
TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

2021 League of Legends Demacia Cup semi-finals, the first BO5 by TES vs. IG, the first blind selection mode TES flip the next city first, the second game in the game is Ban dropped a large number of single heroes, TES locked victor and Jinx two late cores, and IG is a more aggressive lineup, the overall can be said to be five crisp skin pure operation lineup.

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

In the opening line, the moon open plane is a bit on the head, want to fight with Knight Victor, but did not expect that this Victor with the main line of Eli instead of the development of the first attack, the successive points found that it is too late to play but want to retreat, Knight is also very detailed Q flash flat A to prevent counter-killing, successfully played a single kill on the line to get a blood!

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

On the road to the Duke crocodile also stood out, originally neny is the counter out of the single male gun, the result of the line was single killed, the key small dragon regiment in the IG is also sick, the first time to open the plane has handed over the explosive package to seal the road, no crocodile vision IG also chose to pick up the group, although the first seconds of the little prince, but the TP landing crocodile directly rushed into the back row no one can manage, TES easily won the team battle!

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

Follow-up IG is also a bit on the head to choose to continue the rhythm of the big fight, this wave of Duke Crocodile did not come, but Knight Victor and JKL Jinx, by the sailor combination operation, directly to the IG five people pulling numb, with the advantage of hand length back and forth output, Victor harvested three kills home to the killing book, less than 20 minutes on the super god killing book is almost full!

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

In the end, this game TES 20 minutes ahead of the 10,000 economy, the second set to crush the way to defeat IG light match point, the whole game of TES three way to the line is in the advantage, the upper and middle two single kill down the road is also pressed!

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

Only the prince of Xiaotian 0-5 seems to be a bit out of place with the game, and the first few waves of gank operations are still a strange smell, which also makes netizens can't help but ridicule: a person's headwind game!

TES three-tier advantage little prince seems out of place? Netizens joked: a person's headwind!

What do you think of the prince of Xiaotian?

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