
After my husband's Bai Yueguang divorced, he moved upstairs to my house with a child who was more than a year old

author:A small bok choy

After my husband's Bai Yueguang divorced, he moved upstairs to my house.

Also carrying a one-year-old oil bottle.

Orphans and widows are everywhere in need of help.

So my husband ran upstairs twice in three days.

I seriously suspected him of cheating, but he refused to admit it: "Can you not always judge others with such dirty thoughts, I am just friends with her, not to mention that there are children here, what can we do?"

So I secretly poured glue into the bottle in his bag.

That night, he and his Bai Yueguang were embarrassed to be sent to the hospital.

I snorted, isn't this quite intense?


Title: An unexpected surprise on an anniversary

Children's Day coincides with the third anniversary of my husband's marriage.

To celebrate this special day, I have carefully prepared a series of surprises at home in anticipation of his return.

However, as time passed, the scene did not appear.

According to the flight information he sent yesterday, he should have landed long ago.

I hurriedly checked the status of my flight and confirmed that the plane had arrived on time.

At this moment, my phone suddenly vibrated and a sense of foreboding came over me.

I hurriedly checked, only to find that it was a message from Zhao Lulu, who accidentally sent me a few photos.

In the photo, Shi Jing is wearing business clothes, holding a little boy in his hand, and the two are smiling very sweetly, looking like parents and children.

I have mixed feelings. Zhao Lulu seemed to realize that she had sent the wrong photo, and hurriedly withdrew it, explaining that it was originally going to be sent to the owner of the photo studio.

Despite this, this is not the first time she has "accidentally" sent intimate photos with her children.

There were moments before them playing together, shopping for baby products, and resting at her house.

Zhao Lulu's behavior deeply disturbed me, and she seemed to be intent on letting me know about Shijing's relationship with her and her son.

Although this "surprise" was unexpected, it made me have to face up to the problems that may exist between us and consider how to deal with this sudden emotional dilemma.

Seeing that I didn't reply for a while, Zhao Lulu used her imagination over there again.

"Knowing that Ah Jing is coming back today, An An and I went to pick him up early in the morning, thanks to him for taking care of our mother and son these days."

"I wanted to come back directly, but on the way, An An couldn't walk when he saw the Ferris wheel, and you also know that today is Children's Day, and the amusement park is holding themed activities."

"Ah Jing saw that he was pitiful, so he was very merciful and took An An in to play for a while."

"But I heard that today is your wedding anniversary, and my son abducted your husband, so you won't be angry, right?"

I knew it was someone else's wedding anniversary, so why did I rush to join in the fun?

Dead green tea!

I ignored her and called Shi Jing directly.


Title: Anniversaries and amusement parks

Our 3rd anniversary Japan is supposed to be a festive day, and I have carefully arranged a surprise at home and waited for the time to return.

However, he took someone else's child to an amusement park.

I questioned him on the phone, and Shi Jing explained that Xiao An'an saw other children having fun and wanted to go, so he took the children there when he had more time today.

I was a little displeased, after all, the anniversary is only once a year, and the amusement park is open every day.

At this time, Zhao Lulu interjected and said that the Children's Day event in the amusement park was also once a year, and An An was careful and sensitive, afraid that he would feel excluded.

Zhao Lulu also said that if I really can't accept it, she will let Shi Jing come back.

These words made me feel like I was fighting for something with my children, and it was clear that Shi Jing and I were legally husband and wife. Zhao Lulu seems to have deliberately ignored this point and added fuel to the fire to convey the message.

On the other end of the phone, she told the child that she would play with him today and let Shi Jing go home, but the child cried and asked Shi Jing to accompany him.

I calmed down and firmly reminded Shijing that he had promised that it was his duty to go to the appointment. Shi Jing finally sighed and said that I am an adult and should not worry about the child, and he will come back as soon as possible.

After I hung up the phone, I looked at the "Happy 3rd Anniversary" balloon decoration, and I was so disappointed that I couldn't help but burst the balloons completely.

This kind of thing makes me disappointed with the consideration and proportions of the situation.


Shi Jing and I were seniors in the school days, and he was two years older than me.

I remember the scene of our first encounter vividly.

On that day, there was an important meeting at the college, and I was responsible for maintaining order as a member of the student council.

