
Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

I don't know when it began, aging seems to no longer become an advantage, but instead become a person's barrier to accepting new things.

In the past, when a person entered the stage of middle age, he would be said to have qualifications, experience, maturity and stability.

Now, with the development of the digital age, more and more people have begun to be disconnected from the times with age, they are more and more unable to keep up with the development of new things, and age has become an increasingly transgressive digital divide.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, when a person reaches the age of about fifty years old, his life has been pressed the pause button, and from now on it will be a stage for young people, and those vigorous vitality cannot be made up by themselves no matter what.

However, the growth of things will never stop at a certain point in time, on the contrary, as long as you are willing to work hard, no matter what stage you are in, you will emit a different brilliance.

Therefore, this article is written for the post-70s of Ben Five, in fact, when people reach fifty, life really begins.

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

Thirty and standing, forty without confusion, fifty and knowing the Destiny

01), Qi Baishi is a famous master of Chinese painting in China, but his fame was not started early on, but through the efforts of the day after tomorrow, it was a great instrument.

In the early years, Qi Baishi made a living from painting, and later worshiped Hu Qinyuan as a teacher, with his help, Qi Baishi broke away from the carpentry life and began to study painting specifically, and it was also from this time that Qi Baishi made portraits for people and supported his family by selling paintings.

At this time, Qi Baishi was not yet famous, and when Chen Shi had appeared, Qi Baishi knew that his opportunity had come, at this time Qi Baishi had reached the age of knowing the destiny of heaven, he was older than Chen Shizeng, but Qi Baishi did not have any shelf of relying on the old and selling the old, and was still willing to put on the most sincere and humble posture to consult the other party.

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

02), Qi Baishi's sincerity won the recognition of Chen Shizeng, and at an exhibition of Dongying held by the other party, Qi Baishi went from obscurity to a world-renowned master.

Qi Baishi's fame only began when he was fifty years old, in our opinion, this is a late success, but in the first fifty years, Qi Baishi never thought of giving up, he has been working hard, he knows that thick accumulation, not singing, is already a hit.

In real life, there are always people who complain that they were not born at the right time, complain that they are pregnant, and feel that they have no cure for their fifties, in fact, these people died as early as twenty or thirty years old, and the rest of their lives after that are just spent imitating themselves.

There is nothing difficult in the world, but I am afraid of people with hearts, as long as we are willing to work hard, even at the age of fifty, we can still emit a different brilliance.

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

Life doesn't get pressed the pause button because of age

Beihai grandpa on douyin is a well-known elderly Internet celebrity, although he has a haircut in the video, he dresses himself meticulously every day, insists on fitness, skin care, and will try to understand new things when he has time, and the appearance of Beihai grandpa makes a group of post-90s netizens sigh that they are not as exquisite as him.

Some people use age as an excuse and refuse to jump out of the comfort zone;

Some people only regard age as a number, and are happy to accept new things no matter what.

The gap between people and people is reflected in such a situation.

Yang Lan once said: "In the face of an ever-changing world, we must have the ability to adjust ourselves and continuously learn. If you are always solidified in a circle, life will lack a lot of fun and will lose a lot of opportunities. ”

Age should never be a shackle, the body and soul must always have a way forward, so that even if it is sixty, even if it is a rare year, we will still make our lives full.

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

All the sparkle comes from accepting aging with ease

With age, our physical function deteriorates, memory is not as good as before, what we want to say in the last second, the next year will forget, walk a few flights of stairs will be breathless, so some people will panic about aging, panic will be endless numbness after panic, and even a compromise of fate, get by.

However, when we choose to face the rest of our lives with such a mentality, we are doomed to our evening scenery to be desolate and our lives to be mediocre.

Because people's mentality will determine a person's ending, the mentality changes, the way of thinking will change, the way of thinking will change, the pattern will change, the pattern will change, the ending will change, this is a benign closed-loop system.

Professor Wang Fangfang of Peking University Medical College once said: "Young people do not necessarily live longer than the elderly, and taking every day as the last day is also an education of life outlook." ”

Only when we correctly accept the fact of aging can we work harder to live every day now. ”

Written to Ben Five's post-70s: When people reach fifty, life really begins

Happy is a day, unhappy is also a day, days always have to pass, why because of the mentality and mud difference? When we can accept aging calmly, our lives will shine brightly.

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