
Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

Text/Zeng A Niu

At the end of February 1947, Jinan was still cold in spring. When Chiang Kai-shek's plane landed at Jinan Airport, it was already late afternoon, and the people on board could not stop stomping their feet. Yu Jishi, the head of the Military Affairs Bureau, advised Chiang Kai-shek to stay overnight in the city for warmth. Chiang Kai-shek said in a nonchalant manner: "Go to the city, my safety is guaranteed!" ”

Yu Jishi said, "Chairman Wang Yaowu has prepared your place to stay. ”

Chiang Kai-shek narrowed his eyes: "He? This person looks like Wu Song, but in fact, he is treacherous and ghost-like, and he wants to go to you. ”

Yu Jishi was too frightened to speak again.

Yu Jishi clearly remembers that even two years ago, Chiang Kai-shek was still full of trust in Wang Yaowu, and before Wang Yaowu took office in Shandong, Chiang Kai-shek also took a group photo with him, and also praised him for his thick eyebrows, big eyes, and chinese characters, which was quite the courage of Wu Song.

How can it be that in the blink of an eye, people have become adulterous ghosts?

Not only was Yu Ji's stomach full of confusion, But Wang Yaowu was also full of bitter water at this time.

1. Airport incidents

What did Chiang Kai-shek do in Jinan at the end of February 1947?

The Xingshi question came. Because the Battle of Laiwu had just ended, Chiang Kai-shek lost more than 60,000 people in one go, and as many as 46,000 were captured.

Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

Wang Yaowu was worried, all 60,000 people were under his command, and he was ready to be scolded by Chiang Kai-shek.

However, he thought about it for a long time, but he did not expect that Chiang Kai-shek would not enter the city when he arrived at the airport. Wang Yaowu, who was preparing to pick up the car in the city of Jinan, had to quickly drive to the airport and directly get on the plane to accept Chiang Kai-shek's reprimand.

Sure enough, when he got on the plane, Chiang Kai-shek, who was so cold that he exhaled, opened all his fire and directly scolded:

"You have only lost two armies and one division in the battle of Laiwu, lost so many light and heavy weapons, and increased the strength of the enemy, and this battle will be even more difficult to fight in the future." Such a failure is a shame. Since Laiwu is already under siege, why do you want to retreat? The generals you selected this time are also inappropriate, and Li Xianzhou's command ability is poor, don't you know? He didn't even send a defender when he retreated, what a deployment! If you can send a good-ability commander, you will not fail. Li Xianzhou has been captured by the enemy, and you must know that if senior personnel are caught, sooner or later they will be killed by the Communists. Jinan is very important militarily, politically, and geographically. In case of accident, you are responsible! ”

Shandong Han Wang Yaowu was scolded so much that he was out of his mind and did not dare to reply.

When Chiang Kai-shek was finished scolding, Wang Yaowu carefully asked for instructions: "Principal, the conditions on the plane are limited, please go to Jinan City to rest." ”

Chiang Kai-shek said angrily, "Don't go." ”

That night, Chiang Kai-shek did make up a night at the airport, and the next morning he flew back to Nanjing at dawn.

What is the reason for crossing the city and not entering? Wang Yaowu later found out that it turned out that the old Jiang was afraid that Wang Yaowu would join the Communists, which would lead to the second Xi'an Incident. That's why I left in a hurry.

This incident caused unprecedented humiliation to Wang Yaowu.

The commander-in-chief does not trust, how can this be mixed up?

Therefore, after the Battle of Laiwu, Wang Yaowu's prestige in Shandong was extremely degraded, and he almost fell into the point of being ignored. In the 1948 Battle of Jinan, Wang Yaowu was captured, and when he turned around, he published a radio transcript denouncing Chiang Kai-shek:

"First of all, I want to explain the reasons for the loss of Jinan this time. There are 100,000 troops defending the city, and the war materials are not too small, and the suburban fortifications have been continuously built over the past two years. But after only eight days of fighting, they were completely annihilated.

