
On my first day as a teacher, I found my ex-boyfriend sitting under the podium

author:A small bok choy

I'm 159, my student is 189, and I'm in the hallway with my head up and lecing in anger.

The math teacher who passed by thought that the parents had scolded the child and cried, and solemnly called my student:

"This parent, you should also train your child to have a degree, how do you see her crying?"

The student was stunned and took a deep breath: "Teacher, she is training me."


Help, on the first day of being a teacher, what should I do if I find my ex-boyfriend sitting under the podium?

I panicked, and cold sweat flowed down.

Cheng Zi leaned lazily on the back of the chair, turning his pen from time to time, his eyes were ambiguous and indescribable.

In order not to interfere with the class, I can only try to ignore this existence.

Just as I shuddered and took out the textbook and prayed that he would never make any of them, he suddenly raised his hand.

I was overly frightened, like a fried cat, and I squeezed my fist: "What are you doing!"

Cheng Ziang looked at the door and said with a smile, "Teacher, did you go to the wrong classroom?"


I was stunned.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw a little old man who was at a loss.

I looked at the house number, 1301, and I'm going to 1307.

Help, don't blame me, why is this 1's head like this!

"I'm sorry!"

I picked up the book and ran out.

Leaving the classroom, I patted my little heart in horror.

How could Cheng Ziang apply for the postgraduate training class?

Didn't he sign with some company and go as a star?

Can't get along?

Or is it for a water degree?

Fortunately, I just went to the wrong classroom, otherwise I really asked me to teach Cheng Ziang, I really wouldn't be able to talk about it.

After all, when we broke up, it was quite ugly.

When I left, I left him behind to wait for him to see me again, and he would not be able to climb such a thing.

As a result, I finally came to the training institution in a gloomy way......

Forget it, shine all the way here!

I walked into 1307, put down the book, looked at the audience, and raised the elegant smile that I had practiced countless times.

"Everybody's ......"


Before he could finish speaking, there was a sudden knock on the door.

I turned my head to look.

Cheng Zi's long figure appeared at the door.

My pupils were shaken.

He is light and breezy.

"I'm in the wrong classroom too, hey, you're talking about that."



Cheng Ziang is my ex-boyfriend.

Also the neighbor who lives across the door from my house.

When we were in college, we talked about love for a few months without telling our parents.

But in the end, because of various contradictions, they broke up.

He was a music talent sought after by thousands of people when he was in school, coupled with his superior appearance conditions, after graduation, he signed a brokerage company without accident.

I went to study in other places and never had any contact with him.

I don't pay attention to the entertainment industry, and I haven't inquired about Cheng Ziang for a long time.

I didn't expect goodbye, it's such a scene.

The world is so big.

The road of the old enemy is so narrow.

"Come in."

I lowered my eyes and opened the textbook, and my five fingers had their own ideas, and I couldn't open them for a long time.

I had to squeeze the pages hard.

Cheng Ziang said "thank you" and walked to the empty seat in the back row of the classroom with long legs.

Several female classmates in the class looked at him.

A pair of eyes that were unwavering because of the graduate school entrance examination suddenly had a light.

I looked at his tall back, and I couldn't get angry.

When I first fell in love, I was told by various people that I was not worthy of him.

The most excessive thing is that because Cheng Ziang is too tall, some people joked that when he led me, it was like carrying a thermos.

For so many years, I shivered at the sight of a thermos.

I'm angry!

I resisted the urge to pull up the microphone and smash it on his head, took a deep breath, and prepared to give a lecture.

It's good to ignore him, just treat him as if he doesn't exist, as if you didn't know him.

I said it in my heart a few times.

As soon as he raised his eyes, Cheng Ziang actually walked back from the back row of the classroom.

He was still holding a table and chair in his hand.

With a bang, he threw the table and chair next to the podium and sat down.

I was at a loss.

"What are you doing?"

He opened his innocent eyes and curled his lips and said, "I applied for the improvement class, and if I don't get closer to the teacher, how can I improve?" Isn't it? Teacher?"

The word "teacher" is extremely badly bitten.

He's laughing at me!

The fist is clenched hard, I endure it.

I'm a teacher, he's my student now, as long as he listens well, I don't know him, there's no grudge between us.

While brainwashing myself, I turned on the microphone and began to lecture.

Cheng Ziang listened for a while, yawned, and pulled open his backpack.

Put on a pair of headphones.

It's too much! He, he, he, he still listens to songs in class!

I almost broke the microphone with all my strength.

He did it on purpose, right? What is he trying to express? I'm bored lecturing? Boring?

He was dismissive? He doesn't want to hear it?

Today is my first day of class.

No matter how much he hates me, he doesn't have to bully me like that, right?

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, the more aggrieved I became, my eyes were sour, and I wanted to cry.

After forcibly finishing the class, I threw down the textbook, gritted my teeth and knocked on Cheng Ziang's desk: "This classmate, you come out with me."

Cheng Ziang was stunned for a moment, and quickly followed me.

At the end of the hallway, he looked at me with a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

"Teacher He, what are you looking for me?"

I couldn't get angry: "Cheng Ziang, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm boring, aren't I? You look down on me, don't you? You think you've spent all your money in vain, don't you?"

"No, I ......."

"Cheng Ziang!"

I looked at him, my head tilted, my head was sore, and my heart was sore.

"If you don't want to study, go home early, don't worry about people here, the money is not blown by the wind, you can still refund the full amount if you withdraw from the class now."

"Why should I withdraw from class?"

"No refund, right? Then you can apply for a change of teacher, since I can't do it......

Speaking of which, I think of the breakup back then, and I was so aggrieved that tears rolled in my eyes, am I really so bad?

"Cheng Ziang, you hate me, just find a better one, don't delay each other."

"Why do I hate you anymore? Alas, don't cry."

"I didn't cry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he couldn't hold back his tears.

It's like turning on a switch, and as soon as the tears fall, you can't hold it back.

The tears I shed in my life are all because of Cheng Ziang.

"He Lu, you, you, don't cry!"

He saw that I was crying so much, and he hurriedly dug into his pocket, trying to find out if there was any paper, but he was suddenly stopped.

