
The professional course turned out to be like this! The final of the FA Cup is imminent, and Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Professional Football Stadium will make its debut

Qilu Network Lightning News January 8 news Shandong TV sports channel news, the FA Cup final is about to start, tonight Shandong Taishan whole team came to Chengdu Phoenix Mountain professional football stadium for the last pre-match training. Shandong TV Sports Channel reporter observed at the scene that more than 30 players participated in the training this time. Wu Xinghan, who was previously injured, also came to the field to participate in training, but could only carry out simple recovery training on the sidelines.

The professional course turned out to be like this! The final of the FA Cup is imminent, and Chengdu Phoenix Mountain Professional Football Stadium will make its debut

The training was only open to the media for 15 minutes, but in a short period of time, it can still be seen that the Taishan team is full of confidence. However, for the Taishan team, it is not an easy task to win the championship as desired, and the opponent Shanghai Haigang is also a strong team in the Chinese Super League and a strong competitor of the Taishan team. For the Taishan team, facing the FA Cup final, it is still necessary to prepare for the work and play their best level in the final.

Earlier, Shandong Taishan team player Guo Tianyu said in an interview with reporters: "The harbor team is very strong, especially the foreign aid Oscar, we will definitely limit his play, now the two teams are very familiar, many players of the two teams are good friends in private, we won the league championship, the other side also sent congratulations, and now both sides will definitely do a good job of preparing for the battle, and fight with all their might in the game on January 9." ”

It became the final venue of the FA Cup and the debut of chengdu Phoenix Mountain professional football stadium. It can be seen from the scene that this is a professional stadium with excellent hardware facilities, especially the quality of turf. It is reported that the Phoenix Mountain Sports Park Professional Football Stadium is a professional football field built in accordance with FIFA standards, and the stadium is equipped with an anchor grass system, which is composed of 95% natural grass and 5% artificial grass fiber. According to the Shandong TV Sports Channel reporter, a wonderful light show will be staged before the final, but due to the impact of the epidemic, the final is not open to the audience, which is somewhat regrettable.

Reporters From Shandong TV Sports Channel Xu Kaihua, Zhang Wei, Li Bei, Sun Donghao, Liu Xu, and Chengdu

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