Unfortunately, I happened to have my period that day, and I accidentally soiled my pants, leaving me in an awkward position. Just when I was anxious, Shi Jing appeared like a hero, he took off his blazer and gently draped it over me, which touched me deeply.

I had a crush on Shijing for two years.

On his graduation day, I mustered up the courage to confess to him with flowers in my hand, only to find that he had left the campus early.

Just when I thought this crush would end in regret, fate brought us closer again – we were unexpectedly reunited at a blind date.

This reunion convinced me of our special fate.

After the blind date, our contact became frequent, and we gradually got to know and integrated into each other's lives.

A year later, we entered the palace of marriage and began a peaceful and happy life together.

However, this quiet life was shattered on the day Zhao Lulu returned to China, and unknown challenges and changes quietly came.


The first time I knew about the existence of Zhao Lulu was at the wedding banquet between me and Shi Jing.

He held an unremarkable red envelope in his hand and stared at it for a long time.

It turned out to be written a line of words: "A journey through the mountains and rivers, three lives are fortunate."

Signature - Zhao Lulu.

I found out about them through his friends.

"Zhao Lulu, the first love of Bai Yueguang in the current situation."

"At least nine and a half out of ten of the rebellious things Shi Jing did when she was in school were related to her. We all thought that they could do it, but who knew that Zhao Lu would be exposed to the country later."

"The situation has been depressed for more than two years."

probably realized that he had said too much, and his friend immediately added: "However, Zhao Lulu also got married abroad some time ago, and they are all right."

In order to relax me, my friend also specially showed me Zhao Lulu's wedding photos and the video of the wedding.

I know I have concerns about Zhao Lulu. Shi Jing also talked to me about her later, and he told me categorically at that time that he had already put Zhao Lulu down, and that day he just had some feelings about what was wrong.

After talking about it this time, I was completely relieved of Zhao Lulu.

After Zhao Lulu returned to China after the divorce, she moved upstairs to our house, she is a single mother, and a little boy who is more than a year old, orphans and widows, everywhere there are places that need help.

The situation ran upstairs at two ends in three days.

And I relied on what Shi Jing had said, so I didn't care about these things.

But I don't know if it's because I made too many concessions in the early stage, or if she relied on Bai Yueguang's lethality, and later became more and more aggressive.

She borrowed my bathroom to take a shower and put on my pajamas without saying a word.

When she was tired of bringing her son to the house, she would go into the master bedroom and lie on the bed where Shi Jing and I slept on all fours.

She took my place at the drinks and parties that I was supposed to attend with Shijing.

She would ask Shijing for help in the middle of the night, but she was wearing revealing lace pajamas.


There are so many things that have crossed the line that she has crossed.

That's when I ask about the situation.

Shi Jing looked like a good old man: "Lulu didn't mean to, she just forgot to bring her pajamas, you can't let her go back naked, right?"

Dare to love her for renting a fake house upstairs? Can't you just take it with condescension?

"The bed in the master bedroom is more conducive to her sleep, and she is not stable when she sleeps elsewhere."

Then why doesn't she like it so much and buy one home? Besides, she sleeps in her own bed every day, if she is really unstable, and she doesn't see a little dark circles under her eyes?

"Lulu has just returned to China, and it is the time when you need to get through the network, so let her be allowed a few times if you have a chance in the future."

How does she know that she is looking for a married man to help her get through the relationship, and she has no other unmarried friends?

"What she wears in her own house is her freedom, you shouldn't be a villain, and you should live in the belly of a gentleman."

Okay, okay, I'm a villain, she's a gentleman, and I'll put a coat on my body when I see other people of the opposite sex, unlike her who shows her chest and belly.


But every time there would be a dispute because of different concepts, I would be angry with the brain circuits of the current situation every time.

Shi Jing is extremely subjective, I think that I am chasing after the wind and making something out of nothing, and I always insist on one point of view.

"Lulu and I are innocent, and there are no things you fabricated."

If he really had the consciousness of a married man, in fact, these things could have been completely avoided, but he didn't.

At this time, I completely figured it out, and Shi Jing didn't let go of his white moonlight at all.

Pretending to be confused, in the name of friends and neighbors, doing all kinds of ambiguous things.


