
After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

By 1948, the form of national liberation was already evident, and Tan Zhengwen's training as a cadre was at a critical juncture. But the chairman handpicked him to take 108 cadres with temporary training to the police station in Beiping to complete the takeover.

From December 1948 to March 1949, Tan Zhengwen made outstanding contributions to the stability of public order in Peiping. The purpose of his hard work is to ensure that the leaders of a number of countries, including Chairman Mao, can enter Zhongnanhai without any mistakes and without any hidden dangers.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

It should be known that at that time, There were also spies in Peiping who were closely related to Chiang Kai-shek, and their existence caused serious harm to the safety of Chairman Mao and others. At that time, Peiping was a wave of clouds, and accidents could occur every second.

After Chairman Mao and other national leaders entered Zhongnanhai, Tan Zhengwen also entered smoothly. It is worth mentioning that at that time, Tan Zhengwen was the first public security bureau chief who was allowed to make an exception and bring a gun into Zhongnanhai. In Zhongnanhai, the management of firearms is very strict, and no one can enter Zhongnanhai without the permission of the Party Central Committee.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

And Tan Zhengwen became the first public security bureau chief in the history of the republic to enter Zhongnanhai with a gun, a person who made important contributions to the public security and stability of Peiping in the early days of the founding of New China.

Born in a poor family in Hunan, Tan Zhengwen was inspired by his father to read through the four famous works and other classic story collections, and he graduated from Lecheng High School in 1925, and was also an intellectual who had attended school that year. Later, in 1928, he and his father realized in the Shonan Uprising that the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was the organization that led the people to the right path, but unfortunately Tan Zhengwen's father died in a battle, and Tan Zhengwen began a one-man battle.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

He honed his will in battle and gradually grew into a reliable warrior. He could be seen in the Long March and the Crusades, and in 1937 he was recommended by the chairman to join the Red Army University for further study. The red spirit has become Tan Zhengwen's firm revolutionary belief, and he remained as a teacher after graduating from kang da.

In 1940, he became the minister of the local department of the Ministry of Social Affairs, and later the local ministry was abolished and he was transferred to the Northwest Public School under the Ministry of Social Affairs, where he met Jiang Peng. The two were able to come together thanks to the introduction of the middleman Zhuo Lin. If zhuo Lin had not broken Tan Zhengwen's feelings for Jiang Peng all along, perhaps Jiang Peng would have been very late to know Tan Zhengwen's feelings for himself.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

Jiang Peng had a good impression of this teacher, although Tan Zhengwen looked ordinary, he had ink in his stomach and a humorous speech. After further contact, Jiang Peng learned more specific About Tan Zhengwen, Tan Zhengwen is intelligent and clever, and is a person who is responsible for his work and life.

In the past, the feelings of men and women were relatively pure and would not be disturbed by material factors. So the two soon came together, and the two, whose relationship was progressing rapidly, completed their wedding on September 1, 1939, in a modest hotel.

In 1942, Tan Zhengwen was appointed by the central government to serve as the director of the public security bureau of the Jinsui Border District government, focusing on the serious security problems here. There are many problems in the border area, the main problem is the problem of eating. At that time, the border areas were affected by the three-light policy of the Japanese invasion, not only the people's eating and drinking became a problem, the cadres usually had a hard life, they could only eat some potatoes every day, radishes were difficult to live, and even white rice became a luxury, and eating two or three times a week was a great thing.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

This problem had to be solved, and Tan Zhengwen proposed two solutions. First, the people and the soldiers of the army worked together to produce their own food. The second is to enrich oneself by killing the enemy and robbing the enemy's food supplies.

While Tan Zhengwen mainly grasps the problem of eating, it is also necessary to improve the system of cadre training, and with more than three months of efforts, the needs of talented personnel at all levels need to be satisfied.

Later, when the rectification movement began, Tan Zhengwen returned to Yan'an to study. From the very beginning, this rectification movement slowly went to extremes, and many cadres were exposed and criticized, and their dignity and human rights were seriously trampled. Later, the chairman put forward the "nine-point guideline" and the policy of "not grasping most of the troops and not killing one", which eased the extreme trend of the rectification movement.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

Tan Zhengwen held a democratic congress and let the suffering cadres spit out bitter water, and only after that did the work become smooth. Later, the land reform work began, and the land reform policy implemented by Kang Sheng had a far-reaching impact on the Jinsui Border Region.

Tan Zhengwen was mainly active in the land reform movement in Chengxian County, and he was the head of the land reform regiment in this land. Tan Zhengwen arranged for Liu, a landlord's family, to think that the deputy secretary was to ensure that the land reform work could be carried out smoothly. Tan Zhengwen asked public security personnel to join the land reform work group, although some people did not actively cooperate at first, and the problem was successfully solved with Tan Zhengwen's efforts.

