
Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...

Opening remarks

The ancient city of Xuanhua has a long history, "one grasps a handful of history, one relies on one Great Wall", in the ancient city, a brick and a house have a story, and a mountain and a stone are left with an allusion. Ancient walls, pavilions, houses, temples, ruts... Constantly rushing into view, these cultural symbols show the evolution of Xuanhua and highlight the profound historical and cultural heritage.

In order to excavate the story behind the ancient city of Xuanhua, from now on, the "Beautiful Xuanhua" WeChat public account has opened a column of "Entering the Ancient City of Xuanhua and Touching Historical Memory" to touch the memory of Xuanhua, explore the treasures of the ancient city, and reproduce the long-standing cultural heritage of Xuanhua.

Entering the ancient city of Xuanhua and touching historical memory (2)

Aerial video of Phoenix Mountain

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...
Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...

Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain was filmed in the summer "At the Foot of the Great Wall" Wang Qun photographed

Phoenix Mountain said phoenix

Someone praised Phoenix Mountain for a long time and showed off to me with the wind and light of Phoenix Mountain; "Do you know Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain?" There are peach red and apricot blossoms in spring; summer solstice lilacs pile purple, shandan depict red; golden autumn cold chrysanthemums fluttering, maple leaves gushing Xia; winter cedar draping, mountains and rivers solemn, ink paintings like magic; here three seasons of flowers, four seasons of evergreen, beautiful! "I looked closely at the painting and it was spectacular! The spraying pink and purple flowers celebrate the green mountain blue sky, and a winding stone piled up the beacon tower, although mutilated, is sacred and poignant! There are no long wings of the clouds in the sky, but they show the spirit of overlooking the earth and the awe-inspiring atmosphere. Yes! "The phoenix is flying, the phoenix is flying, and the feathers are also gathered." The phoenix is the king of the birds, the phoenix flies with the birds, and the phoenix stops with the birds. Hometown Phoenix Mountain, 1997 above sea level. 1 meter, three meters away is the 2000 meter boundary. What should it be like there?

"Feng Xi Feng Xi returned to his hometown and traveled all over the world to seek his phoenix", Phoenix Mountain has long been my favorite.

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...

"At the Foot of the Great Wall" Wang Yanping filmed


After 16 years of worrying, it finally started in the winter of the ugly year. Go with eight people and take two cars. At the beginning of the snow, the weather was still warm. The snow reflects in the distant mountains, and the trees in the vicinity are sparse. The car travels 50 kilometers into the scenic spot. From time to time, "enter the forest area, pay attention to fire prevention" and "be careful of the mine pit, the danger ahead" warning; from time to time, the forest trees are hedged, and the roots are entangled. Birch forests are strong, mountains and thorns are crisscrossed, pines and cypresses are green... Just wondering if there would be acid slips waiting, like gems, pearl-like sea buckthorn (acid slips) has been a string of strings, clusters beckoning on the side of the road. Yellow-orange-orange, red rumbling sour slip, flashing winter thoughts.

"Look, sour!"

"Oh, where's more!"

The ladies who were so addicted to the same car kept swallowing. Hungry worms squirm.

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...
Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...


Folk proverb: The family has a sycamore to recruit a phoenix. The phoenix is a xiangrui animal respected by the Chinese people, the male phoenix, the female phoenix. Together with the magical unicorn, turtle and snake, and green dragon, one of the four spirits. Sycamore, why? Deciduous large trees, up to 15 meters high, lifespan of 100 years, six or seven years to grow. Sycamore wood is a superior material for making musical instruments, the bark is used to make paper, and the fruit can be pressed for oil. Leafy and leafy, one of the best ornamental trees. Why not make people foot? Won't the phoenix linger!

The name of Phoenix Mountain is unknown in what year, it is difficult to find its traces in the county records, but there are several legends in the folk, which is quite magical.

One: A long time ago, phoenix mountain had a towering plane tree, lush and covered with acres of shade. One summer, a phoenix flew in from the south. Seeing the beautiful scenery here, circle a few times and land. Over time, it becomes a fossil. People named the mountain Phoenix Mountain.