I recalled these things in my dreams, and I don't know if it was because I was so angry, but I was actually awakened by anger.

When I opened my eyes, I happened to meet the dark eyes of the scene.

"I knew I was back, I thought I was dead." I scolded him angrily.

Shi Jing laughed and helped me brush the hair on the top of my head: "You have such a big temperament, no wonder you were angry when you slept just now."

"I'm sorry I couldn't celebrate the anniversary with you, I'll make it back for you sometime."

As he spoke, he was leaning over to scoop me up from the couch.

During the movement, his open neckline widened, revealing a slightly hidden kiss mark on one side of his neck.

I grabbed him by the collar and pointed to the kiss mark that was clearly visible on it: "How did it come?!"

Shi Jing's eyes flashed with a hint of emptiness, and he explained in a daze, "Lulu is drunk, and I accidentally rubbed it when I sent her back."

I turned on the flashlight to further observe the kiss marks on his neck: "Then she was really careless, rubbed it, and sucked out the marks by the way."

Shi Jing let go and put me back on the couch, "Didn't you hear what I said, she's drunk, and these things are not within her control!"

"According to what you say, if she gets drunk and you next time, do I have to smile and say to her, "It's okay", am I a very cheap person in your heart?!"

"Do you want me to endure this kind of thing?"

He was stunned, but the next moment he angrily accused me and said, "Can you not always judge others with such dirty thoughts, I am just friends with her, not to mention that there are children here, what can we do?!"

I also gradually realized the essence of this man, the more weak my heart is, the more I like to make excuses for myself.

For the sake of my breasts, my thyroid, I really couldn't bear it this time.

Picked up his fist and smashed it into his face several times, each time with full force.

Shi Jing was in a hurry by me, grabbed my shoulders, and threw me vigorously on the sofa.

"Zhou Shiyu, have you made enough trouble? I don't have anything to do with her!"

I sneered at him, "Don't you have the ability to push a woman away? Why can't you push it away when Zhao Lulu comes up?"

Shi Jing knew that I had learned taekwondo before, and my strength was greater than that of ordinary girls.

When he heard this, his whole body froze, and his arrogance that had just been angry with me wilted.


After this time, I decisively filed a divorce with Shi Jing.

But he didn't agree.

"I haven't had any substantive relationship with Zhao Lulu, so why don't you mention divorce because of a trivial matter?"

"You're too child's play with marriage."

"I'm not going to sign the agreement anyway."

I really don't know how he had the face to say that.

Even if there is no substantive relationship, his spiritual transgression and connivance with Zhao Lulu are not a kind of derailment?

This matter also quickly reached the ears of Shi Jing's parents, they are teachers, and they have always been reasonable in life and things, I thought they should be able to understand me.

But they said these words:

"Shiyu didn't say you, this temper really has to be endured, Xiaojing didn't make any big mistakes, why did you mention divorce?"

"Besides, what's in it for you to get divorced? After the divorce, you are second-hand, and it will be difficult to find a good man like Xiaojing who can take care of the family and make money!"

"Listen to your parents, endure the calm waves, take a step back and open the sky, go back and apologize to Xiaojing, this matter can be regarded as a turning page."

Looks like I'm thinking too much.

What kind of parents hand over what kind of son, they are not as obvious as the situation!

I stopped maintaining peace on their faces because they were elders, and stood up and said to them, "What is a divorced second-hand woman?"

"If that's the case, you two old antiques are still feudal remnants!"

"I am who I am, I don't need to rely on other people's evaluations to define my value, you two elders don't agree with my divorce, then don't agree, anyway, I'm just here to inform you!"

Shijing's parents trembled and pointed at me, "You kid!"

"It's so good that you don't listen!"

"Why did we agree to let you marry in the first place?!"


I turned around and cried to my parents about it.

They unconditionally supported my decision: "Mom and Dad just want you to be happy and healthy, and if you don't have a good life, we won't live with him. Our daughters have so many advantages, and they are fragrant and sweet everywhere. Even if you don't get married, your parents can raise you for nothing with a pension."

With the support of these words, I am even more determined to divorce Shijing.

During this time, because of the divorce, Shi Jing and I fell into a state of cold war, ignoring each other, but I was happy.

It's just that some people don't know where they heard the news, and they lick their faces and enter the house.

