
Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

Although it was a patriarchal society in ancient times, there are still many women who show a more resolute personality than men. The founding empress we are talking about today, her husband successfully became the founding emperor with her help, and then her son ascended the throne with her help, but unfortunately in his later years he was imprisoned by his grandson.

Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

This empress was Shu Luping, the founding empress of the Liao Dynasty, whose father was named Shu Lu Pogu and whose mother, Yelü, was from the Khitan nobility. At that time, there was a custom of marriage between the Shulu family and the Yelü family, so when Shuluping grew up, the mother looked for a suitable man in the family and kissed her daughter. In the end, Shu Luping's mother took a fancy to her nephew Yelü Abaoji, and when Shu Luping was 14 years old, she married her cousin Yelü Abaoji, who was 6 years older than herself.

Shu Luping was a very ambitious girl, especially after her husband Apaoji was elected as the chief of the tribe, she followed Apaoji around to conquer the north and conquer the north, expand the territory, and seize livestock. Later, after the death of the Khitan Khan, the tribal chiefs deliberated and elected Apaoji as the new khan, and each khan was appointed for a term of 3 years, but Apaoji was re-elected three times. Because during Apaoji's tenure as khan, he led the tribal alliance to continuously expand its territory, so that the power of the tribal alliance continued to grow, and its ability was recognized by everyone.

Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

Over the years, the strength of the Apaojiben tribe has always ranked first among all the tribes, and the tribe has absorbed many Han Chinese strategists. Under the influence of these strategists, Apaoji had the idea of emulating the hereditary khanship of the Han emperor. After this idea was said by Apaoji and his wife Shu Luping, he received strong support from Shu Luping, so Apaoji, with the help of his wife and Han counselors, killed the killer and eliminated all those who opposed the Yelü family. Even his own sister and brother were not spared and were forced to flee.

No one in the Apaoji tribe dared to resist, but the nobles of the rest of the tribe would not agree, in order to deal with these people, Apaoji and Shu Luping both recuperated and built their own cities, and when the strength of other tribes did not dare to resist, the husband and wife set up a feast at the Hongmen Gate, pretending to be reconciled, and invited the tribal leaders, and when these leaders were drunk, let the guards who had been ambushed in advance directly wash the banquet in blood. Without leaders from other tribes, Apaoji quickly completed the great cause of unifying the tribes.

Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

Abaoji deliberated for more than ten years, and finally realized his dream of founding the country, successfully established the Liao state, and in this process, Shu Luping made suggestions behind his back, the means and thoughts were more decisive and ruthless than Abaoji, after Shu Luping became the empress, he did not take care of the harem like the Han empress, but continued to worry about the affairs of the court. Shu Luping married Ah Baoji and had three sons, but she especially liked her youngest son and was bent on his younger son ascending the throne.

In order to support his young son, Shu Luping opened a new round of power struggle. However, the eldest son, Jeroboam, understood his mother's intentions, and he did not bother to join the struggle, so he voluntarily gave up the right to succeed to the throne. However, even if the eldest son took the initiative to back down, according to the order, it should be his second son Yelü Deguang who succeeded to the throne, and Yelü Deguang was a person with military power, outstanding ability, and prestige, so after the death of Apaoji, Yelü Deguang's ascension to the throne was not too hindered.

Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

Unfortunately, not long after Yelü Deguang ascended the throne, with the support of his mother, he led an army to fight against his brother Yelü Bei, who had left the Liao Dynasty, and Finally under the persecution of his mother and brother, Yelü Bei took his family and embarked on the road of escape. And Yelü Deguang did not end well, and died of an illness on the way back.

The position of emperor suddenly became vacant, and there was bound to be a fight in the court. Some of the dignitaries were worried that after the new emperor ascended the throne, their own interests would be threatened, so they simply joined forces and took the initiative to find the new emperor to ascend the throne, and they set their sights on Yelü Nguyen, the eldest son of Yelü Bei, whose parents were forced into exile because of their grandmother's eccentricity, and Yelü Nguyen was a bloody man, and naturally wanted to find an opportunity to win back a round. When the nobles of the court approached Yelü Nguyen and explained their desire to support him on the throne, he agreed without hesitation.

Comparable to Wu Zetian's founding empress, she helped her husband become emperor and helped her son ascend the throne, and was imprisoned in her later years

But on the other hand, Shu Luping would not easily agree to let her grandson ascend the throne, for so many years, she had been deliberate for half a day, she wanted her younger son Yelü Lihu to ascend the throne, and now that the opportunity was in front of her, she would not let it go. So he immediately gathered his son and his cronies and asked them to lead an army to fight against his grandson Yelü Nguyen. However, Shu Luping looked up to his son too highly, and Yelü Lihu had no real ability at all, and soon returned from the battle.

When Shu Luping wanted to personally lead the crusade, under the persuasion of a minister named Yelü Wuqing, she decided to make peace with her grandson first, so as to avoid a new round of war. However, Shu Luping would not give up so easily, and after welcoming the new emperor back to the capital, the two had a very unpleasant quarrel as soon as they met. After the displeasure broke up, Shu Luping planned to launch a coup d'état to overthrow his grandson, but the action had not yet begun. In the end, Shu Luping and his beloved son Yelü Lihu were forcibly moved to other states by their grandson Yelü Bei, which was equivalent to house arrest.

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