
The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

If we want to say which faction in the national army is most keen on warlord chaos wars to grab territory, then the Sichuan army must be on the list, if it is said that which faction is the most willing to sell death, then the Sichuan army must also be one of the representatives.

Since the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Liu Xiang, Yang Sen, Wang Lingji, Deng Xihou, and others of the Sichuan Army have successively led troops out of Sichuan to resist the war, and they have been able to take a train to the battlefield almost on foot for thousands of miles.

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

If it is said that the weapons and equipment of that part of the Sichuan army are the most inferior, then Deng Xihou should be the first. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Deng Xihou, out of national righteousness, immediately led his army out of Sichuan to resist the War, and in accordance with the orders of the Supreme High Command, reorganized his unit into the Twenty-second Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

At that time, the equipment of the Twenty-second Army was extremely inferior, because at the time of Sichuan, Deng Xihou's troops were located in Chengdu, western Sichuan, and the waterway out of Sichuan was blocked by Liu Xiang, so there was no way to replenish weapons and ammunition, so most of the weapons were damaged and old sleeves Hanyang-made, which were extremely unusable.

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

This time, the War of Resistance against Sichuan was extremely hasty, and coupled with the need to go to the Second Theater of Shanxi for reinforcements, there was nothing to replenish along the way, so in the process of collecting grain on the spot, there were many violations of military discipline. It was difficult to reach Shanxi, but Taiyuan was lost, and the Twenty-second Army was immediately dispersed by the Japanese army.

On the way south to gather his troops, Deng Xihou did not want his troops to pass through the armory of the Jin Sui Army, and even whether Yan Xishan, commander of the Second Theater of Operations, agreed or not, he broke into the armory without authorization to replenish weapons and equipment.

When this matter reached Yan Xishan, Yan Xishan was furious and needless to say, and then Yan Xishan reported the matter to the Headquarters, which naturally reached the ears of Old Jiang, who was also angry when he heard it, and said: "The Second Theater of Operations refuses to ask for it, transfer them to the First Theater, and ask Commander Cheng if he wants it." ”

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

However, when asked by telephone, who knew that Cheng Qian already knew what Marquis Deng Xi had done, so he refused, and old Jiang was furious when he heard this, and even said: "Transfer them back and let them return to Sichuan to claim the title of king and emperor!" ”

However, Bai Chongxi knew that Li Zongren was preparing for the Battle of Xuzhou in the Fifth Theater at this time, and was bound to be extremely short of troops, so he asked Jiang if he could ask the Commander of the Fifth Theater whether Li Wanted Deng Xihou's troops.

At that time, Li Zongren's strength was already stretched, and when he heard that the Twenty-second Army could be included in the combat sequence of the Fifth Theater, he was naturally overjoyed, and said that he was now in need of troops and quickly transferred them to Xuzhou.

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

Bai Chongxi and Li Zongren had extremely deep feelings, so they bluntly said that the combat effectiveness of the Twenty-second Group Army was not good, which meant that it might be embarrassing and useful, so Li Zongren was careful to use it. Li Zongren said, "Zhuge Liangzao is a straw man as a suspect soldier, they are always better than the straw man, right?" Let Bai Chongxi quickly adjust over.

Li Zongren was born in the Gui clan, and he was able to fight good battles, and his prestige naturally went without saying, and when he commanded the battle, he was able to treat all the troops under his command equally, and he was also convinced. After Deng Xihou and Sun Zhen came to the Fifth Theater, Li Zongren did not discriminate in the slightest, tried to replenish the equipment and ammunition of his troops, and entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, ordering him to immediately go to the area of Zou County in Lunan to block the Jigu Division from Jinan to the south along the Jinpu Road.

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

The Isoya Division can be called elite in the Japanese army, and its division has a directly subordinate field artillery company and a heavy artillery brigade, plus dozens of chariots and a large number of aircraft to assist the battle, so taking Deng Xihou's troops to block is Li Zongren's helpless move without troops, and it is also a huge trust in Deng Xihou's troops.

However, as soon as sun zhen of the forty-first army of the twenty-second army arrived in Tengxian County, Zou County was already lost, so Sun Zhen stationed Tengxian with the Wang Mingzhang department of the 122nd Division, and responded outside the city with the 124th Division.

In the Battle of Tengxian, the 122nd Division, which was inferiorly equipped and inferior in numbers, with the tragic courage of the entire division below the division commander was killed, after the Banyuan Division regiment that attacked Taierzhuang on the other road was defeated by Zhang Zizhong's troops and Pang Bingxun's troops, it blocked the strong enemy for three days, which bought precious time for Sun Lianzhong's troops to return to defense and Tang Enbo's troops to reinforce Taierzhuang.

The most tragic Sichuan army in the War of Resistance: No one was willing to ask for the anti-Japanese resistance in Sichuan, and he was scolded by old Chiang Kai-shek and killed in battle for the defense of the city

Li Zongren later said: "If there is no hardship in Teng County, will there be a great victory in Taierzhuang?" The results of the Battle of Taierzhuang were also caused by the martyrs of Shiteng County! ”

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