"This parent!"

Cold and magnetic male voice, I stopped crying and hiccuped and followed the sound.

The other party is also a tall man of more than 1.8 meters, about 30 years old, wearing gold wire glasses, and the elegant and cold aura around him makes people feel a little weak for some reason.

Cheng Ziang was stunned: "You called me?"

"Or else?"

The man looked at me with tears on his face, shook his head, and said to Cheng Ziang, "You have to train your child to have a degree, how do you see her crying?"


I was stunned.

Cheng Ziang was also stunned.

Then, against the other party's powerful aura, he took a deep breath: "Teacher, she is training me."

The air was suddenly quiet.

The man froze for a moment, then turned his head to me, "Are you?"

I wiped my eyes, pursed my lips and smiled politely, "I'm the new teacher."

I pointed at Cheng Ziang again: "He is my student."

The man's ears were red.

"I'm sorry I misunderstood."

He smiled, pushed the frame of the mirror to hide his embarrassment, and then stretched out his right hand: "Hello, I'm Shen Zhixing."

"I'm He Lu, hello."

I nodded and shook his hand.

Cheng Ziang looked at our hands and frowned.

"Ahem, you continue training, I'll go to class, and we'll talk later."

Shen Zhixing looked at Cheng Ziang, smiled at me, and turned to leave.

Cheng Ziang looked at his back and said disdainfully, "At first glance, he is not a good person."

I'm already calm, I don't bother to pay attention to him, just lift my feet and leave.

"Hey! He Lu!"

He grabbed me and asked, "Why are you going?"

"It's none of your business."

I shook my hair and said coldly, "I said it, since you don't want to listen to my class, go find a better teacher, don't delay me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

I didn't feel good and said, "Are you willing to listen to the class, and you still listen to the song in class?"

He was stunned: "Listen to the song?"

"Yes! You haven't even taken off your headphones yet!

"Cheng Ziang, I know, you, a musical talent, engaged in art, eclectic, I understand.

"But now that I'm your teacher, you can't disrespect your teacher no matter what, right? Since you have signed up for class, study hard, or go back to be your big star!"

He was scolded by me, but he didn't have the panic of rebuttal before, but became more and more calm.

When I stopped, he took off his headphones and spread them out in his palm.

"He Lu, don't be angry.

"It's not headphones."

His throat moved, and his voice was a little astringent: "It's a hearing aid."

This time it was my turn to be stunned.

"This ear is broken."

He pointed to his right ear and grinned, the loss flashing in his eyes.


I stared blankly at his right ear, his head a little blank: "What's bad?"

"Car accident."

This sentence is like a heavy punch, which makes my brain buzz.

I opened my mouth, but I couldn't ask, the news was so sudden, I didn't know what to say for a while.

"What's that look on your face? You see, I'm not alive right now."

He put his hearing aids back on and smiled nonchalantly.

My heart felt like it was being pinched.

"Where else but the ears?"

"Where else?"

"Where, hurt?"

I bit my lip.

shouldn't have asked, obviously broke up, said that since then, everything about him has nothing to do with me, why should I ask, why should I care.

"Do you care about me?"

Cheng Ziang bent down and moved closer to me: "Lulu?"

"After all, I'm your teacher now!"

I glared at him and walked briskly to the elevator, "Forget it, I'm going to a meeting."

He was quiet for a moment.

After walking a few steps, Cheng Ziang's smiling voice came from behind: "Teacher He, see you later."

No, no, no! Who wants to see him!

I ran fast.

tried to throw Cheng Ziang out of his mind, but when he was in a meeting, he always thought of him involuntarily, and memories flooded uncontrollably.

"Lulu, does it sound good? I'm just going to give you one listen."

"Lulu, didn't you notice that your name is in the lyrics?"

"Lulu, wait, in the future, all the songs that will be played on the streets and alleys will be my songs."

Cheng Ziang, who was high-spirited and said that he wanted to save the Chinese music scene and could write a good melody by listening to the wind, had a broken ear.

That's why I didn't make my debut, so I came back to graduate school, right?

It's strange and uncomfortable.

Back then, he clearly decided to remove him from his heart and be a stranger, but now seeing him like this, he can't help but care.

What's wrong with me.

The meeting was over, and everyone was getting ready to go.

I sighed irritably, and as I got up, the pen on the side of the table fell to the ground with a snap.

I hurriedly bent down to pick it up, but a slender and beautiful hand was one step ahead of me.

Looking up, it was Shen Zhixing.

It's kind of handsome.

Ah no, what a coincidence.

"Teacher Shen."

"Teacher He, meet again."

Shen Zhixing smiled, picked up the pen and looked at it, and said with some surprise, "Fountain pen, few people use fountain pens now."

"Well, yes, thank you."

I whispered thanks, took the pen and looked at it, only to realize that the tip of the pen had been broken.

Shen Zhixing also noticed it, glanced at it, and said, "It seems to have been broken, I'll give you one."

I hurriedly waved my hand, "What's so embarrassing?"

"It's nothing, I just received a lot on Teacher's Day."

Should I say it or not, Shen Zhixing really looks good when he laughs.

I nodded, "Thank you then."


Shen Zhixing looked at the time and said, "It's almost twelve o'clock, shall I invite you to dinner?"

Shen Zhixing invited me to dinner...... The handsome guy invited me to dinner!

I nodded vigorously.


No, I have to be reserved.

I waved my hand stiffly, "Oh, that's embarrassing."

He couldn't help but smile, "You're welcome, what do you want to eat?"

"Plate of rice." I blurted out.

On the first day of work today, I heard that the company has a canteen, which is cheap and delicious, and I was hungry all morning.

Shen Zhixing looked at me in confusion: "What is a plate of rice?"

"It's the kind of company cafeteria, let's go, Mr. Shen."

I carried my bag, went out before him, and took him to the cafeteria.

I didn't expect that Shen Zhixing had never eaten in the cafeteria, and he didn't even have a card, and in the end I invited him.

We took our meal and sat down.

Shen Zhixing was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, holding a dinner plate as if he was sitting in a high-end hotel, and he was a little out of place.

