
After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

Germans: Aren't all of you Soviets strictly disciplined? Why is it so brutal?

Soviet: I know the people you are talking about, but they are dead!

Fight against the demons of the demons

Germany could not see it, and at this time there were two choices in front of Germany, either to be attacked by the Soviet Union or by the Anglo-French coalition.

How to think is a death, but Germany has its own little nine-nine, no matter what, to resist the pressure of the Soviet Union, as far as possible to the British United States and other countries surrender, why? Because the Soviet Union and Germany are already feuding.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

This completely infuriated the Soviet Union, so much so that after the end of the Yalta Conference, the Soviet military commanders decided directly that they must attack Berlin in all directions through a fast and fierce offensive, and race against time as fast as possible.

Thus began a fierce war, commanded by Zhukov, who led two armed groups, and who directly indicated the war: an attack without casualties!!!

The weight of this sentence is self-evident, but with the unusually tenacious resistance of the German army, the attack regardless of casualties has also slowly appeared.

So Zhukov directly changed his strategy and tactics, directly ordering in narrow alleys or some difficult to break through stalls: rocket launchers, tanks directly explode, just like this, street by street, house by house.

All the troops were divided into two, and during the day your group was responsible for the advance, and at night another group of troops came up and continued to attack forward, in short, without giving the Germans any respite.

In just 16 days, the Soviets directly attacked Berlin and completely took Germany, so what did the Soviet Union do from then on?

Point 1: Refusal to negotiate must be unconditional surrender.

After Dönitz accepted his post, in the face of an increasingly tight encirclement, he found Zhukov and told him: Can we stop negotiating first, Zhukov directly told him that if he could not do it, he could only surrender unconditionally and not negotiate.

Zhukov said: I hope to surrender after 10 minutes, otherwise I will be annihilated on the spot.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

Point 2: Countless German women have suffered.

The Soviet army had already killed the red eye, but the enemy's bones were too soft and directly surrendered, and at this time, the anger in the stomach of the Soviet army had nowhere to vent, and it glanced at the German woman.

So a three-month insult to German women was vividly displayed in the Soviet army. This happens almost anywhere in Berlin, and the strange thing is that no one is stopping it.

Point 3, a complete mess.

During this short period of time, a large number of German soldiers were directly imprisoned in prisoner-of-war camps, and the Soviet soldiers vented their anger again and again on ordinary German soldiers, ordinary people, and women.

Some of this data cannot be counted at all, and in fact no one is counting, because at this time Germany, the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union are busy with one more important thing, that is, signing the surrender agreement.

The chaos, which lasted for three months, slowly began to converge after Zhukov decided to strictly enforce military discipline, and the whole of Germany returned to its original appearance.

If we just look at this period of history, as if Germany is the victim and the Soviet Union is the devil, is this really the case? No, in fact the Soviets only told Germany in fact that the blood debt was to be paid in blood.

So how did Germany offend the Soviet Union, and how much disaster did it bring to the Soviet Union, causing the Soviet Union's hatred of Germany to rise to the extreme?

First, the Germans took the initiative to tear up the Soviet-German non-aggression pact

In the process of Germany's endless territorial expansion, Britain and France had already realized the danger, but at this time Britain and France did not dare to be arbitrarily involved in the war.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

After all, after experiencing the First World War, Britain and France have been tossed enough, and if there is another war, it will be a big trouble.

What to do? If the war is led to the east, it is best to let Germany and the Soviet Union die, and it will be very good for themselves. However, I did not expect that the Soviet side would oppose the British and French armies and directly sign a Soviet-German non-aggression pact with Germany. The outbreak of the Soviet-German war directly meant the invalidity of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact.

So on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany directly tore up the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, including but not limited to Hungary, Finland, Romania and many other vassal countries and German troops, they launched a protracted war, which we call the Barbarossa Plan.

This sentence directly led to nearly 5.5 million people, 47,000 cannons, 4,900 aircraft and other weapons, from the north, south, and the center of the three different directions to carry out a surprise attack campaign against the Soviet Union.

Just 18 days of war

At 3:00 a.m. on June 22, 1941, the Germans directly dispatched the three-way army just mentioned, and then broke through separately, with the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest war benefits in the shortest possible time.

Although according to different historical studies, it is likely that the Soviet Union knew the movement of the German army before the German attack, but from the perspective of the war situation at that time, the Soviet army was obviously not well prepared.

Moreover, there was some gossip that although the Soviets learned that the German army was going to launch a decisive battle with the Soviet Union, the Soviet army had no idea when, how, and how to launch the offensive.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

In response to these gossip, we just have to look at it, there is no need to take it too seriously, after all, it is difficult to confirm how the real situation is.

Directly until the day before the start of the war, the Soviet army knew the specific time of the German offensive, but only one day, even if it was now too late to prepare the sophisticated weapons and equipment and the delivery of personnel, let alone the time of The Second World War, so when the Soviet Union learned the exact time, it was too late to prepare.