Zhao Lulu came to my house every day during this time, and offered all kinds of courtesy to Shijing, which seemed to be such a hot sweet treat.

As if to deliberately anger me, Shi Jing will deliberately show some closeness to Zhao Lulu in front of me.

For example, today, when I came home from work, I happened to see Zhao Lulu helping Shi Jing with medicine.

The wound I beat him before is not healed.

Seeing that I was back, he deliberately grabbed Zhao Lulu's wrist and dragged him into his arms.

The distance between the two is suddenly approaching, and at first glance it looks like they are going to be close.

"Wouldn't that be more convenient for you?"

Zhao Lulu's face flushed, and she let out a coquettish "um".

Goosebumps rose all over me, and I secretly cursed the two of them for being stupid in my heart.

Who cares about them rarely.

I walked straight past them to my bedroom

Lying in bed, I ordered myself a takeout.

More than half an hour later, the sound of the doorbell was heard.

I went out to get the takeout as fast as I could, but I didn't expect Zhao Lulu to leave yet, and she got my takeaway one step faster than me.

I frowned, "You can take it if you see that it's your takeaway?"

Zhao Lulu pretended to be coquettish and said "oops": "I'm afraid you didn't hear it, I just want to help you get it."

"I don't need your kindness, I have my own ears, and I also told the delivery person in advance that I can put it at the door." I reached for it: "Give me back the takeaway!"

At this time, Zhao Lulu suddenly weakened her muscles, and as soon as her hand slipped, my takeaway fell to the ground with a snap.

It's not the first time I've ordered this shop, and the packaging of their takeaway has always been tight, but Zhao Lulu's soup and rice suddenly leaked to the ground.

It's clear that it's been passive.

If nothing else, it is Zhao Lulu herself.

After she was burned by the soup, she immediately shouted: "Shiyu, I just want to help you bring in the takeaway, why are you so malicious to me and throw the takeaway on me!"

As he spoke, tears crackled down, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Shi Jing hurriedly came over, he was in front of Zhao Lulu, and glared at me fiercely: "Zhou Shiyu, can you take care of your unreasonable temper? Lulu didn't offend you."

After speaking, he immediately helped Zhao Lulu to sit on the sofa.

Zhao Lulu turned her head and winked at me smugly.

I didn't do anything, I took a takeaway for nothing, and in the end I was labeled as unreasonable.

Am I stepping on a horse a temperless bag?

I clenched my fists and walked towards Zhao Lulu menacingly.

Seeing my fierce look, Zhao Lulu immediately reflexively hid in Shi Jing's arms.

"Ah Jing, she won't come over and beat me, woo woo, I'm so scared!"

The situation was like a great enemy, and he was very wary of me, and silently hugged the person in his arms: "Zhou Shiyu, now is a society under the rule of law, beating people is illegal!"

I just took a tissue out of my pocket and handed it over, "I was too impulsive, I apologize to you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Shi Jing with a sincere face: "The main reason is not that you are so close to her! It's so sore that my teeth are falling out."

The time has reacted, and I am taking the initiative to make peace.

The state changed too quickly, and he still thought I was a little weird, so he straightened his back and ordered, "If you really want to apologize sincerely, help Lulu wipe the soup off her feet."

I took a deep breath and squatted down with a good attitude.

Zhao Lulu was a little uncomfortable.

"Are you playing tricks?"

"If I really have a heart, I'm afraid that the moment my hand touches your ankle, it won't belong to your body."

Zhao Lulu sighed.

I have a good attitude, and the times have seen some sincerity.

So they agreed to make peace with me.

Zhao Lulu estimated that she wished that the two of us would divorce immediately, and when she heard this, her eyes were about to pop out.

Shi Jing is right, beating her doesn't do me any good except for being cool for a while, and the gains outweigh the losses.

I've got a better way to teach this dead green tea and my stupid husband.


After I reconciled with Shi Jing, he was a lot more honest and took the initiative to keep some distance from Zhao Lulu.

Look, in fact, he also knew in his heart that some of his actions were out of proportion, and he refused to admit it before, and the dead duck had a hard mouth!

After a long time, Zhao Lulu was a little panicked.

She began to take measures to take sexy selfies of the time scene in a different way.