I hurriedly sat down on the board and spread my hands to motion, "Teacher Shen, please."

"What are you doing?"

He smiled and spread his hands: "Teacher He, please."

As he spoke, he looked at my food and said, "I can't see that Mr. He loves meat so much."

"As I say, man is made of meat, and he doesn't like to eat meat, so I'll do it first as respect."

I picked up a chicken steak and munched on it happily.

Shen Zhixing looked at me, then picked up a pair of clean chopsticks and gave me the chicken wings on his plate.

"No, that's embarrassing!"

I was about to let him take it back when a plate suddenly fell in front of him.

The force was so great that the rice almost spilled.

"Teacher He, Teacher Shen, how about eating?"

Cheng Ziang looked at us calmly, pulled out the chair opposite him, and sat down.

How did he get here?

My mind was buzzing, a little overwhelmed.

Stunned, he looked at my plate and shook his head: "Teacher He, these chicken wings are all fried, don't eat them."

As he spoke, he stretched out his chopsticks and quickly snatched away the chicken wings that Shen Zhixing gave me.

Before we could react, it was steadily sent into our mouths.

"Cheng Ziang!"

I just felt sorry for him, why did he owe him so much?

I shuddered, "What are you doing?"

He looked up at me, blinked, and suddenly realized: "Alas, you see, I forgot that Mr. He loves meat the most, it's okay, I'll give you back."

As he spoke, he picked up the chicken leg from his bowl and gave it to me, "Here you go."

"I don't want it."

I clipped him back.

"Eat, eat, replenish your body, and grow taller."

"Eat it, replenish your brain."

I clipped him back again, annoying!

He was going to be having some kind of fun, and he was going to be in the middle of it.

Shen Zhixing wanted to speak several times on the side, but stopped:

"You two ......"

"You ......"

After a few tugging, he snapped and pressed the drumstick.

"I'd better eat it."


Shen Zhixing's dinner with me was so disrupted.

But after all, I am still very restrained as a teacher, otherwise I would have knocked Cheng Ziang to death with a plate.

After the meal, Shen Zhixing went back to the office.

I didn't have a class, so I pedaled home.

When I went upstairs, I found a tall long-haired woman standing at the door of Cheng Ziang's house.

Looking at the back, I feel that it is so beautiful that it explodes.

When she heard my footsteps, she suddenly turned around.

The moment I saw that face, my heart pounded, and my breath choked in my throat.

This is one of the last people I want to see in my life.

When she saw me, she was surprised for a moment, and then smiled, "He Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

I pinched my palm.

Even after all these years, when I see her again, I still get chills.

Chu Yun is the bassist of Cheng Ziang's University Band.

At that time, she had short pink hair, beautiful and cool, and was recognized as the school flower of the school.

Every time, when she stood with Cheng Ziang, I would be compared to her.

The night before we parted, I went to Cheng Ziang's school to watch him perform.

The golden boy and girl on the stage are full of light.

Offstage, my heart was almost pierced by the whispers hidden in the cheers.

They said, Cheng Ziang is blind, right? With a beauty like Chu Yun on her side, how could she be with that boiling water bottle?

They said that Cheng Ziang and I were not a good match at all, and we couldn't talk about it for long.

Thin needles pierced my heart little by little.

After the performance, Chu Yun found me in the audience, and then leaned on Cheng Ziang and looked at me with a smile.

As if to say that as long as she wants, she can get Cheng Ziang at any time.

The grievances that had been backlogged for months erupted that night.

Cheng Zi raised his eyebrows and told me with a smile that there was a big company ready to sign him.

I mentioned the breakup to him.

I see the gap between us, and I don't think I can cross it.

Cheng Ziang couldn't understand what I was angry about.

At that time, we were all too young to know how to speak well, and we quarreled fiercely, and finally blocked each other.

Since then, I haven't inquired about Cheng Ziang again.

I didn't expect that after so many years, I would still be able to see Chu Yun.

Is she in love, or have the two of them been together all these years?

I didn't dare to think deeply, and looked at Chu Yun expressionlessly: "Long time no see, what are you doing here?"

She looked at me without a trace before she said, "I'm here to see Ziang, he hasn't recovered yet, I'm worried."

Haven't recovered yet?

I see him jumping around?

Oh, it's the ears.

"Look, then."

I glanced at the closed door of Cheng's house.

Turn around and go home.

She suddenly stopped me, "Hey, He Lu!"


She lifted the bag on her shoulder, which was about to slip off, and asked me a little uncomfortably, "Ziang, has he looked for you since he came back?"

A chance encounter at school, does that count? I don't think so.


I slammed the door shut.

My mom is studying how to inject the family cat, which has been raised for more than ten years and recently suffered from kidney failure.

"Lulu, you're back? Come and help me hold Tuan Tuan, she's always moving."

"Here we are." I put down my bag and crouched down to help her press the cat.

After hesitating for a while, he said tentatively, "I went to work today and met Cheng Ziang."

My mother's hand holding the needle paused for a moment, then returned to normal: "Really? How is he doing now?"

"It looks like you had a car accident and your ears are broken, have you heard of anything?"


"Haven't you heard Aunt Cheng say it?"


My mom pushed the medicine into Tuantuan's body steadily and ruthlessly, and packed the needle with a blank face.

I sighed.

My mother and Cheng Ziang's mother were originally good friends.

The two people bought a house together, lived in the closest place to each other, and the two families had each other's keys, and the relationship was better than that of sisters.

But seven years ago, my mother and Aunt Cheng suddenly broke up because of some trivial things, and since then, the two of them have been strangers and have never interacted with each other again.

It's been so many years, and it's not good.

So I don't even know what happened to the other party's family.

I didn't dare to ask anything more, so I got up and went back to my room.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening when there was a sudden knock on the door.

I wore slippers and trotted to open the door, and when I saw someone coming, I almost had a heart attack.

Cheng Ziang smelled of food, and he still wore an apron around his waist: "My mother asked you to come over for dinner."

"Aren't you at school?"

He gave me a blank look, "Can you go home, but I can't?"

