
Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?


The last place on the celestial chart is the supermoon. Because the supermoon is a very hot celestial phenomenon in the past decade, but it is more boring under the delicacy, if a celestial phenomenon is not even as good as a supermoon, then there is no need to eat melon in the front row.

In 2022, the full moon that meets the definition of a supermoon by astrologer Richard Nolle (the first to propose, but not the one who fully proposed a supermoon) has two times, June 14 and July 14, of course, if you follow fred Espenak's definition, in 2022, there are also may 16 and August 12 moons that can also be counted as supermoons. Of course, if the largest and roundest full moon of the year can be called a supermoon, then this year's supermoon will fall on July 14 this time.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

The full moon time on July 14, 2021 is only 9 hours away from the perigee time

图源 Lunar Perigee and Apogee Calculator

Perseid meteor shower

Generally speaking, if we rank an annual meteor shower in front of the article, we are generally telling everyone that the moon is a bit big and the big guys can wash and sleep. This year's Perseid meteor shower is expected to reach a maximum of 9 a.m. Beijing time on August 13, making it very unsuitable for astronomy enthusiasts in East Asia. In addition to not catching up with the huge, this year's Perseid meteor shower will also encounter a full moon and mid-yuan festival, and the moonlight will exert a huge impact on the entire night.

If you don't mind heavy lovers of full moonlight, we would recommend looking at the northern celestial region, because the moon will be operating in the Aquarius celestial region at that time, and the impact on the celestial region near the northern celestial pole is relatively small. Considering that the perseus meteor shower peaks do not fall as quickly as the quadrant meteor shower, and the perseid meteor shower is also rich in fire meteors, on the night between August 11 and August 14, lovers can still brave the big moonlight to watch this year's Perseid meteor shower.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

This year's Perseid meteor shower coincides with a full moon

Stellarium simulation

partial solar eclipse

2022 is a year when a total solar eclipse does not occur at all, and unfortunately, the partial eclipse that occurred on April 30 is only visible in a small part of Antarctica and South America; another partial eclipse that occurred on October 25 is also under poor conditions, and only Xinjiang has the opportunity to observe this partial eclipse in China. As a friendly reminder, the next total solar eclipse phenomenon that passes through china's densely populated areas will occur in 2035, and throughout the 2020s, there will be no visible total solar eclipse phenomenon in China.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Source National Astronomical Sciences Data Center Eclipse Calculator


Although this year is quite unfriendly for moon cover sun enthusiasts, perhaps the little ones on the surface of the sun will bring you a lot of surprises. After years of silence, a new round of solar activity has arrived, and in mid-2022, you may have the opportunity to easily photograph the small black bumps on the surface of the sun, and even look forward to the intense solar activity that brings about the earth's violent aurora activity. Unfortunately, the magnetic latitude in the whole of China is not high, and we may not be able to see the aurora explosion phenomenon brought about by the vast majority of solar activity.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Sunspots for September 2021

Image source SDO/HMI

Special Reminder:

It is strictly forbidden to look directly at the sun with naked eyes or with a telescope without protection, and professional observation equipment (such as Bard membranes or sunring mirrors) should be used to observe the sun.

Gemini meteor shower

The Gemini meteor shower is the most admirable meteor shower phenomenon in normal years, because years of observational experience have proved that Gemini performs well even under the full moon. This year's Gemini meteor shower occurred at 21:00 Beijing time on December 14, when the radiation point has appeared in the sky, and the next quarter moon has not yet risen, which means that the Gemini meteor shower is very suitable for enthusiasts to watch.

However, it should be noted that due to the influence of the Moon, the activity of this year's Gemini meteor shower in the first few days of the maximum will be seriously affected by the Large Moon, and the moonlight coverage in the second half of the night will overshadow the meteors in the second half of the night. Overall, though, we recommend observing this meteor shower.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Image source One Two


Given the rendezvous cycle, we will welcome back a missing person in the sky in 2022 – Mars. Because of the proximity of Mars and Earth's orbits, Mars has a rendezvous period of more than 700 days with Earth, which means that the interval between the two times we see Martian opposition is more than two years. Therefore, in 2021, the observation conditions of Mars are not good, but in 2022, Mars will frequently show its charm in the night sky.

In the early morning of March 28, you can see the three planets of Mars, Saturn and Venus appearing next to the crescent, forming a three-star moon planet.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Total eclipse

On November 8, the most suitable observed celestial phenomenon for the whole of 2022 will be ushered in, the total lunar eclipse, which still continues the habit of the total lunar eclipse in 2021, that is, we will watch a red moon eclipse out of the sky and eat even more in the not high sky.

Come and collect! What astronomical phenomena are worth paying attention to in 2022?

Image source NASA

Generally speaking, this kind of low-altitude eclipse is very suitable for shooting a good-looking telephoto camera work, and I look forward to everyone being able to shoot a beautiful total lunar eclipse masterpiece at the end of the year!

Seeing here, everyone is not in a hurry to order a collection with small hands, while welcoming the new year, quietly look forward to these fun celestial phenomena!

The reproduced content represents the views of the author only

Does not represent the position of the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Source: Starlight Technology

Edit: Garrett

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