
The new bookshelf | non-fiction work "Ten Thousand Miles of Clouds": a careful portrait of the collective of contemporary astronauts

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie

Aviation is a very specialized field and you must have some professional background to get in. It is not easy to fly an airplane, and the requirements for the pilot's physical fitness, professional knowledge, and how to deal with the situation of imminent danger are very high. In addition to flying an airplane, every position in the aviation system also requires a fairly deep professional background and strong psychological quality. It can be said that ordinary people on each line are doing extraordinary deeds, which are worth writing and recording by writers.

The new bookshelf | non-fiction work "Ten Thousand Miles of Clouds": a careful portrait of the collective of contemporary astronauts

Zhan Dongxin has been working in the field of civil aviation for decades, and his literary works basically revolve around civil aviation, and he is a writer with a very craftsman spirit. So far, Zhan Dongxin's published popular science anthologies include "Flying All Over the World", "EnjoyIng Flight", "Flying and Health", "There Are Ten Million Dates with Airplanes", "Human Wings", the novels "Qianjianghu", "Circle", "Take Off Now", "Flying to China", "Morning and Dusk Line", and the latest non-fiction work published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, "Ten Thousand Miles of Clouds".

In "Ten Thousand Miles of Clouds", Zhan Dongxin depicts the operation, development, innovation and breakthrough of contemporary Chinese civil aviation. The book summarizes the description of many civil aviation figures, including scientists, academicians, pilots, etc., and the works draw on the vivid language and experience of the post-50s, post-60s, post-70s, post-80s, and post-90s captains, and brilliantly interpret the stories of contemporary aviation pilots. From the design of aircraft, the manufacture of aircraft, the operation of aircraft, the command of aircraft, and the support of aircraft down a line, there are many characters involved, including pilots, controllers, aircraft maintenance personnel, aviation meteorological personnel, as well as a team of torsos and lighting engineers on the ground.

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