Even if Wu Huawen does not revolt, he will undoubtedly lose. Why is this? Because the national army has no ideals and beliefs, it is anti-people and anti-public...

Secondly, I would like to contribute a little opinion to Mr. Jiang. During the Northern Expedition and the War of Resistance, you had a period of cooperation with the Communists, so you were successful. But you insist on dictatorship and plan for the interests of the four major families, so the war is in trouble, and the lives are full of charcoal. Judging from the current situation, the defeat of the Kuomintang is a foregone conclusion, and it is unwise to have to make a final struggle, and it is better to order the national army of the whole country to immediately and unconditionally surrender to the People's Liberation Army, so that peace can be restored to China and the nation can preserve its vitality. ”

It is said that Chiang Kai-shek heard this broadcast and was so angry that he smashed the radio on the spot.

Between Chiang Kai-shek and Wang Yaowu, they were also sincere in their feelings, but what happened to the two of them turned against each other and did not trust each other? This matter should also start from when Wang Yaowu was in charge of Shandong.

Second, Chiang Kai-shek was too suspicious

Wang Yaowu is a native of Tai'an, Shandong, who has never changed his hometown pronunciation in his life, and speaks a thick Shandong dialect wherever he goes. Coupled with the fact that he has a Face with Chinese characters, thick eyebrows, and bright eyes, many people say that he is like a good man in Liangshan and looks like Wu Song.

Wang Yaowu is a graduate of the third phase of Huangpu, and his military attainments are among the first among his peers. The famous reorganized 74th Division, whose predecessor was the 74th Army, fought fiercely in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and Wang Yaowu once served as the commander of the army.

Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

At that time, there were many Shandong students in the Huangpu Military Academy, among which there were three Shandong people with the surname Li in the first phase of Huangpu, Li Yannian, Li Xianzhou, and Li Yutang, all three of whom were not as good as Wang Yaowu, and there was a saying that "three Li is not as good as one king" at the time. Li Yannian served as a corps commander, fled to Taiwan, and spent more than a decade in prison, dying of poverty and illness at the age of 70. Li Xianzhou was captured in the Battle of Laiwu, pardoned after liberation, and lived to the age of 94. In 1951, Li Yutang was shot by Chiang Kai-shek's orders because of the unsuccessful uprising, and only lived for 52 years. This is the fate of the three Plums.

Back to Wang Yaowu.

Wang Yaowu was younger than all three (born in 1904), but his contribution was the greatest. On the eve of the end of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, at the Battle of Xuefeng Mountain in Hunan Province, Wang Yaowu commanded an army of 300,000 to defeat the Japanese army and kill more than 20,000 enemies, and Wang Yaowu's military exploits rose to the peak and he was elected as an executive member of the Kuomintang Central Committee.

Wang Yaowu was only 40 years old at the time. Entering the Central Committee and being the commander of the Front, not to mention that the same batch of Huangpu students cannot look up to him, even many Huangpu phase I and II seniors are not as good as him.

A person's achievements, not only rely on IQ, emotional intelligence, realm is also a very important aspect.

In 1945, Chiang Kai-shek plotted to start a civil war, and although Wang Yaowu did not set foot in politics, he vaguely felt that this was not good. Chiang Kai-shek sent him to Shandong to serve as commander of the Appeasement District, but Wang Yaowu was reluctant to go.

Chiang Kai-shek was surprised. At that time, all the bigwigs of the Kuomintang army were scrambling to become big officials in various localities, one could expand their military strength, and the other could carry out large-scale robbery and collection in various places, and appropriate the property of the Japanese and puppet forces as their own.

Why didn't Wang Yaowu want to go? Probably because I don't want to fight a civil war, I am afraid of being punished by heaven. Of course, this was not an excessive praise for Wang Yaowu, and a group of knowledgeable people in the Kuomintang at that time were unwilling to fight a civil war. Like the naval commander Chen Shaokuan, Chiang Kai-shek's right and left arm Zhang Zhizhong, and some of the middle generals also believed that the communist army was not easy to fight.