Of course! I'm not going to graduate school!

Before I could reply, he had already poked his head in to look at my mother, "Auntie, Lulu is going to eat tonight, okay?"

My mother was washing vegetables, looked at Cheng Ziang, smiled and nodded.

Although she had a falling out with Aunt Cheng, she never stopped me from going to Cheng Ziang to play.

Seeing my mother nodding, Cheng Ziang was overjoyed, grabbed my forearm and pulled it to his house.

"Wait a minute, wait for me to change my clothes." I'm still wearing pajamas, and I don't feel very dignified.

"It's like your own home, it's not necessary."

He dragged me in.

After entering the house, Aunt Cheng greeted me and took my hand with a smile: "Oh Lulu, let me see, it's beautiful again, why haven't I seen you since I graduated?" I heard that you are now Ziang's teacher?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

I actually like Aunt Cheng a lot, but after I broke up with Cheng Ziang, I didn't think much of his family.

I'm afraid of touching the scene.

Cheng Ziang pressed me to the sofa and said, "Wait a minute, there's still a soup."

With that, he trotted to the kitchen.

I sat uncomfortably for a moment and exclaimed, "He can cook now."

Aunt Cheng looked at the busy figure in the kitchen, sighed and smiled, "Well, after waking up from the car accident, he has changed a lot."

My heart was stagnant.

"Cheng Ziang, when did you get into a car accident?"

"Two years ago."

Oh, that's been a long time.

"But I was discharged from the hospital not long ago." Aunt Cheng's eyes were slightly red, "He's been asleep for two years, Lulu."

Two years.

I was so shocked that I grabbed her hand and didn't know what to say.

She pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Fortunately, everything is fine, although he has a lot of physical problems, but he is still positive, and now he has enrolled in the class and graduate school, which is very good, I am very happy."

I had a complicated mind, so I just nodded and smiled at her, "yes, yes."

After thinking about it, he asked him again, "But why does he suddenly want to go to graduate school?"

Aunt Cheng looked at the kitchen, patted my hands, and whispered, "I guess, it's for the girl who often came to see him during his hospitalization."

"Which girl?"

"It's called Chu Yun, you may not know him, it's his college classmate.

"After he woke up, the girl was also by his side, and we chatted, and I heard that the girl was now in graduate school, and she ran out to apply for graduate school the next day.

"It doesn't matter what he's for, as long as he doesn't get depressed."

After Aunt Cheng finished speaking, she looked at me and sighed softly:

"Lulu, in fact, I like you, when you and Ziang were young, I discussed with your mother to let the two of you be together in the future.

"It's a pity that you two have been like brothers and sisters since you were a child, and you didn't have any sparks, probably a little bit of fate."

I bowed my head in silence.

Aunt Cheng saw that Cheng Ziang was about to come out, and hurriedly said, "Don't say it, don't take Auntie's words to heart, you must have your own thoughts now, it's not good for me to keep saying this kind of thing, don't mind."

"It's fine."

I shook my head, my heart sour.

It's not that there is no spark, I've liked him since I was a child.

But he only liked me briefly.

"The soup is coming!"

Cheng Ziang came over with a big pot of chicken soup and looked at me with a smile: "Come, Teacher He, try my newly learned dish."

I took a deep breath.

Brace oneself.

"I'll see how you're doing, tsk, so-so."

"I will be in the future, I will grow up, Teacher He, please take care of me in the future."

Cheng Ziang took a big spoon to serve me soup, and when he bent over, the hearing aid was loose, and he quickly reached out to cover his ears.

I was stunned for a moment, and quickly got up to help.

Let's write off the past.

Never mind.

It doesn't matter what he's going to go to, as long as he doesn't get depressed.


After this meal, I figured it out a lot.

is no longer entangled in the past, we all have to stride forward, what hatred can be remembered for a lifetime, not to mention, I have no enmity with him.

I adapted to the rhythm of the training institution, adapted to my new identity, and worked hard every day to attend classes.

Cheng Ziang also began to be motivated, and he was very serious in class.

Although he hadn't touched a book for many years, he still learned quickly.

Especially in mathematics, Shen Zhixing said, he is very talented.

Shen Zhixing's office is not with us, but I don't know why, as soon as he has time, he will appear at our door.

Then he poked his head out and called me, "Teacher He, let's go, eat a plate of rice."

The handsome guy in an expensive suit called me to eat a plate of rice every now and then.

It's weird.

I don't know what's going on, since Shen Zhixing started eating plates and plates, the food in the canteen has become much better.

For example, the soup that used to symbolically float with a few slices of egg drop has now been upgraded to a real stewed pig's trotters and stewed beef brisket.

Most importantly, it's free.

I thought about it and frowned.

It must be that the employment situation is not good this year, which has led to a surge in the number of graduate students, and our training institution has also made a lot of money, so we can improve the food so much.

Horses, let's hurry up and pass the epidemic.

I walked with a sad face on my face when a black car suddenly stopped in front of me.

The driver got out of the car, opened the doors on both sides, and abandoned the car.


Shen Zhixing sat in the driver's seat smoothly: "Teacher He, get in the car."


"Eat a plate of rice." He smiled heartily.

"Hey, the new cafeteria, isn't it?" I lifted my skirt and got into the passenger seat.

It seems that the school has really made a lot of money.

The car had only been driving for a few minutes, and he took me to a nearby restaurant.

The delicate desserts on the table are expensive at first glance.

Then I looked at the menu.

It's really expensive.

"Didn't you say eat plates of rice?"

"That's it."

If I had to say it, it would.

I was a little panicked inexplicably.

It turned out that I was right in my panic.

After the dishes came up, Shen Zhixing chatted about anger and work.

Then he asked coldly, "Teacher He, have you ever been in love?"

I choked and hurriedly took a sip of water: "Ah, talk, talk, what's wrong?"

He laughed, "It's okay, it's just that I look at you, I thought you hadn't talked about it."

"How come, hahaha, Mr. Shen, you won't be sarcastic about my mother's single, right?"

I stared at Shen Zhixing coldly.

His hairs stood on end, "I didn't!"