Once, I happened to bump into it, and Shi Jing deleted the photo unhurriedly: "I sent it to the wrong person, if you don't like it, I'll block her."

I lay in his arms and asked in a soft voice, "If she had seduced you out of sight, would you have refused so decisively?"

The situation is categorical: "Of course!"

"Okay, then I believe you!"

A few days later, Shi Jing was going on a business trip, and while I was packing my things, I secretly stuffed a bottle of lube into his bag.

I squeezed half a bottle of glue into this bottle of lube in advance.

At the same time, I also secretly revealed the information that Shi Jing was going on a business trip to Zhao Lulu.

Sure enough, when I was sending Shijing to the high-speed rail station that day, I saw Zhao Lulu buying tickets at the ticket machine.

I hooked my lips and smiled.

It's time to test people's hearts!

Then I'm going to see if my dear husband will take the bait this time!


Shi Jing did come on a business trip this time, and my girlfriend and I squatted outside the hotel where he stayed for a day, and we only saw him mingling with a few people dressed in business.

In the evening, the party ends.

He saw Zhao Lulu at the door of the hotel, and was stunned at first, judging from the shape of his mouth, he should be saying, "Why are you here?"

Zhao Lulu said, "Why, I don't even have the right to travel?"

"But it's too coincidental, it's just where I'm on a business trip."

Zhao Lulu twisted her small waist, bit her lower lip, and held it for a while before she said, "Do you have to make me admit that I came to you specifically?"

Shi Jing frowned, as if he understood something at once.

He raised his hand and pushed Zhao Lulu away: "I promised Shiyu that I would not betray her."

Zhao Lulu may have felt hurt, and her eyes turned red all of a sudden, and at the same time, she turned on the memory killing mode: "Ah Jing, do you know, after marrying someone else, I realized that I missed the best person in this world for me."

"I regretted wanting to divorce a long time ago, but when I heard the news that you were going to get married, my heart was about to break. Actually, I really want to go back to China to find you, but I really can't bear to destroy your happiness. That's why I asked someone to write that line on the red envelope."

"After all, I still can't forget you."


She said a lot.

It was also obvious that this trick was working for the current situation, his eyes were red, and his expression was moving.

Zhao Lulu took the initiative to step forward again, wrapped his neck, and seduced him while discharging.

The next moment, Shi Jing wrapped his arms around her thin waist and held her ass with the other hand.

"You brought it on yourself."

The two of them entered the hotel together.

I glanced at the timer on my phone.

A total of twenty-five minutes, forty-one seconds and six minutes, less than half an hour, my good husband, who had kept saying that it was absolutely impossible before the business trip, got on another woman's boat.

Much sooner than I expected.

I laughed speechlessly.

Sure enough, there are only zero and countless times for men to cheat.

My best friend watched the two of them go in, but she was anxious for me: "Why are you stunned, why don't you catch up quickly, otherwise how can you catch the rape in bed?"

I stuffed a bag of melon seeds into her hand, and my tone was light, but I was confident.

"Don't worry, they'll admit it themselves."

The girlfriend began to eat melon seeds with doubts.

An hour later, an ambulance drove off the hotel.

"Aren't they so intense, and the ambulances are coming?" My girlfriend can't understand the current situation.

"That's not intense, they're all conjoined babies."

The best friend was stunned, only to find that Shi Jing and Zhao Lulu were in an extremely strange posture when they were carried away, and the two hugged each other, as if they were inseparable.

"Is it in the card?"

I smiled, "It's pretty much the same."

As I spoke, I picked up my phone and clicked to take several photos.

I sent it to my media friends.


This is quite explosive in the circle of catching the junior, so the heat of this news fermented quickly.

Shi Jing and Zhao Lulu's identity information was also dug up quickly.

Now the whole network knows that he cheated in marriage.

Shi Jing and Zhao Lulu both had no face and continued to surf the Internet.

That's when I came to see the scene with a basket of rotten fruits.

"Yo, isn't this a decent gentleman who is innocent with his ex-girlfriend?"

"How can it be on the hot search in this way, good, lost, people, ah!"


I covered my mouth and couldn't hold back my giggles.

This gloating expression quickly made Shi Jing understand.

"Did you kill me on purpose?"