Second: mysterious bird calls are often heard around Phoenix Mountain. In the middle of the night, the birds danced, the chickens flew in the wind, and the long cry of terror came from the thunderstorm...

Third: One winter during the Qianlong period, Fang Guancheng, the governor of The Directly Subordinate Governor, passed by here, believing that this mountain was a golden phoenix under the heavens and could get a golden egg, so he let people build a jade emperor pavilion on the top of the mountain and suppressed the golden phoenix's flight away. Later, a monk from Shanxi also saw that there was a treasure on the mountain, so he had evil thoughts, and in the middle of the night he went up the mountain and set fire to the Jade Emperor Pavilion, hoping to lead Jin Feng to the Longquan Temple. Nearby villagers heard the news, drove away the monks, and rebuilt the Jade Emperor Pavilion overnight with a stone wall. The temple could no longer be burned, but when the stones were mined, the mountain range was cut off and the right wing of the phoenix was broken. The blood droplets of the phoenix stained the stone red, and they could no longer spread their wings and fly, and the mountain also left blood-red stones...


During the Eastern Han Dynasty, a famous scribe and philologist named Xu Shen was born in zhaoling District, Luohe City, Henan Province, and Xu Shen compiled the world's first dictionary "Explanation of Characters" after 30 years, standardizing the shape, sound and meaning of Chinese characters. Xu Shen explained in the "Explanation of Words and Words": "Phoenix, the divine bird also." "From the celestial realm to the human world, from the folk to the court, the image of the phoenix is everywhere. On Neolithic pottery, phoenix birds are associated with the sun; Shang Zhou Tongding, Spring and Autumn Warring States gold and silverware, lacquerware, phoenix birds and cloud patterns dance together; on the Han Dynasty portrait stone, phoenix birds and gods accompany each other. The phoenix was sublimated in the worship and reverie of the ancestors, and became a supernatural totem in the evolution of the ages. There are phoenix bird symbols unearthed in the ancient cultures of the north and south of China, and there are phoenix birds in the 6200-4200 years of Shandong Dawenkou culture; there are phoenix lines in the rock paintings on the outskirts of Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province; the faience pottery excavated from the bottom ditch of Shaanxi Province also has the image of the bird, and the ivory carvings of the Hemudu culture 7000 to 5000 years ago also have phoenix ornaments; Majiabin culture, Liangzhu culture, Zhaojiagou culture, and Hongshan culture all have phoenix culture shapes. "Dragon and phoenix are auspicious", "dragon flying phoenix dance", "phoenix singing Qishan", what an auspicious and rich connotation of words! The phoenix with all manners symbolizes beauty, auspiciousness, moral integrity, and also symbolizes the harmony and happiness of marriage and love.


There are more than 360 kinds of feathered birds, and the phoenix is the most beautiful. The phoenix brings together the beauty of many feathers in birds and absorbs the characteristics of birds. Tang Dynasty writers and calligraphers Ouyang Qing, Ling Hu Dedi, Chen Shuda, Pei Zhi, Zhao Hongzhi, Yuan Lang and more than ten other people began in the fifth year of Tang Gaozu Wude, and after three years compiled into a comprehensive book "Art and Literature Collection", which is the earliest surviving complete official revision book in China, which preserves the rich literature before the Tang Dynasty in China. "Art and Literature Cluster" Cloud: There are five kinds of phoenix birds. The red color is a phoenix, the cyan is called a bird, the yellow is called a yuan chick, the purple partridge (yue zhuo), and the white one is called a bird. Long Xiongwu is on the head, the charm of the phoenix is in the tail, and the phoenix tail is flowing and dashing. Li Bai has a good sentence in his "Shangyun Le" "five-color master, nine bud phoenix". The phoenix has six similarities and nine characteristics. Because of its beauty, it is analogous with orchid, chai, tsuen, medicine, hui, ruo, zhi, and flowers and herbs, and has achieved Qu Yuan's "Leaving the Sorrow", "Hu Jiang Li and Pei Zhi, Sewing Qiu Lan Thought Pei", "Lan (lan) wooden root to knot the Cocoon, through the fall of the Li Li" through the ages; because of its beauty, it is set up as a special name for the beauty of the sinking fish and falling geese, incarnated as a noble and elegant and beautiful and virtuous "empress", "Niangniang", "Lady", "Talent".