Wang Yaowu excused himself, and after many years of military career, his physical condition was not very good, his stomach was very serious, and he often vomited blood. Chiang Kai-shek encouraged him, saying that shandong's heavy responsibility was none other than him as a Shandong native, and that as for the illness, he could be slowly recovered.

Wang Yaowu was not good at resigning, so he went to Shandong to take office. Before leaving, Chiang Kai-shek pulled Wang Yaowu and cordially took a picture. Between teachers and students, you and I respect each other, and there is a good atmosphere of affinity.

Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

But at the beginning of his term of office, this affinity atmosphere was overshadowed. Wang Yaowu saw through one thing that Chiang Kai-shek had a deep distrust of him.

The Kuomintang army formed the Second Appeasement Zone in Shandong, and its opponent was the Shandong base area, the second largest base area of the Cpc in the country, and the military pressure was very great. Wang Yaowu proposed to transfer several units he had commanded, so that he could do it handily.

Chiang Kai-shek disagreed, saying that the Seventy-fourth Army would defend Nanjing, the Eighteenth Army would enter Henan, the New Sixth Army would go to the northeast, and the Hundred Army would be reused. Speaking of which, it was not to give him the troops that Wang Yaowu was most familiar with, and Wang Yaowu did not understand it very well at first. Hu Zongnan was in the northwest, and he wanted which unit to give to which unit, and he was also allowed to control the branch school of the Central Military Academy in Xi'an, and the cadets trained were all drawn to his own troops, and all the armies in the northwest were in their own systems. Du Yuming was in the northeast, and he brought with him the old troops of the expeditionary force. Why can't I Wang Yaowu?

After arriving in Shandong, Pang Jingtang, director of the Party Department of Shandong Province (also from Shandong), woke up the dreamer with a word, and you pulled your team over, you want to be the second Han Fuyu!

Wang Yaowu broke out in a cold sweat.

Yeah, it was a gaffe at the time. The five main forces of the Nationalist army, he named three (eighteen, seventy-four, and new six), which suddenly triggered the sensitive nerves of old Jiang.

3. The chairman of Shandong Province whose name does not match his name

After Wang Yaowu arrived in Shandong, in order to avoid Chiang Kai-shek's suspicions, when he formed the command group of the Ersui District, he deliberately came from all over the world, and the main officials under him were from 8 provinces in Hebei, Shandong, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Guangdong, Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangsu.

Chiang Kai-shek was still very satisfied with what he heard. Wang Yaowu secretly inquired about this news from people around Chiang Kai-shek, which further confirmed Chiang Kai-shek's suspicions about him and could not help but complain.

Wang Yaowu's flattery with Chiang Kai-shek did not buy more trust.

Wang Yaowu faced the powerful Shandong Communist Army, but there were only a few second-rate troops under his hands, such as the Seventy-third Army, the Forty-sixth Army, the Twelfth Army, and so on.

However, he originally proposed to strengthen several main forces under his command, and they were all placed on the battlefield of northern Jiangsu to attack the CHINESE communist base area in Lunan. Wang Yaowu felt deeply humiliated.

In the Shandong battlefield, except for Jiaodong, which was not under the jurisdiction of The Ersui District, all other areas were Wang Yaowu's sphere of influence. Attacking Lunan did not allow him to intervene, and the main force overhead did not let him command. To put it bluntly, Wang Yaowu was not worthy of commanding these main forces in Chiang Kai-shek's eyes.

So why was it possible to command in the War of Resistance? This time and time also. After all, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, victory was the only pursuit, no matter which warlord you were, what province you were, or which party you were, first drive the Japanese away and then say who has the ability. Therefore, Wang Yaowu can stand out.

At this time, the Nationalist army was sitting on an absolute superiority in the civil war, and the old Chiang Kai-shek felt good about himself, letting who made meritorious contributions, letting who gained power, and letting who was in the front, all of these factors rose to a fairly high position, and even affected whether the war was won or not.