"When you do this kind of cheap hook, Zhou Shiyu, are you disgusting?"

I pulled the corners of my mouth coldly; Look at him, "I should ask you that!"

"I knew that I was married, and I promised my wife the night before my business trip, that I would never do anything to be sorry for her."

"But in less than a day, you turned around and rolled on the same bed with another woman!"

"You're the one who cheated! You are the one who does not keep the promise!"

"Besides, no one forced you to take your pants off."

"At the end of the day, until now, you haven't reflected on your cheating, you will only be angry that you cheated and exposed it in a very bizarre and eye-catching way!"

Shi Jing was stunned by me, and his face turned blue and red.

He knew he was wrong, and he didn't say anything more.

I slammed the divorce agreement on the table: "Find time to sign it!"


After leaving the hospital, my girlfriend and I went back to my home with Shijing and packed our bags.

Just packed my bags and prepared to leave the complex.

I didn't happen to meet Shijing's parents on the road.

As soon as they saw me, they were very emotional.

Ran straight at me, "You slut is the one who has ruined my son's reputation!"

"He's just making the same mistake that a man would make, why would you let him lose face!"

"Sure enough, the old saying is true—the most poisonous woman's heart! I think you're a wicked woman!"

I replied coldly: "You are a teacher, you should know a word, if you want others to know unless you don't do it! If your son hadn't done that disgusting thing, would he have lost this man?"

Shijing picked up a stick from the side of the road and slashed at me in the face on a rampage!

"You little set my son up, is it reasonable?"

"See if I don't teach you a good lesson for my son!"

She's pretty vicious, but in the end, I've practiced some taekwondo myself, and I'm much more agile than her.

So every time she hit me with a stick, I was able to avoid it with precision.

I was probably a little angry at this point, and I rushed over with all my might, and I quickly turned sideways to avoid it, and Shijing fell into the flower garden with a groan.

Shi Jing's father originally wanted to carry out a sneak attack, but found that his wife was cleaned up so badly, so he quickly switched strategies.

The crying father called out to the community like a mother: "Come on, this shrew has beaten someone!"

"My wife and I are more than a hundred years old, she dares to do it, is there any heavenly reason!"


Shi Jing's mother twisted his waist, and Shi Jing's father insisted that I was injured, not only did he want me to lose money, but also asked me to publicly apologize to them.

Otherwise, it's not over!

I "tsk" a few times, and suddenly understood why Shi Jing was so shameless.

It turns out it's all genetic.

Before, I was blind and didn't see the essence of their family, but since Shi Jing became entangled with Zhao Lulu, I have an extra heart.

I raised my chin and beckoned my best friend to come out.

"Who the hell hit whom, I filmed the whole thing!"

"Shiyu didn't touch your wife the whole time, where did she come from to beat someone."

"If you say that, then we'll have to sue you for spreading rumors!"

Shi Jing's parents were dumbfounded, they patronized to deal with me, and forgot to come out with my best friend for a while.

My best friend knows that I have skills, and it is more than enough to teach these two old people.

So simply don't participate in this scuffle and secretly hide under the tree to video.

And this road is a blind spot for monitoring, if there is no video, these two shameless old people will be so sloppy, maybe they can really pit me!

But now the evidence is conclusive, I didn't provoke the incident, and I didn't hit anyone.

The natural result is also reversed.

Seeing that they were old and did not cause any substantial harm this time, the police asked them to apologize to me.

Shijing's parents are both teachers, and they are not far from retirement, and this incident has a bad impact on them.

So in the end, even if he was reluctant, he still admitted his mistake to me.

I don't remember the old people, so I'll spare them once.


Shi Jing knows about his parents, and he is very upset about them, but there are no children between us, and he can't take care of my weakness at all.

Now in order to make me unhappy, he can only deliberately hang without divorce, and he wants to be entangled with me.

"Zhou Shiyu, you will die of this heart, it is impossible for me to agree to divorce you!"

"Even if I'm angry, I'm going to you off to death!"

"If you want to find another man, there is no door!"

I smiled, unconcerned about his threat.

Because there must be someone who is more anxious than me to get him divorced.

After that incident was exposed, someone soon dug it out that Zhao Lulu was a habitual third before, often interfering in other people's marriages, and the main source of income was by these improper means.