After lowering his head and taking a bite of food, he tilted his head and asked me, "Mr. He, what was your last boyfriend like?"

The last one, the last one was two years ago, a little junior brother.

…… What's the name?

I thought about it for a moment and smiled awkwardly, "I don't remember much, but I remember that he was a little smaller than me, tall, and wore glasses."

"Then why did you break up?"

"Because he's so naïve."

Probably, maybe that's the reason, I don't remember at all.

Shen Zhixing nodded clearly: "It turns out that you like to be mature."

Then, he took the plate of steak that had just been cut at hand and pushed it in front of me with a precious weight:

"So, Mr. He, can I chase you? I think I'm quite mature."

I almost squirted out in a mouthful of food.

He, he, he, is this a confession?

I hurriedly pushed him back: "Teacher Shen, this is too sudden, I have something to say."

He pushed me back again: "Not suddenly, Mr. He, I've been brewing for a week."


He looked at me a little nervously, "I haven't chased a girl, you let me try."

"Teacher Shen, you haven't been in love yet, have you?"

"That won't be."

His face flushed slightly: "But before, it was others who took the initiative to chase me. But I don't think you, Mr. He, will take the initiative to confess."

Because I don't like you!

I didn't expect it, hahahaha.

I hurriedly shook my head: "No, Mr. Shen, the office romance is not good, I have only been working for half a month, I am afraid that I will be fired!"

"No one is going to fire you."

"That's not good."

"No, really."

He held my restless hand and said, "Whoever drives you, I will open you."

"You think the company is yours!"

"Ah, that's mine."

He curled his lips, a look of indifference that hid his merits and fame.

I didn't react for a long time.

He added, "I've never liked to be too high-profile, so no one knows who I am, except for the top of the company."

…… But you're already high-profile.

No wonder, I said how the cafeteria has been getting better and better lately.

I scratched my head, puzzled, "Mr. Shen, what do you like about me?"

He thought for a moment, "Maybe it's because of the whole company, just your age?"

I choked.

That's right, I'm the only teacher who hasn't coached before, and the other teachers are quite old.

Why is it a little sad for some reason.

Shen Zhixing quickly laughed and said, "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

He stared at me seriously and said, "But Mr. He, you are really different, you are like a vigorous weed, in a group of people who have been beaten by society, you are simply shining.

"Every time I go to the office, I see you writing lesson plans with a pen, it's very different, quiet and gentle, like a different person, put down the pen, and so lively, with you, I'm very happy for no reason."

I was stunned.

The fountain pen was used by my mother, and she said that it can exercise the mind, and girls, you should be steady and calm.

But with the existence of Cheng Ziang in my life, how can I be stable?

After playing with Cheng Ziang every day, he went home and pretended to be a good girl, and deceived my mother for more than ten years.

No, what I'm thinking about is Cheng Ziang!

It's impossible for me to be with him, and besides, he's going to graduate school for other girls.

I was a little lost in this moment.

Shen Zhixing called me softly, "Teacher He?"

I looked up at him, a little hesitant.

He's fine, but I don't know why, I just don't have feelings for him.

After a moment's deliberation, I said:

"Teacher Shen, you are really super good, you are tall and handsome, and your ability is super strong, how many girls can't ask for anything to fall in love with you."

But I have no feelings for you, at most I treat you as a friend, and I have no intention of going any further with you.

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, he suddenly heard a collision behind him.

When I turned around, I saw the boys in the two institutions behind me frolicking.

"Teacher He, Teacher Shen, it's so coincidental, I'm sorry, you eat slowly."

The two men apologized with a hippie smile on their faces, and then ran away with a mysterious look on their faces.

I looked at it for a while, and my heart was up and down.

Then he turned his head to look at Shen Zhixing, but his words were blocked by him.

"Teacher He, I know what you're going to say.

"It's okay, I'm a little abrupt today, let's not mention this matter for now, don't be embarrassed, and don't alienate me because of this psychological burden, we'll just be friends, okay?"

His eyes were so gentle that he thought about me everywhere, and I was too embarrassed to say anything more.


I nodded, slashing the rice.

"Since we're friends, can I call you Lulu?"


He explained, "It's always the teacher who comes and the teacher goes, it's very exciting, and besides, other teachers call you Lulu, so it's not just me, right?"

How the tea is up!

I nodded hurriedly, "Yes, you can call me anything!"

"Okay, Lulu."

Ah, weird.

"Can we eat together every day in the future?" He asked.

"Haha, I may have to bring a bento box in the future, hey, my mother said that eating in the cafeteria is always not as nutritious as what is made at home, and I can't resist her."

I looked at him weakly, and hurriedly made up for it: "But we can still eat together when we have time, and it won't affect our friendship if we don't eat together, don't you say?"

"Yes." He lowered his eyes plaintively.


You're the boss, what are you doing!

After two bites of food, I felt uncomfortable.

After a while, I used the excuse of going home to help my mother inject the cat, and I was ready to slip away.



I couldn't get away with it, so I had to walk to the parking lot.

When Shen Zhixing went to drive, my mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

It was Cheng Ziang's phone.

His previous number was blocked by me, this is his new number, after signing up for the graduate school entrance examination, I left all the students' phone numbers, including him.

To be honest, I hadn't received a call from him in years, and when I suddenly saw his name on the screen, my heart shrank.

I clicked.

On the other side of the phone, his voice was a little cold: "He Lu, are you with Shen Zhixing now?"

Huh? How did he know?

"yes, what's wrong?"

At this time, Shen Zhixing happened to drive next to me and called me with a smile: "Get in the car, Lulu, don't let Auntie wait too long."

When Leng Buding heard Shen Zhixing call me, I was a little panicked, and my first reaction was to cover the microphone.

But the other side probably heard it.

"Oh, it's okay, excuse me, Mr. He."

Cheng Ziang hung up the phone, with a reluctant smile in his voice.

What's wrong with him? Is it because you heard Shen Zhixing's voice?

But he doesn't like me.

I looked at my phone and struggled for a long time, so I simply didn't care, opened the car door and sat down.


Cheng Ziang skipped class.

After that phone call that day, he didn't come back to class for two days.

