
In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

When Apaoji was still alive, Shu Luping showed his outstanding ability. Therefore, this Khitan lord was willing to consult with her for many major military and state affairs at the first time, and attached great importance to her opinions. However, Shu Luping's background is also quite strong, and her family is quite powerful, not only from the Khitan nobility, but also from the Blood of the Uighurs.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

With the death of her husband during the conquest, her son Yelü Deguang became the emperor of the Liao state. Although he was 25 years old and a full adult, in order to control power, she put forward the grandiose reason of "the suspicion of the lord and the country", and let herself rule and supervise the country. In fact, many ministers were very dissatisfied with this, because some of them thought that Jeroboam should succeed to the throne, after all, he was the eldest son.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

The power was already in hand, and yelüping was willing to give a compromise, and in the name of martyrdom for the emperor, she executed all those who opposed her, and suppressed the controversy. Zhao Siwen was a Han official, and he openly attacked the court, believing that since he wanted to engage in so-called martyrdom, it was natural that people who were close to him should be the right ones, and he directly turned the spearhead at the empress dowager Shu Luping.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

If Shu Luping hesitated slightly, the court might explode, and the authority she had established would collapse in an instant. But at this time, she showed the tough side of the woman, and cut off her right hand when the knife fell. This bloody scene made all the people present take a breath of cool air, this woman was really fierce enough, and no one dared to come forward to argue about right and wrong anymore.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

He was buried with his right hand, and in exchange for Shu Luping's huge authority, the entire Liao state was completely under her control from then on. Jeroboam also knew that his mother did not like him, so he could only obediently agree to let his brother become emperor. Although he wanted to save the life of his whole family, he did not think at all that the empress dowager was not only cruel to herself, but also to her own son.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

In order to support the second son, so spare no effort to attack the eldest son, it has become the main goal of her unswerving determination. After a long time, how Could Jeroboam endure it, and in desperation, he had no choice but to stay away from this land of right and wrong. However, at this time, Shu Luping did not blink an eye at this, as if this was the end she was trying to see.

In order to control the power of the court, she cut off her right hand to be buried on her behalf, and no one could stand out from the right

Perhaps even Apaoji did not expect that his eldest son, who was smart and studious and had a heart for the Han system, was forced to leave his hometown by his own mother, and finally died in a different place. However, thinking about Yelü Ping's fierceness towards herself, no one can really stand out, all this seems to be logical again, and what is there that she can't do?

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