It is said that her husband divorced her because she had a disorderly private life and wore too many green hats on him.

Later, he offended the wife of a certain big man, and he couldn't get along abroad, so he returned to China with his son.

After Shi Jing learned these news, he was naturally angry.

The white moonlight that he had been holding carefully all the time was actually rancid white rice, and no one could accept it.

Although Shijing's parents don't like me now, my family background is innocent and my private life is clean, Zhao Lulu is far worse than me.

After they saw the information about Zhao Lulu on the Internet, they almost fainted, so it was impossible to let Zhao Lulu enter the door.

But Zhao Lulu is a thick-skinned person, or it may be that the junior is used to it, and he has no moral bottom line, so he relies on their family with a dead face.

I can't get rid of it no matter how much I can.

In the end, Zhao Lulu committed suicide on the overpass, and Shi Jing was forced to reluctantly agree to marry her.

A month later, we had to scold and sign our divorce agreement.

I didn't have much property with him before, so it was easy to get out of it.

I sold the house I was allotted, and I did the design of the house single-handedly, and I put a lot of effort into every detail.

Although I am still happy with the details of the design, that house is full of memories of me and the time.

I couldn't continue to live in a house like this, so I simply sold it.

The house is in the city center, the road section is very good, and the agent quickly helped me sell it after hanging it out.

I took the money and took my parents on a trip.

What a scumbag, what green tea, it will never have a dime to do with me in the future!


During my trip to Xinjiang, my girlfriend enthusiastically updated me on the latest developments of Shijingjia.

She said that Zhao Lulu's behavior was indeed intolerable.

Soon after Zhao Lulu became Shi Jing's wife, she won the sympathy and care of Shi Jing's parents in the name of pregnancy, which made them alleviate their dissatisfaction with her.

Zhao Lulu used the excuse of pregnancy to ask Shijing's parents to take care of her, almost no housework, and her attitude was arrogant.

Although Shijing's parents complained about it, they still endured it considering their future grandchildren. However, this patience lasted only two months.

By chance, Shi Jing's mother found Zhao Lulu's sanitary napkin hidden under the bed when she was tidying up the room, and realized that Zhao Lulu was not pregnant.

This discovery led to a heated argument, and Zhao's sharp words eventually made Shijing's parents so angry that they were admitted to the hospital.

After being discharged from the hospital, they decided to kick Zhao Lulu and her children out of the house.

Unwilling to be driven away, Zhao Lulu fought back with extreme viciousness, reporting to the Education Bureau that Shijing's parents had violated the rules at school, such as accepting gifts from parents and bullying students with poor grades, in order to increase the admission rate.

The key evidence provided by Zhao Lulu led to the dismissal of both Shijing's parents.

After losing their jobs, they were forced to confront Zhao Lulu all day long, and family conflicts continued. The time caught in the middle is miserable.

His girlfriend also sent him a recent photo, and he looked much haggard and visibly emaciated.


The girlfriend added: "Recently, there are debt collectors coming to the door!" It turned out that the real reason why Zhao Lulu returned to China was that she owed a huge amount of gambling debts, and the creditors had strong forces at home and abroad.

Zhao Lulu can't escape, her bad behavior abroad has already damaged her reputation, and no one is willing to help her pay off her debts.

This forced her to turn her attention to the country.

Zhao Lulu has always relied on men to live, and even when she married the rich second generation abroad, she did not forget to keep the spare tire in China.

She even sent messages to several men with whom she had had flirtatious relationships in China, suggesting that she still had feelings for them, in order to preserve a way out.

Among her multiple spare tires, the conditions are the best and the prospects are the most promising.

Therefore, as soon as Zhao Lulu returned to China, she directly found the situation.

Debt collectors are a group of characters who are not easy to deal with, and Shi Jing is unable to cut ties with Zhao Lulu, and eventually has to sell his car and property to pay off his debts.

thought that after repaying a large amount of debt, the matter could come to an end, although the family was no longer well-off, the Shi family could barely make ends meet.

However, Zhao Lulu's nature is unchangeable and she is unwilling to share the hardships, and one night she steals all the remaining savings of the Shi Jing family and leaves behind a child.

In the end, Shijing's family had to move into the basement to survive.