The Classic of Mountains and Seas and the Nanshan Sutra describes: "The mountain of Danxiao... There are birds, whose shape is like a chicken, five colors and text, and the name is phoenix. The first text is known as virtue, wing text is known as righteousness, back text is known as etiquette, bing wen is known as ren, abdomen is known as letter, is a bird also, eats naturally, sings and dances, and sees the great peace of the world. "The phoenix has the femininity of self-singing and dancing, and it also has an unexpected strength, which is a concentrated embodiment of strength and beauty." The ancient Chinese believed in animism and often regarded the phoenix as a wind god in mythological stories. Xu Shen explained the ancient text of "phoenix" as "peng". The story of Journey to the West is well known, and there is a passage in it. Sun Wukong defeated the golden-winged roc bird and chased after the Buddha to complain before he came to his seat. If you explain the origin: the phoenix gave birth to a roc bird and a peacock, and the peacock was fierce and fierce, and even the Buddha who practiced in the snowy mountains dared to eat it. On the silk embroidery excavated from the Mashan Chu Tomb in Jiangling, there is a picture of a phoenix and a dragon, a phoenix and a tiger fighting each other, a phoenix with a sharp beak, a round eye, a strong kick, and a healthy and courageous martial image. In this way, the mysterious roar of chickens in the middle of the night, the wind and sky, and the thunderstorm in the folk tales of Phoenix Mountain are also understated.


The phoenix is also a symbol of wealth. Sichuan Changningya coffin painting phoenix standing mulberry tree, Guizhou Museum has phoenix and cash tree; Shang Zhou goldware, Han and Tang jade carving, Song porcelain, embroidery, weaving, paper cutting, painting, seal, all shine phoenix figure, modern theme creation is still inseparable from the phoenix factor! The phoenix crosses the three realms of heaven and earth, suppresses evil and drives out evil, greets Najib, regardless of whether it is a sacrifice to the gods or a funeral vessel, the phoenix is always an iconic mascot, and people are sacred in their minds.

The car stopped in front of the eye-catching "China Gold" logo. The Hanjiagou gold mine has arrived. The mining area is closed, and the gold signboard is shining. Opposite the gate of the gold mine, a blood-red boulder caught my eye, the stone was ten meters square, irregularly square, and even more miraculously, on the stone stood a tripod with a suspender's pointed hammer. "Is it a measuring instrument?" Or is it an indicator? "I was puzzled. The phoenix does not fall into the land of no treasure. Isn't this a veritable treasure mountain? It can be seen that the phoenix is in the right place, worthy of the name!

"Where is the spring returning", "Unless you ask about the yellow oriole"? From this to the other, I thought: from the Phoenix Mountain, many of the legends in the intangible cultural heritage are not empty, and scientific and cultural dialogue may be able to produce earth-shattering miracles!

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...


The slope up the hill was blocked by the car of the early gentleman, the snow on the fork road was very thick, the car wheels were slippery and difficult to climb, and the crowd began to climb the mountain on foot. On the hillside, although there is no tender green and delicate yellow leaf in spring and summer, it has the thickness of the winter full of recklessness and hardness. The trees on the mountain are dense, picking sour slips to relieve hunger, sometimes there is the stimulation of "sour teeth", brushing away the withered grass on the ground, and suddenly feeling the surprise of green grass. Looking at the tall trees on both sides of the road, stepping on the white snow that is constantly creaking, there is a clear and high in the heart.

On this day, the heavens are very powerful, no wind and no dust, the eight people who came with them all climbed to the top of the mountain, looked around, the pines and cypresses were green, the wild trees were reckless, looking up, the mountain extended from southeast to northwest, the three mountains were towering, the sides were soothing, and a peak stood tall, resembling a phoenix fluttering its wings. The Great Wall of Phoenix Mountain, which was rebuilt and strengthened between Yongle and Wanli in the Ming Dynasty, is located at the junction of Xuanhua and Chongli, with a total length of more than 100 huali (two years ago, the administrative division, half of which was merged into Qiaodong District), passing through Rentou Mountain into Zhangjiakou.