I called him and he didn't answer.

He said that he wanted to study hard and go ashore, so why didn't he suddenly come?

I'm always unsettled.

On the third night, I went straight to knock on his door.

I knocked for a long time, but no one opened it.

My mother has been on a business trip to study in the past two days, and Aunt Cheng Cheng and my mother are from the same school, so we probably went together.

Therefore, the lights on the Cheng family can only be turned on by Cheng Ziang.

But why didn't he open the door?

I panicked, looked inside through the cat's eye, and couldn't see anything, so I had to die.

My mother is not at home, and it is only me and Tuan Tuan at home, which is strange and lonely.

At ten o'clock in the evening, I washed up and prepared for bed, and before going to bed, I stopped by to see if Tuan Tuan had eaten tonight.

only to find that Tuan Tuan was convulsing on the ground, and there was already white foam on the ground.

I panicked and held it to call, but I couldn't wake it up.

This cat has been with our family since she was a kitten, almost half of my mother's daughter, and if it leaves, I will really be sad to death.

I called my mom with trembling hands, but my mom was asleep and didn't answer for a long time.

Tuan Tuan was still foaming at the mouth, weak and weak, as if he was going to cats in the next second.

The feeling of powerlessness almost crushed me.

I almost didn't hesitate and ran out and slammed the door of Cheng Ziang's house.

Even if he has broken up a long time ago, he is still used to relying on him in his heart.

"Cheng Ziang, will you open the door? My cat has an accident, and I don't dare to go out alone......

The thought that Tuan Tuan might be dying choked up and I couldn't speak.

I knew he was inside, but after a long time, he didn't open the door.

Why is he like this?

Disheartened, I decided to go out and find the hospital on my own.

just turned around, but the door of the Cheng family suddenly opened.

Cheng Ziang trotted over: "What's wrong Lulu?"

His hair was still wet, dripping down, and most of the white T on his body was wet.

While asking me, he wore a hearing aid.

I don't know what's going on, I can't wear it, he is a little irritable, and he throws away the hearing aid: "What a broken thing."

By the way, he was hearing impaired.

I was aggrieved and glad that he didn't mean not to open the door for me.

"Tuan Tuan, it looks like you're going to die......

He hurriedly asked, "Where?" Take me to see it."

"In the living room."

I hurried to take him to Tuan Tuan.

"Don't worry, pack it up, I'll drive it to the hospital."

Cheng Ziang took the flight box at home, packed Tuan Tuan, and subconsciously grabbed my hand when he went out.

Panic was expelled instantly.

This hand hasn't been held by me for a long time, and if I hold it again, my heart will still beat wildly.

Obviously, I said that I wanted to be a stranger who had nothing to do with each other.

Now it's also me, and I'm constantly attracted to him.

"Don't worry, Lulu, Tuan Tuan is very strong, and it will be fine."

He comforted me, his voice so gentle that it didn't resemble his.

After driving in a hurry and arriving at the hospital, the doctor took it and rescued it.

Cheng Ziang and I waited in the consultation room.

He seemed tired, leaning against the table, rubbing his head from time to time.

Ten minutes later, the doctor came out.

Tuan Tuan has been rescued, and there is no danger to his life for the time being.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

When I went to the front desk to pay the bill, Cheng Ziang followed me.

His face was not very good.

"Are you alright?"

"No, it's fine."

After a few steps, he suddenly leaned on top of me.

I could barely hold him up and looked up in panic.

"Lulu, help me, I'm ...... Maybe a little, low blood sugar."

He fell to the ground with a bang.


After sending Tuan Tuan to see the doctor, he sent Cheng Ziang again.

It was a surprisingly busy night.

Cheng Ziang was hanging water in the hospital, and when the nurse came to refill the medicine, she looked at me and asked, "Who is that, are you his girlfriend?"

"Ah, I'm not."

It won't be.

It's sad.

"Came with him anyway, right? You go and buy him some food, and then he wakes up and lets him eat, you young children, toss yourselves......


I walked away distracted.

The streets are empty late at night, and only a few carts selling fried noodles are still open.

It's so lonely.

I turned around and ordered a bowl of fried noodles for Cheng Ziang, and when I went back, he hadn't woken up yet.

I don't know when he'll wake up.

I sat for a while, and my mind sank.

In what capacity am I here to accompany him?

He helped me tonight only because of the friendship of neighbors, or the friendship of teachers and students.

After he woke up, the person he wanted to see the most should be Chu Yun.

The heart is sour.

I watched his quiet sleeping face, struggled for a long time, took out his phone, broke his thumb and unlocked it.

Then he called the address book and called Chu Yun.

She was a little surprised when she heard my voice, but when she heard that Cheng Ziang had fainted, she rushed over without saying a word.

"Where's Ziang?"

As soon as Chu Yun entered the door, he ran over eagerly.

"He didn't wake up, he's so tired."

I get my mood in order and try to look calmer.

Chu Yun sat down and looked at Cheng Ziang worriedly: "How long has he been discharged from the hospital, how can he toss himself so much?"

I didn't dare to speak.

She looked at me again, "Why are you with him?"

I smiled lightly, "Ah, a chance encounter, a community."

I hid haha and didn't want to say more.

After a few seconds of silence, I picked up my bag and left.

Let them be alone, I'm here for what's the matter.

"I've got something to do, so I'll go back first. There's chow mein there, so when he wakes up, remember to let him eat it."

"Oh, yes." After taking two steps, he couldn't help but look back, "When he wakes up, you can also persuade him, since he has signed up for the postgraduate entrance examination class and decided to cheer up, he should study hard, don't skip class, don't be depressed anymore, people can have a few chances to start over again in their lives."

Chu Yun was about to touch Cheng Ziang's forehead's hand, when he suddenly paused, "Won't it? Did he sign up for a graduate school?"

He went to graduate school for her, she didn't know?

I was a little surprised: "yes, you don't know?"

She shook her head, "How would you know?"

"I work at a graduate school entrance examination institution, and he is my student."

Chu Yun looked shocked.

Then he looked at Cheng Ziang and shook his body.

"I see."