Chiang Kai-shek pays attention to Huang Lu and Zhejiang Yi, and Wang Yaowu occupies a "Huang" character, but the words "Zhejiang and Yi" are not good. It can be said that it is a marginal person in the circle.

The real meaning of coming to Shandong to be the commander of the appeasement area is to watch the dogs, not to let the communist forces in Hebei and Shandong share shares, nothing more.

However, Wang Yaowu was not reconciled. Since he was the commander, he did something to let Old Jiang see that he was not ordinary.

Shandong people have a reckless personality, and sometimes they make a twist, and ten cows cannot be pulled back. Wang Yaowu drew up an east-west plan to attack the Nationalist army in Qingdao to the west and the Jinan nationalist army to attack to the east, opening up the Jiaoji Railway across Shandong.

Chiang Kai-shek's Plan for Shandong originally did not have this set, but Wang Yaowu was still required to hold steady. Who knew that Wang Yaowu had seized a good gap, Luo Ronghuan had just led the main force of Shandong to the northeast, there were not many troops left, and the central China troops led by Su Yu had not yet reached Shandong, and Shandong was very empty.

As a result, Wang Yaowuleng led several second-rate troops to open the Jiaoji Line.

When the news reached Nanjing, the big men of the nationalist army were all happy, and they were overjoyed! It's a white pick up a big fat daughter-in-law.

Chiang Kai-shek was also very happy and ordered Wang Yaowu to be promoted to chairman of the Shandong provincial government.

Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

Wang Yaowu went to Pang Jingtang to show off and said, "How about you advise me not to make up my own mind to open up the Jiaoji Line?" The principal finally valued me.

Before he was finished, suddenly Nanjing came with another order, and Ding Zhipan, deputy commander of ersui district, was transferred to the commander of the Qingdao garrison district.

Wang Yaowu is stupid again, Principal, which one of you is singing again.

Ding Zhipan was a native of Jiangsu, and was originally dug up by Wang Yaowu from Gu Zhutong's men as his right and left hands. It was almost a quick run-in, and then it was transferred away.

Wang Yaowu understood that this was Chiang Kai-shek's efforts to set up a military center of gravity within Shandong and use Qingdao to contain Jinan so that the provincial chairman could not cover the sky with one hand in the province.

Wang Yaowu had no place to cry.

Can you not engage in these artificial factional divisions, and do some business together?

In addition to his troubles, he was also more and more disappointed in the principal. Seeing the merger of the two main forces of the communist army in Shandong and central China, the battle became more and more handy, and the land reform in the Yimeng Mountains became more and more in-depth. As a Shandong native, Wang Yaowu understands best what the people in the ravine think. He also knew that the most important thing at the moment was to strengthen the control of the mountainous areas, and he understood that what could make the people change their positions was to improve the people's livelihood.

However, all this, Wang Yaowu had a weak heart, and it was too late to deal with the internal factional tilting, who had the kung fu to take care of these things?

(4) Make a statement immediately after being captured

All these suspicions broke out in the Battle of Laiwu.

Chen Cheng went to Shandong to personally command the decisive battle, which made Wang Yaowu very embarrassed.

Wang Yaowu could theoretically command all the troops in Shandong. However, the troops under the jurisdiction of the Qingdao Garrison District had actually become independent, and Wang Yaowu basically did not care. However, the troops killed from Lunan, such as the reorganized 74th Division, the reorganized 11th Division, and the Fifth Army from the west, although they were in Shandong Province, did not pay attention to Wang Yaowu, and only Chen Cheng's orders were obeyed.

Wang Yaowu could command only three armies near Jinan, and was actually demoted from the chairman of Shandong Province to the commander of the Jinan garrison.

Wang Yaowu summoned Nai Ho, and he also understood that in Chiang Kai-shek's heart he was worth this price.

After the battle began, Chen Cheng ordered Wang Yaowu to send Jinan's troops south to Laiwu and attack Huaye from north to south.

