laxative, detoxification, tonic and beneficial liver and kidney, swelling and pain relief, stomach and spleen, loose knots, regulation of qi, phlegm, sperm and marrow, etc.; mainly for the treatment of lumps, sputum nuclei, fistula, constipation and other diseases.

1. Enhance immunity

It can enhance the immune function of the human body, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on radiation chemotherapy and rehabilitation after cancer surgery.

2. Clean teeth and prevent caries

The content of fluoride is high, so taro has the effect of cleaning teeth and preventing caries and protecting teeth.

3. Detoxification and cancer prevention

Taro contains a mucus protein, which can produce immunoglobulins after being absorbed by the human body, improve the body's resistance, so taro can be detoxified, inhibiting the body's cancer poison, and can be used to prevent and treat diseases such as tumors.

4. Beauty black hair

Taro is an alkaline food, which can neutralize the acidic substances accumulated in the body, coordinate the acid-base balance of the human body, achieve the effect of beauty and beauty, dark hair, and can also be used to prevent and treat excessive stomach acid.

5. Replenish the qi

Taro is rich in mucus saponin and a variety of trace elements, which can help the body correct the physiological abnormalities caused by the lack of trace elements, and at the same time can enhance appetite and help digestion, so Chinese medicine believes that taro can supplement the qi.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to taro</h2>

Taro should not be eaten with bananas.

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