Tan Zhengwen's land reform work here has been well evaluated by the people, and the chairman came here to inspect and gave Tan Zhengwen a high evaluation. The land reform work in Chengxian County has become a classic case and has become a typical example of propaganda and learning in Xinhua Daily.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

In 1947, the liberation of the whole country was just around the corner, when the Central Committee held a meeting and Li Kenong gave instructions. Tan Zhengwen is responsible for the specific work of organizing training to take over the security of big cities. Tan Zhengwen began training for 108 cadres, and the planned time was shortened to three months in one year, when the chairman personally ordered Tan Zhengwen but Beijing was in charge of public security.

The arrival order was soon issued, Tan Zhengwen became the director of the public security bureau in Beiping, and the third and fourth regiments of the guard regiment became the establishment team of the public security bureau. However, at that time, the form of public security in Beiping was severe, and the daily tasks kept Tan Zhengwen busy, and there was no way for him to apply for cadre support. Finally, under peng Zhen's intervention, Tan Zhengwen's pressure was much lessened.

On February 28, 1949, Tan Zhengwen and a group of cadres successfully completed the takeover of the Beiping Police Station.

The reason why the situation in Peiping is grim is because many Kuomintang agents still stay in the city in an attempt to plot misdeeds. According to the form of Beiping, Tan Zhengwen adopted two methods to successfully complete the liquidation and suppression of the spies.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

Among the secret agents, there are also people who abandon the dark and cast light and understand the wisdom of current affairs, of which Xu Zongyao is a typical example. After Xu Zongyao abandoned the secret and cast the light, he was impressed by Tan Zhengwen's personality charm and took the initiative to hand over the roster that recorded the names of the Beiping agents.

In the four months of public registration, the registration of more than 3,500 agents was completed. Many of the agents were repatriated to their hometowns, and of course some of them remained well-behaved.

Among the spies, there are also people who are particularly stubborn and unwilling to surrender, among which Zhang Yinwu is a typical example. This Zhang Yinwu was a ruthless man who had caused the massacre of 400 eighth route army officers. After the liberation of the whole country, Zhang Yinwu secretly hid weapons in an attempt to make a comeback. In the end, under the deployment of the central government, the evil man Zhang Yinwu was arrested, and in this battle of wits and courage, the secret agents and our soldiers were killed and wounded a lot.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

After Tan Zhengwen took over the Beiping Public Security Bureau, he encountered a big problem in his work. That is to say, many cadres are old policemen, their temper is not very good, they have developed the habit of oppressing the people in the past, and they are not trusted by the people in their daily work.

According to Li Kenong's instructions, Tan Zhengwen came up with a targeted solution to the problems arising from the reception of the old police and the use of the transformation. He mobilized the role of mass supervision, and as long as he found that the old policemen who had committed bad deeds had made mistakes again, they would be punished.

At the same time, it is also necessary to try to use educational methods to make the old police have confidence in the new government. In the transformation of the old police, Xu Shu is a typical example. He actively accepted the transformation and handed over his guns and documents.

Tan Zhengwen was quite satisfied with Xu Shu's performance and had a high degree of trust in him, and Later Xu Shu became the leader of the business team.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

In 1950, Tan Zhengwen was appointed director of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, where Tan Zhengwen's main job was to maintain social order and stability and to suppress the rebellion of secret agents.

The suppression of the secret agents is closely related to the stability of public order, and if the counter-revolutionaries are not cleaned up, public order will be left with potential hidden dangers, and it will be difficult for the people's lives to be peaceful. And if peace and order are not done well in peacetime, it will also bring great resistance to the purging of counter-revolutionaries.

According to the specific form, Tan Zhengwen has formulated two ways of "attaching equal importance to prevention and control, focusing on prevention; and using prevention and control at the same time, taking treatment as the first". Tan Zhengwen's methods of governance have achieved remarkable results, and Guangzhou has smashed the infant plans of the counter-revolutionaries in a short period of time and eliminated a number of bad guys who disturb social stability.

After the peaceful liberation of Peiping, Chairman Mao hand-picked a man to take over the security of Beiping and could enter Zhongnanhai with a gun

In 1950, Guangzhou solved more than 1,200 cases of secret agents, and pulled out many agents who were lurking in the dark corners of society. The gangsters who destroyed it, the dens of bandits are hard to count.

In many of these cases, the "three major bombings" were accomplished with great perseverance and patience. The success of the special operation of the "Hong Kong and Macao Town Rebellion" captured three secret agents at the level of major generals, which completely reassured the people of Guangdong, and the Nanfang Daily at that time made a detailed report on it.

Comrade Tan Zhengwen, who has a high status in China's public security system, died of illness in 1961.

Many historians have a positive view of Tan Zhengwen, believing that he was a rational Confucian general. Tan Zhengwen's tolerance was extreme in his dealings with the targeting of hostile elements. He deals with stubborn secret agents in cold blood, and he is willing to show his tolerance for hostile elements who are willing to surrender and accept reform.

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