Wang Yaowu understood very well that Su Yu's focus was not on Lunan but on Luzhong, so he repeatedly reflected to Chen Cheng that Su Yu's withdrawal from Linyi must have had another plan, and his main force was not eliminated, but transferred to the Laiwu and Mengyin areas of Luzhong. The Jinan troops were weak and could not easily go south, otherwise they would most likely encounter Su Yu's main force.

Chen Cheng scoffed at this, accused Wang Yaowu of being timid, and forced him to continue south.

Wang Yaowu came out of Laiwu twice and out of Laiwu twice, just because he was afraid that Su Yu would run over and bite him. If Wang Yaowu's style of play was really followed, there would never be a big war in Laiwu City. On the contrary, if the main force of the East China Field Army is lured to the front line of Jinan and Zibo, it will be possible to rely on Jiancheng and attack in a real sense.

Chen Cheng was arrogant and did not consider Wang Yaowu's opinion at all, so he had to go south to occupy Laiwu and Mengyin and block Su Yu.

As a result, the others were not blocked, and Wang Yaowu's Seventy-third Army, Forty-sixth Army, plus a division, were destroyed by the East China Field Army.

Sixty thousand horses were destroyed in a few days, and Chiang Kai-shek was shocked! The top brass of the Kuomintang army were all shocked!

Wang Yaowu was a military expert and knew that the key to failure was mutual distrust.

However, he was the chairman of Shandong Province and had no say in Chiang Kai-shek's political map. After the two battles of Laiwu and Menglianggu, Chiang Kai-shek became more and more impatient with Wang Yaowu's attitude, and Wang Yaowu personally ran to Nanjing to meet Chiang Kai-shek and begged him to send some more troops to Shandong to ensure the safety of Jinan. Chiang Kai-shek flatly refused.

At the same time, Qingdao's military strength has been strengthening, and Chiang Kai-shek has directly sent troops to Qingdao in an attempt to dig chen Yisuyu's rear road. As a result, because there was no good general in the middle, several large armies were beaten by Xu Shiyou and vomited blood. When Wang Yaowu saw this scene, he could only smile bitterly. Shandong military, the center of gravity is absolutely in Jinan and not in Qingdao. Why did Chiang Kai-shek just not understand it?

Probably just can't look at him Wang Yaowu as a person.

If Wang Yaowu had been at ease to be a military commander or corps commander, with his loyalty and courage, Chiang Kai-shek would not have embarrassed him, and Wang Yaowu would probably be like Du Yuming, Hu Lian, Qiu Qingquan and others, although not from Zhejiang, he could also be trusted.

But Wang Yaowu broke through this circle and went to the high position of provincial chairman. This involves political games and complex factional contradictions. Little by little, the backlog of contradictions eventually forced a loyal and courageous person to lose all morale and lose confidence.

After the Battle of Jinan began, Wang Yaowu's confidence had been reduced to the minimum, and he even ordered at one point not to resist excessively, and it was really impossible to surrender to the communist army.

Chiang Kai-shek did not dare to enter the city after crossing Jinan, and scolded Wang Yaowu: He looks like Wu Song, but in fact he looks like a ghost

Immediately after Wang Yaowu was captured, he read his surrender letter on the radio, and the change was so fast that the nationalist leaders accused wang Yaowu of repeating it too quickly. In fact, Wang Yaowu's ideological transformation and alienation, as well as his dissatisfaction and disappointment with Chiang Kai-shek, had already accumulated since the time of the Battle of Laiwu.

The lord and the subject are suspicious, and it is difficult to have loyal subjects.

It doesn't matter if the long image is not like Wu Song, whether it is Wu Song or a treacherous ghost in his heart, Wang Yaowu is very clear.

After being sent to the Gongdelin War Criminals Management Center for reform, Wang Yaowu's thinking changed very quickly, unlike other diehards in the nationalist army who changed their positions after many years of imprisonment, Wang Yaowu soon became very sober, knew who was right and who was wrong, and was praised by the management as an activist for reform.

In 1959, Wang Yaowu became one of the first former Kuomintang war criminals to be pardoned.

Injustice is not fair, and it is in the hearts of the people.

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