The girlfriend seemed to be a little gloating when she shared this: "This is the retribution of the so-called scumbag." ”

I didn't make a clear statement on this, and I can only lament that Shijing originally had a good hand, but in the end he lost a lot.

Time Perspective:


This month, I was laid off by the company.

The leader who once valued me the most personally led a recent college graduate to my desk.

"Didn't you say that I was your most effective assistant in the company, as long as you had something to eat, you also said that you would take me with you."

"Or do you see that I am down, and I am also down?"

The leader just smiled faintly, he patted me on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Hours, I have to tell you a cruel reality, there is nothing irreplaceable in this world, people are capable, and they are younger than you, so they are more suitable for this position."

"Businessmen are all about cost-effectiveness!"

After I left my job, I learned from my colleague that the college student was actually his own nephew!

Under kinship, my abilities and my experience seem worthless.

I was almost angry, so I went to him again and again to reason.

But he blurred the key point again and again, and finally said, "You have accumulated so much work experience in the company, you can't get along with other companies of the same type, so why bother with this."

"You're an old employee, give other young people more opportunities."

"It's not a big deal anyway."


What a fallacy this is!

Even if I have the ability, am I going to be treated differently by the company in vain, and I am going to be wronged for no reason?

How can a cunning leader not understand this truth? So obviously, he was just pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Thinking of this, I was even more angry, I squatted downstairs in his community that day, and I wanted to find a chance to take revenge on him.

I don't want to, I met Zhou Shiyu.

After the divorce, she was full of spring breeze and looked very good.

In contrast, I'm not too miserable.

The beard is unkempt, the hair is long, and there is no time to take care of it, and it is almost a chicken nest.

Suddenly, a wave of hatred jumped from the soles of my feet to the Tianling Gai, and I tightened the bricks in my hands.

Zhou Shiyu actually saw that I had a weapon in my hand, but she still walked straight towards me.

"Do you now feel how I felt when I was perfunctory by you?"

"Use a crooked fact to obscure and cover up the mistakes that have crossed the line."

"At that time, you were still conceited and confident, because I didn't have a real handle, and I couldn't do anything about you."

"That's why you know your excuses are clumsy, but you use them over and over again!"


I didn't expect Zhou Shiyu to suddenly tell me this.

When she divorced, she was very indifferent and didn't want to say a word to me, so she took the certificate and left directly.

At that time, I was still resentful in my heart, she had caused me to lose face in front of the whole country, how could she still have the face to tell me anything else.

Now that I think about it, I was so stubborn at that time that no matter how much I said, I couldn't realize that I was wrong.

Today, I have finally suffered the same grievances as she did at the beginning

It must have been because of empathy that she suddenly said this to me.

She was smart and chose the right time.

These words are devastating.

I froze, and all the strength in my body was removed, and the bricks in my hand fell to the ground.

After two years, I finally remembered to say "I'm sorry" to her.

She said, "I accept your apologies, but I will never forgive you."


From that day on, it became clear to me many things.

The current situation is largely of my own making.

After Zhao Lulu returned to China, her intentions were very obvious.

At that time, perhaps out of revenge against my ex, I not only did not refuse her, but instead helped her find a house to live in her own community.

I also deliberately showed my happy life in front of her, wanting to make her regret her decision to break up with me back then.

However, as time went on, I began to deceive myself with this revenge mentality, telling myself that even if I had too much contact with Zhao Lulu and even had misbehavior, it was because I wanted to take revenge on her.

I said to myself, it's not cheating.

This self-deception is not only ridiculous, but also ignores my influence on Zhou Shiyu.

During that time, Zhou Shiyu was diagnosed with breast nodules, although the doctor said that this nodule was very common and not serious, one of the main causes was mood swings, and this was caused by me.

Her illness was actually by me.

Zhou Shiyu once questioned me: "You can obviously push other women away, why don't you push Zhao Lulu away?" "It made me reflect.

Why didn't you push her away? Because I am addicted to Zhao Lulu's admiration and flattery of me, which I can't see in Zhou Shiyu. I became greedy and wanted the best of both worlds.

Eventually, my greed led to the current situation.

One wrong step, one wrong step, and I finally realized that I was being trapped by my own greed.


After my husband's Bai Yueguang divorced, he moved upstairs to my house with a child who was more than a year old