
In the bloody battle of Dawangzhuang, four regiments of Nakano Huaye fought the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army, and the nearby Nationalist army was frightened to surrender

Beginning in November 1948, the People's Liberation Army's Central Plains Field Army, the East China Field Army, and the Kuomintang Army's 800,000-strong army fought a deadly battle in the center of Xuzhou, from Haizhou (Lianyungang) in the east to Shangqiu in the west, from Lincheng (present-day Xuecheng, Zaozhuang City) in the north, and to the Huai River in the south. Both sides invested the greatest troops and resources at their disposal in a war that directly pacified the Central Plains, and after this war, the area north of the Yangtze River was in the hands of the People's Liberation Army.

In the bloody battle of Dawangzhuang, four regiments of Nakano Huaye fought the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army, and the nearby Nationalist army was frightened to surrender

The Battle of Huaihai was a very dangerous battle, and after the battle began, due to the shortage of troops, it can be said that it was full of dangers, and the most dangerous stage was the double-stacked battle. The Battle of Shuangduiji took place in the second stage of the Huaihai Campaign, and the Twelfth Corps led by Huang Wei, under the jurisdiction of the Tenth Army, the Fourteenth Army, the Eighteenth Army, the Eighty-fifth Army, and a rapid column, a total of 120,000 people, most of them with American weapons and equipment, was the most elite corps of Chiang Kai-shek, of which the 18th Army was still one of the five main forces of the Nationalist Army, and its combat effectiveness was very strong.

At the beginning of the battle, after the Central Plains Field Army surrounded the 12th Corps with all its strength, it found that it could not eat this heavy group at all, and there was a risk of letting it break through. Under these circumstances, Huaye's chief of staff, Chen Shiqu, led three columns carrying heavy weapons for emergency reinforcements, which opened up the situation.

In the bloody battle of Dawangzhuang, four regiments of Nakano Huaye fought the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army, and the nearby Nationalist army was frightened to surrender

The most difficult place to fight in the Battle of Shuangduiji occurred in Dawangzhuang, which was located at the southern gate of Shuangduiji, only a few miles from the headquarters of the 12th Corps, and its strategic location was very important. In order to defend Dawangzhuang, Huang Wei and Hu Lian put the 33rd Regiment of the 118th Division of the 18th Army into this place, the 18th Army is one of the five main forces of the Nationalist Army, and the 33rd Regiment is the elite of the 18th Army.

At first, the 58th Regiment and the 60th Regiment of the 20th Division of the Seventh Column of Huaye sent three battalions to attack Dawangzhuang and drove the 33rd Regiment out, but the 33rd Regiment, which had returned to The God, reacted quickly and launched a dozen attacks on Dawangzhuang under the cover of all the artillery fire of the 18th Army. Generally speaking, a unit was exhausted after two or three charge, but this unit launched more than a dozen attacks, still had no intention of retreating, and finally occupied most of the area of Dawangzhuang, and only the 59th Regiment of the 20th Division of the Seventh Column retreated to the southwest corner of Zhuang.

In the bloody battle of Dawangzhuang, four regiments of Nakano Huaye fought the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army, and the nearby Nationalist army was frightened to surrender

In this case, The commander of the Sixth Column of Nakano, Wang Jinshan, sent the 46th Regiment of the Sixth Column to come to reinforcements, and the remaining men and horses of the three regiments of the 20th Division also rushed in, and as soon as the two sides came into contact, the battle entered into a white-hot situation, machine guns, submachine guns, bazookas, mortars, explosive packs, grenades and other weapons were all used, shells fell like raindrops in The village, and the two armies rushed to this strategic point like crazy. The whole Dawangzhuang was like a small boat on the sea, trembling under the fire of the cannon. Finally, under the fierce blows of the various units of the People's Liberation Army, the 33rd Regiment was finally completely annihilated.

In the bloody battle of Dawangzhuang, four regiments of Nakano Huaye fought the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army, and the nearby Nationalist army was frightened to surrender

At that time in Xiaowangzhuang was the headquarters of the 23rd Division of the 85th Army and two regiments, who surrendered to the officers and men of the Seventh Column of Huaye after watching the entire battle nearby. After the end of The Great King's Village, this small village with only a few dozen families was razed to the ground and reduced to ruins.

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