She stood up slowly, her eyes full of sadness: "Cheng Ziang, you actually went to graduate school for her, you let me say what is good about you."

Confused, I asked, "What do you mean? Didn't he go to graduate school for you?"

"For me?

"How could he be for me? When he awoke, he couldn't remember who I was."

She sighed, she looked at Cheng Ziang's sleepy face, and was extremely disappointed: "He Lu, he knew that you were a teacher at the graduate school entrance examination institution, so he went to the class he enrolled."

There was a buzz in my head, like something had exploded.


I was woken up by Cheng Ziang.

At this time, I was lying on the edge of the bed, not knowing when I fell asleep.

He looked at me weakly and said, "Hungry."

I hurriedly took the fried noodles, but he didn't have the strength, so I had to feed him one bite at a time.

After two bites, he looked at my face in wonder and asked, "Have you ever cried?"

"No, saliva."

He was silent for a moment.

"Saliva can flow to your eyes, and you sleep upside down?"

"What's wrong! Do you eat or not?"

"Eat, eat, eat."

He took two bites and asked me again, "Why did you come to me tonight, not Shen Zhixing?"

As he spoke, his eyelids drooped, as if he had been beaten by Aunt Cheng when he was a child, like a wronged puppy: "Is it because I live relatively close?"

I paused, then amused, "Why am I looking for him? And in the middle of the night, why should I disturb people?"

He raised his eyes: "We're all in love, and you're still so angry?"

I was stunned.

"What are you in love?"

"I know it all."

He snorted coldly, stopped eating, and said, "Shen Zhixing confessed to you in the cafeteria, and you took him to see your mother."

Where do you start?

"Who did you listen to?"

After speaking, I suddenly remembered the day when Shen Zhixing confessed, the two boys behind us who were fighting.

It's them!

I put the bowl aside in a hurry: "It's Xiao Yang, they said, right? Well? What did they tell you?"

Cheng Ziang looked at me, his eyes full of sadness: "They said that Shen Zhixing is actually the big boss of the company, in order to chase you, he threw money at the canteen and bought several tons of pig's trotters for you to stew......

"Holy, that's what I said?"

"Then I called you, and I heard him call you Lulu, and he was going to see your mother."

I couldn't cry or laugh: "That's because I'm in a hurry to go back and help my mother take care of Tuan Tuan, and he sent me by the way."

He froze for a long time before asking, "So, you two, didn't talk?"

I know.

It turned out that he skipped class in the past two days because he thought I was with Shen Zhixing.

Childish ghosts!

I gritted my teeth in anger: "No! I didn't promise him, what is the identity of Shen Zhixing, chasing me is just playing, will I agree?"

"Really? Really?"

The corners of his eyes and eyebrows were overflowing with joy, and then his face turned cold: "But, he called you Lulu."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't all my friends call me Lulu?"

"Anyway, he just can't call it."

"Okay, okay."

I'm angry, and my heart is sweet.

He cares about me as much as I still care about him.

"Are you hungry, and are you still eating?"

"Hungry, hungry, ah......"

He opened his mouth and told me to continue feeding him.

After feeding us twice, the nurse came, looked at us, and shook her head embarrassedly: "Now boys, you can't help but be weak."

Cheng Ziang froze and glanced at me weakly.

"Eat it yourself!"

Cheng Ziang took the bowl and buried himself in the bitter eating.

When he was almost finished, I asked him, "Why didn't you come to class these two days?" Why don't you eat?"

He froze and said nonsense, "What's wrong with creating at home?"


"Ah, really, really."

I smiled smugly and approached him, "Didn't you think that Shen Zhixing and I were in love, and I was so sad that I didn't want to eat or go to class?"

His eyes widened, "You, how do you tarnish people's innocence out of thin air?"

I came closer, almost touching the tip of his nose, forcing him to retreat half an inch.

"Cheng Ziang, are you still hard-mouthed? Chu Yun told me everything."

"Chu Yun?" He was confused for a moment.

"Oh Chu Yun." Seems to have remembered who she is.

"She's been here?"

"I've been here, I'm gone."

She said she was too tired to let go.

He hurriedly grabbed my hand, "She didn't say anything excessive, did she?"

"No, Cheng Ziang."

My eyes were inexplicably wet again: "She just told me that the person who has been hiding in her heart all these years has been thinking about me."

He also wanted to quibble, "What does this mean......

"Cheng Ziang, you got into a car accident because you saw me posting a photo of my junior brother on Weibo, right?

"After you were discharged from the hospital, you found your former classmates and inquired about my work unit, so you suddenly wanted to go to graduate school, right?"

I stared at him tightly: "Cheng Ziang, don't you still admit it?"

He was silent for a moment, his eyes red: "You know everything?"

"Or else?"

My heart felt like it was being tugged at, and it hurt to death.

He finally stopped being stubborn and reached out and hugged me into his arms.

"Lulu, I admit it, I can't forget you."

"You're so stupid, Cheng Ziang, you lied to me for so long."

I really want to give him a few punches.

He was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Lulu, I'm sorry."

"What are you doing when you say you're sorry?"

He hugged it tighter, and it was hard to hide the guilt in his voice: "I was too naïve back then, I didn't think about you, and I said heavy things when I broke up, I have been blaming myself all these years, and when I was in a coma, my dreams were full of your grievances, Lulu, my heart hurts to death......

I patted him, "Don't say it, I'm at fault too."

However, no matter how wrong it is, it's nice to come back after going around and around.

He shook his head, "But, my ears are broken."

A shallow sigh came from his ear: "It takes a lot of effort to hear your voice, it's probably not better, you're so good...... Lulu, will you dislike me?"


I grabbed him by the collar: "Cheng Ziang, don't think about these things, give me a good study, I want to go ashore, I want to turn over, you know?"

He looked at me for a long time, and then nodded solemnly, "Well, Lulu, although you are excellent, I will try to catch up."

I nodded confidently.

Just as he was about to give him a bear hug, another person came in the ward.

There are bandages on the head and hands, it's funny, like that, the king ranks.

He seemed to be looking at me.


it! Shen Zhixing!

I was scared and bounced.