Covered in snow and jade, the Ming Great Wall, known as the "second road edge", has collapsed into a continuous pile of rocks. The snowfall in Lidong is very deep, and the snow is wrapped in rubble, revealing only the sharp black. Teacher Yan and Old Han stopped moving forward and stopped under the boundary monument of the Ming Great Wall. The old duan who came with him stepped on the snow to explore the way, and he had already run to the front of the beacon brick building first. On crutches, I took a nap with Ms. Hou Liu Kangsan at the top of the mountain, and then carefully stepped on the snow nest left by the old section, moved left and right, one foot deep and one foot shallow, and took a group photo in front of the grinning brick building.

Standing on the stone pile, I couldn't see the "Mountain Dancing Silver Snake", I couldn't hear the "Original Chi Wax Elephant", and I only felt the pity and smallness between the white sky. The snow line winds along the Great Wall, like a silver line separating the heavens and the earth, and I know that it is an important geographical demarcation line, 400mmm and other precipitation lines, from the Daxing'anling Mountains - Zhangjiakou - Lanzhou - Lhasa - the eastern himalayas. Along the Daxing'an Mountains - Yinshan Mountains - Ancient Great Wall (northern edge of the Loess Plateau) - Bayankara Mountains - Ganges Mountain; the snow line divides grasslands and forest vegetation, dividing semi-humid and semi-arid, dividing agricultural civilizations and nomadic civilizations. Looking at this snow line, I am not secretly surprised, the Great Wall precipitation line is the divine stroke of human beings to conform to the natural desolation, or is it the masterpiece of the Creator who favors the Chinese nation and opens the brain hole of the ancestors' ignorant minds? I only have to sigh and like.

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...


Walk down the hill. Looking back, the snow line wrapped around the Great Wall and the wings of the drums flew away, that is the boundary between the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Yuan, the jade of the Tang Dynasty, the unification of the Jiangshan, the past has long been in vain.

The Ming Dynasty Gao Lian had a saying: "If you can be lofty, open to its intentions, otherworldly, unique to the eyes of the sky, and the heart of the scenery, it will be really interesting." ”

In the mining area, a yellow-bellied jumps among pine branches.

Lin Shen did not see anyone, only the sound of birds.

The first draft was completed at 11:30 on November 23, 2021, and was completed on the night of November 28, 2021

About the Author

Where did the name Xuanhua Phoenix Mountain come from? Here's what you want to know...

Gu Jianzhong, pen name Su Mu. President of Xuanhua Shanggu Cultural Research Association. Associate Editor. He is a member of the Chinese Folk Association and the former deputy secretary-general of the Folklore Professional Committee of the China Tourism Culture Society.

Introduction to the Kamigaya Cultural Research Association

The Shanggu Cultural Research Association is a local, academic, and non-profit civil society organization voluntarily formed by experts, scholars, writers, artists, teachers, and cultural enthusiasts in our region. It was established in November 2017 by the Propaganda Department of the Xuanhua District Committee of the Communist Party of China. The purpose of the seminar is to "study regional history, explore cultural resources, provide public lectures on sinology to all sectors of society, carry out various forms of excellent traditional culture popularization activities, and establish local cultural symbols."

The Shanggu Cultural Research Association actively organizes members to participate in various social welfare cultural activities, research and inspection activities, and has founded the journal "Shanggu Culture" and the public account "Shanggu Cultural Institute", which has set up columns such as: Historical Hook Shen (Xuanfu Memory, Red Archives), Shanggu Characters, Gujun Range Rover, Collection Heaven and Earth, Yanagawa Forum, Stone of His Mountain, Art Flavor, Xiongwu Charm, New Knowledge Expo, Society Dynamics, etc. So far, it has published 13 issues of the journal, produced the propaganda film "Shanshui Yongjindi - Xuanhua", edited and published the Chinese and English comparative propaganda brochure "Millennium Ancient County - Xuanhua", in 2020 and the Xuanhua District CPPCC jointly compiled and published the "Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Chahar Democratic Government Album", in 2021 edited and published the propaganda material "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China • Shanggu Cultural Album".

Source: Kamiya Cultural Institute

Editor: Jian Chen

Please indicate: Beautiful Xuanhua

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