
Erno was originally going to form 4 corps, and let him be the commander of the 6 corps, why didn't he form a vacancy

In 1949, the four major field armies were changed to the First, Second, Third and Fourth Field Armies and formed corps.

The Third and Fourth Field Armies were strong and strong, and 4 corps were formed; the Second Field Army was formed 3 corps; and the First Field Army was formed 2 corps.

Many people do not know that the Second Field Army also has four corps numbers, namely the Third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Corps. Why only 3 corps were formed, and why was the 6th Corps vacated and not formed.

Erno was originally going to form 4 corps, and let him be the commander of the 6 corps, why didn't he form a vacancy

Tracing the predecessor of the Second Field Army, it was the 129th Division during the War of Resistance. Under the command of Liu Bocheng, many classic battles were fought, such as the night attack on Yangmingbao, the ambush battle in Qiquan Village, the ambush battle at Changshengkou, the ambush battle at Shentouling, and the ambush battle in Xiangtangpu, which made the Japanese army lose a lot of troops helplessly.

During the Liberation War, the Jinji-Hebei Luyu Military Region and the Jin-Hebei Luyu Field Army were established on the basis of the 129th Division, taking the lead in engaging the Nationalist army and annihilating more than 60,000 enemy troops in the Shangdang Campaign and the Handan Campaign.

Erno was originally going to form 4 corps, and let him be the commander of the 6 corps, why didn't he form a vacancy

In 1947, according to the instructions of the central authorities, Liu Deng led four columns to lose the rear, lose their heavy weapons, leap thousands of miles into the Dabie Mountains, directly attack the Kuomintang army-ruled areas, and threaten the two major towns of Nanjing and Wuhan.

As a result, the rear of the troops was unstable and the number of soldiers could not be expanded, which was also the reason why the number of troops in the second field was relatively small.

Erno was originally going to form 4 corps, and let him be the commander of the 6 corps, why didn't he form a vacancy

In 1948, the Central Plains Military Region was established, successively establishing the Yuwan Soviet Military Region, the Yuxi Military Region, the Tongbai Military Region, the Eyu Military Region, the Western Anhui Military Region, the Jianghan Military Region, and the Southern Shaanxi Military Region. There were 7 field columns, including the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 9th, and 11th columns.

In 1949, the army was unified and reorganized, and some local units were reorganized into the main forces of the field army, plus the original 7 columns, and 9 corps and 3 corps were established, which were 3, 4 and 5 corps.

Nino had the name of the 6th Corps, but it was not formed, why?

Erno was originally going to form 4 corps, and let him be the commander of the 6 corps, why didn't he form a vacancy

Chief Liu Deng wanted to participate in the river crossing operation with Sanye, and they also left themselves reserve forces, namely the Tongbai Military Region, the Eyu Military Region, and the Jianghan Military Region.

If the three corps crossing the river did not go well, Liu Deng would let the Tongbai Military Region, the Eyu Military Region, and the Jianghan Military Region draw troops to form 3 corps and establish the 6th Corps, with Wang Hongkun as the commander.

As a result, during the operation across the river, the troops were very strong and smooth, and they did not implement the formation of the 6th Corps, which eventually led to the vacancy of the 6 Corps.

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