"Shen, Teacher Shen?"

I stepped forward and looked left and right, "What's the matter with you?"

"Lulu, why are you here?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, what's wrong with you?"

Shen Zhixing sighed lightly, his voice was hoarse, and he was like crying: "You said that the canteen is not nutritious, and you won't eat with me in the future, if you want to bring a lunch, I want to learn to cook and bring it to you tomorrow, but I didn't expect that the pot was fried."

"Ah, Teacher Shen, how can you stand this!"

I can't tell you how guilty I am, and I even want to kneel down and kowtow to him twice.

Behind him, Cheng Ziang, who was still weak just now, suddenly stood up.

walked to Shen Zhixing's bed with a polite face.

"Teacher Shen."

Shen Zhixing was confused: "Cheng Ziang? Why are you there?"

"Ah, it's not important, but, Mr. Shen, thank you."

Shen Zhixing was doubly confused: "What are you thanking me for?"

"Thank you for cooking for my girlfriend."

Female, girlfriend?

My face flushed.

"You two ......"

Shen Zhixing looked at me, his eyes darkened, and he fainted.

At seven o'clock in the morning, when the sun climbed upstairs, the birds caught insects and ate them, it was time for everyone to be discharged.

Shen Zhixing stood in the wind, turned his face sideways and asked me, "Do you like him?"

"yes, I like it."

"Well, I bless you, I'm quitting."

He wanted to insert a pocket, but his hand was wrapped in a bandage, and he was fat, and he couldn't insert it, so his hand was so embarrassed on his crotch.

"Teacher Shen, is it so casual?"

He laughed, "Isn't that what feelings are? Lulu, I'm thirty years old, and when you reach my age, you'll be as free as I am."

…… All right.

"Teacher Shen, in short, thank you."

Cheng Ziang has been waiting for a long time, I have to go.

After only taking two steps, he suddenly heard Shen Zhixing's sad voice: "Woo, Lulu."


"Why don't I fire you?"

"Shen, Teacher Shen, you can't use your own private affairs to abolish your public!"


I left the institution.

It's not that Shen Zhixing really fired me.

Instead, there was a vacancy in a research institute that I had voted for before, and I was contacted.

I was very happy that day.

pulled Cheng Ziang to eat a barbecue.

A little drunk, when I went home, I was very happy, holding hands with him, bouncing around.

Then I bumped into my mom, and then I bumped into my mom.

The four of them were embarrassed for a while.

Finally, we gathered together at Cheng Ziang's house.

My mom sits on the left, and my mom sits on the right.

Cheng Ziang and I sat in the middle, and we didn't dare to come out.

The air is quiet.

After a long, long time, my mom was the first to break the silence.

"Let's talk."

Aunt Cheng looked at death as if she were at home: "Okay, let's talk."

Another few seconds of silence.

I squeezed Cheng Ziang's hand tightly.

My mom wouldn't disagree, would she? So what to do? Then I will go wandering with Cheng Ziang.

I looked nervously at my mom, expecting her to speak.

She looked at Aunt Cheng, her eyes red: "Rourou, I was wrong back then."

Aunt Cheng burst into tears: "I, I'm also at fault."


Aren't you talking about me and Cheng Ziang!

"Yau Yau, I regret it, I ......" My mom cried so much that she couldn't speak.

Aunt Cheng slammed into my mother's arms: "You haven't looked at me all these years, I thought you wouldn't pay attention to me for the rest of your life......


Yes, Cheng Ziang and I don't matter at all.

My mother and Aunt Cheng hugged and cried all night, and the two of them got back together, and then remembered me and Cheng Zianglai.

My mother sighed, "Then what else, set a date to get married."

Aunt Cheng touched my hand apologetically: "I'm sorry Lulu, last time I misunderstood the relationship between Ziang and Chu Yun, and I also wronged you, alas, in fact, I don't blame me, who told you two to watch no drama at all."

"Why is there no play?"

My mom was disdainful: "I already knew there was something wrong with them, hmph, look at how you behaved as a mother."

"Yo, what do you say, Mr. He?"

"Say you can't see it with your eyesight."

"I can't? Just you?"

The air smelled of gunpowder, and I panicked.

"Don't argue, how old are you two, how can you be like an elementary school chicken!"

The two of them said in unison, "Shut up!"

In the end, only my wounded world was reached.


I got married to Cheng Ziang a year later.

By that time my job had stabilized, he had gone ashore, he had a cochlear implant, and everything was slowly getting better.

A lot of classmates came, and Chu Yun also came.

When I was about to leave after dinner, she came to me and said, "He's only happy when he's with you."


I have no hostility towards her, and I don't like it, so I can only say it's bland.

Because I know that what belongs to me she can't take it.


She was a little stunned.

Then he looked at me and smiled: "Back then, I was too proud, thinking that I could get everything I wanted, and it took so long that I had to take this star off, but now that I think about it, it's really naïve."

"Forget it, don't talk about it."

She stroked her hair and looked at Cheng Ziang, who was toasting not far away, "In the future, you will never see me again."

I politely asked, "Where are you going?"



There's not much to say.

"I'm leaving."

Chu Yun glanced at me embarrassedly, then took his bag and turned around and walked out the door.

After taking two steps, she looked back at me again: "He Lu, ...... back then."

She bit her lip and said stubbornly: "I passed on your nickname back then, I was competitive and ignorant, I hurt you, I'm sorry, I apologize to you."

I was stunned for a moment.

Then relieved.

But he didn't say forgiveness.

There will be no more stinging for this, but there will be no forgiveness either.


I waved my hand and turned back to my seat.

As soon as I passed, Cheng Ziang hugged me nervously: "What did she just tell you?"

"It's nothing, it's just ...... Some nonsense."



"That's good."

He pursed his lips and smiled, and couldn't help but kiss me secretly.

"Cheng Ziang!"

I pushed him in shame and whispered, "There are so many relatives and friends, you should pay attention."

"Don't call me that!"

He hugged me tighter and chuckled in my ear, "Call husband."

[End of this story]

On my first day as a teacher, I found my ex-boyfriend sitting under the podium