
Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91


He is one of the greatest film actors in Chinese history.

He is a film artist who has made outstanding contributions to the country and has been recognized by the state.

Mr. Lao She personally wrote the award speech of "Hundred Flowers and Prosperous Flowers, Sparks in the Plain" for him, and Premier Zhou Enlai also received him.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

can be such an actor who is glamorous on the screen and highly respected in his peers.

In the eyes of her daughters, she is a "Chen Shimei" who "abandons his wife and children", and he is a "shameless old thing".

In his later years, he was swept out of the house by his daughters, slept in a bridge hole with his remarried wife, lived in a bathhouse, and even attended the funeral.

And the reason why he has such an experience, is it his own doing, or is his daughters "wolf-hearted" and "ungrateful"?

What did his widow say that moved many people?

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

On the orders of his parents, he married his wife Chen Qian

Compared with Zhong Xinghuo's career as an actor, what came earlier should be his marriage to Chen Qian.

In fact, the name Zhong Xinghuo is not his real name, but his stage name, and his real name is probably unknown to his parents.

Because he was given to the Zhao family by his parents, he was later named Zhao Jinsheng by the Zhao family, which was his first name.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

Zhong Xinghuo is a person who knows gratitude, and he has always kept the kindness of his adoptive parents in his heart.

Later, after he went to school, he developed a strong interest in theatrical performances.

In addition, people in that era liked martial arts novels very much, and it was very common to change names.

Zhong Xinghuo is no exception, and therefore has the name "Zhao Xiasheng".

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

When he became a top student in the Department of Literature and Art.

His name was changed to "Zhong Xinghuo" again, and he wanted to tell himself all the time that he wanted to exert his light and heat for the masses.

In the time since, Zhong Xinghuo has been working hard for this goal.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

When he was assigned to the cotton factory, he almost felt that his dream of being an actor would never have a chance to come true, but fortunately he was a lucky person.

It didn't take long for him to enter Shanghai Film Studio, officially become a film actor, and began his brilliant career as an actor.

Marriage first and love later, very affectionate

And all of this, among which his wife Chen Qian is inseparable.

Although they are arranged by their parents, Chen Qian is from a large family, well-known and understanding.

After marriage, the two gradually developed affection for each other in getting along, and their days were dull and happy, which can be regarded as a typical love after marriage.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

Zhong Xinghuo's dream of being an actor did not end with marriage, but became more and more obsessed.

Chen Qian knew his dream, not only did not stop it, but supported it very much.

Even if the money he paid to watch a movie was half a month's salary, she never said much.

Even if he has been running for nearly 10 years, she still has no regrets.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

With the birth of three daughters one after another, the pressure on Zhong Xinghuo is also increasing, and he can only keep filming outside to make money.

Although the number of times he went home was very small, most of the money earned from filming was sent to his family.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

For many years, Zhong Xinghuo has been responsible for making money by filming outside, and Chen Qian has been responsible for taking care of her three daughters at home.

But as Zhong Xinghuo's actor road is getting farther and farther, his relationship with his daughters is getting worse and worse.

Brilliant path to the actor

In fact, Zhong Xinghuo's actor road was not smooth sailing from the beginning, and at the beginning he made a lot of jokes because he didn't know how to film.

Fortunately, he is a hard-working and hard-working person, and he has been learning behind the actor's butt, and slowly has his own feelings.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

has received more and more movies, and the selection of roles has become more and more diverse, and he has also made a name for himself in comedy movies.

As a result, when he walked on the street, he could be called by the character name "Old Ma Ma Tianmin".

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

This also made Zhong Xinghuo more recognized and proud of his identity as an actor.

After that, he also brought a lot of popular works to everyone, and his popularity is increasing day by day, and even Premier Zhou Enlai has received him, which makes him even more excited.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

But with that came the turning point.

The resentment of the daughters

When Zhong Xinghuo was running on the set for his career and family, the three daughters could only see their father for a long time.

Although the mother would speak for the father, the three daughters could not accept the absence of the father in their lives.

Because whenever they see their mothers suffering at home, their fathers are not at home.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

When they were ridiculed by the people around them, saying that they were fatherless children, that their father disliked the three of them as daughters, their father was still not at home.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

When that turbulent era came, when they and their mother were abused by the people around them because of the so-called professional wandering of their father, their father was still not at home, and they had not even seen their father for a year or two.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

When the father rarely came home, they also did not come forward to talk to the father because they were not familiar with him.

Even treated him like a stranger.

But what was most difficult for them to accept was that when their mother died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage at home, their father was late three days later.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

So when the three sisters saw their father, their attitude towards him was not friendly at all.

even blamed him, blaming him for the misfortune of his mother's life, and even felt that he killed his mother.

Faced with the accusations of his three daughters, Zhong Xinghuo had no way to defend himself, so he could only bear the anger of his daughters, and then silently shed tears next to him.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

But his miserable life had only just begun.

After the death of his wife, Zhong Xinghuo once found it difficult to accept.

Later, with the help of friends, he met a divorced nurse named Zhu Yunyi.

When the two planned to get married, they were blocked by their three daughters, and even scolded the two of them.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

Later, after learning the news that the two had received their certificates, they directly swept the two out of the house.

He even criticized the behavior of the two in Shanghai newspapers, forcing them to sleep under the bridge and in the bathhouse.

But even so, the three daughters still did not let them go.

As long as they know where they are staying, they will rush over and scold people, resulting in the old couple still having no fixed place to live in their old age, and their lives are very poor.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

Zhu Yunyi also tried to talk to Zhong Xinghuo's three daughters, but every time she ended up being scolded, and once she was almost beaten, plus the "Democracy and Legal System" program team mediated from it, and the three daughters all stopped.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

And Zhu Yunyi also lived in the house arranged by the leader with Zhong Xinghuo, and the two have been relying on each other since then.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

By the time Zhong Xinghuo died, his three daughters had not appeared. Zhong Xinghuo didn't get his daughters' forgiveness until he died.

This is the regret of his life, and he left with this regret.


Zhong Xinghuo has been conscientious in his life, and he is conscientious to the country and the cause, and he is worthy of the praise of Mr. Lao She.

Until the age of 90, he was still filming, and he was a respected actor senior.

Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91

But for his family, he owes a lot, although he went out to film to support his family, but he is indeed indebted to his daughters' childhood.

The words of his widow many years later also showed that his love was unspoken.

"You don't know how much he loves you, my mother is hard, but he also holds up the beams of the house for you."

Regret it or not, after all, you missed it.

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Old drama bone Zhong Xinghuo: I had no relationship with family in my life, was abandoned by my parents and children, and died with regrets at the age of 91
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