In the battle of Day 1, the Red Army directly lost 1200 aircraft, and 800 of the 1200 aircraft did not even have time to take off, and were directly destroyed.

In 18 days, the Germans broke through the Soviet defense line and directly penetrated about 600 kilometers inside.

Soviet losses on three fronts

Let's first look at the central front, which is the key area for the entire German army to break through, because this front is too important.

After the German army encircled the Soviet army, the Capital of Belarus was directly captured, and the Soviet Union had no choice but to retreat about 350 kilometers, which led to the annihilation of 30 divisions and the loss of 70 divisions was more than 50%.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

Immediately after that, the Germans launched the second encirclement, in which the Soviets were ready, so the Progress of the German Encirclement became very slow, but even so, when the encirclement was achieved, it annihilated nearly 300,000 Soviet troops.

As for the northern front, there is nothing to say, after a short collision, the Soviet army directly routed, 24 divisions were completely destroyed, 20 divisions lost more than 60% of their personnel, and the Soviet Union lost control of the Baltic coastal areas.

The Battle of Kiev took heavy toll on the Soviet Union

Why not talk about the Southern Front? Because the Southern Front is so special.

On the Southern Front, the Progress of the German Army was relatively slow, but on September 15, 1941, a turnaround occurred, and this time there was a classic term to describe it, that is, the Battle of Kiev.

How the Soviet army was defeated and how it lost in the Battle of Kiev, we will not talk about it more, we will first take out a set of data to show you.

In this battle, a small number of the 70 divisions of the Soviet army escaped and more than 600,000 people were annihilated.

Among these more than 600,000 people, the real horror is that 60,000 officers were annihilated, which was a heavy blow to the Soviet Union in the absolute sense, and even Hitler called this encirclement and annihilation the largest encirclement and annihilation battle in history.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

So on November 17, 1941, the Soviet Union implemented a new operational indicator, that is, the scorched earth resistance, what is the scorched earth resistance? That is to say, the Red Army of the Soviet Union can retreat, but in the process of retreating, it cannot leave a grain of rice and grain for the German army, and even if they occupy this land, they will not be able to take anything.

Suddenly, the entire Soviet Union was occupied by Germany or was about to be occupied by Germany, all of which were set on fire, and even artillery, rocket artillery, air force and many other forces directly destroyed the 40 to 60 kilometers of depth of the forward position.

A war in this situation is not interesting, the Soviet Union has been forced into a corner by the German army, and even the Soviet Union has personally blown up the dam above the Dnieper River hydropower station, forcing the Soviet army to cut off its own arm.

Immediately after that, the Soviet Union carried out the largest industrial transfer in history, transferring most of the industry to the rear.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

At this time, whether it was a man or a woman, they could all pull up to the battlefield, such as the reorganized troops and defense lines with General Zhukov as the core, and a large number of women were organized to the front line to build fortifications.

At this time, the Soviet Union also carried out a series of propaganda slogans, in which we can see their incomparable hatred for Germany, and I will take out one of them to show you that although the Soviet Union is large, there is no way back, behind which is Moscow.

What does it mean that the Soviet Union, which killed the red-eyed Soviet Union, organized a military parade on Red Square directly on November 7, 1941, and after the red square parade, soldiers went directly to the front line. It goes without saying that at least Stalin and the Soviet Union as a whole have shown a posture, fighting to the end if they want to fight, and fighting until the end to see who can win.

The Germans were inhumane

After the Germans captured a large number of Soviet troops, they forced the Soviets to become coolies, built a series of fortifications, and transported a large number of goods, during which many Soviet prisoners were directly exhausted, and the survival rate was very low.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

According to some uncertain figures, it is estimated that between 5.25 million and 5.7 million Soviet prisoners in World War II were captured by the Germans, and nearly 2.25 million to 3.3 million of these people died in Nazi concentration camps.

Whether this data is accurate or not is unknown, but it is shocking.

The Soviet-German war resulted in about 7 million German casualties, about 3.8 million deaths and disappearances, and about 1.6 million prisoners.

The Red Army died and disappeared 9.15 million, captured 4.46 million, and wounded and sick 18.32 million.

The data here is just an estimate, just look at it, because the data may have conflicting or inaccurate situations, but it should be the case in general.

In addition, 17.4 million Soviet civilians and 2.2 million German civilians died in the war.

After the surrender of Berlin, why did Zhukov only enforce military discipline three months later? A: Blood debt is paid by blood

So looking back, looking at the atrocities in the three months after the Soviet occupation of Germany, all this seems understandable. The Soviet army and the German army have long been dead, and the German army has brought incomparable pain to the Soviet Union through this war.

Relatively speaking, the three-month atrocities committed by the Soviet army seem to be worthless.

Of course, World War 2 also had an extremely subtle and far-reaching impact on the world system of the time.

For example, the international discourse power of some Western countries such as Britain and France has slowly declined, while the comprehensive strength of the other two countries has slowly improved, that is, the United States and the Soviet Union.

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