
Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

In April, the door school adjustment has been in the development of the test suit online, Xiaobian here to share is the suit, magic weapon and other modifications, want to know the content of the door school adjustment can pay attention to the small editor, view other information.

What is shared here is not the adjustment related to the door school meridians and the door school skills, here to everyone, the changes are shared in terms of equipment, suits, magic weapons and so on.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

In terms of Lingbao, it seems that only the changeable Ruyi has been modified, which is to enhance the Lingbao effect of the versatile Ruyi! From the previous random change to a universal spirit treasure with one consumption, to a random change of two universal spirit treasures consumed as one, that is, after wearing the changeable ruyi, the types of spirit treasures that can be used in the PK will become three.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

After that is the adjustment of the suit, although many players have a lot of fantasies about the equipment set before this development test, some players think that the set of mindfulness, star breaking, transformation and other suits will be directly attached in the battle, no longer need to use spells, but really in the development of the test server test when I know that there is no such modification in this aspect of the door adjustment.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

And the above player thought of the modification of the suit effect has not been realized, the magic set increases the magic, the power suit increases the strength, the agility suit increases or agility, and does not become spell damage, damage, speed, defense, qi and blood and other attributes, Xiaobian feels that the planning will not carry out such a change, it should be that the impact of this change is too large, making such a change, will directly lead to many sets in the dream become worthless.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

However, in this door adjustment, there are a lot of new suits on the line, all of which are spell type suits, and the several suit skills on the line are the first stick, the force of a blow, the bloodthirsty sacrifice, the blazing glass, the god needle exploring the sea, xiaobian is the most optimistic is the set of the god needle exploring the sea, and the Tang Dynasty official palace also has a special enhancement of the god needle to explore the sea Trigger probability and damage of the meridian skill, that is, the set of the god needle to explore the sea is actually specially set for the players of the Datang official palace, so that the Datang official palace can also be cut when the flat slash, Has the ability to group seconds.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

However, at the beginning of the development and testing server, there is a bug in the meridian introduction of the Datang Official Palace, I believe many players have seen that there are only two words in the meridian introduction of the killing vein of the Datang Official Palace, that is, captivity, and captivity is the meridian effect of HuaguoShan, and the captive meridian of Huaguoshan is not good? Are negligible venous effects.

Fantasy Journey to the West: Develop test suits to report, add five new suit effects, and flat slash can fly airplanes

In this sect adjustment, the planning of various types of meridians, door skills, and suit effects have been modified, but Xiaobian feels that the final winner of this door school adjustment should be the spell master Putuo, because now many of the door sect's meridians will be affected by the five elements, if you want to have high output, you must change the clothes and weapons to the specified five elements, that is, when the spell master Putuo performs the solid wound output, there is no need to test the five elements, and the five elements spells that can be used directly according to the other party's door sect. The first turn can deal internal damage.

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