
The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

When it comes to the Menglianggu Campaign, many people will first think of the 74th Division of the Nationalist Army, which is known as the first of the five main forces of the Nationalist Army, and its combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. However, it was such a powerful force that was completely annihilated in the Battle of Menglianggu, and how tragic the Battle of Menglianggu was. However, in the later Battle of Huaihai, there was another battle of Dawangzhuang that was even more tragic, in which Hu Lian concentrated artillery and bombarded fiercely, and even the guards of the seven columns of Huaye went to the front.

Dawangzhuang has a special geographical location and has become a place where soldiers must compete

When the Battle of Huaihai lasted until the second phase of the Double Stacking Campaign, the 12th Corps of the Nationalist Army Huang Wei was surrounded by several columns of our army in the Double Stacking. And Dawangzhuang is the gateway to the double stack, so both Hu Lian and Huang Wei attach great importance to this place.

Located directly south of the Shuangduiji, Dawangzhuang was the last line of defense to protect the Huang Wei Corps.

The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

If the People's Liberation Army once occupies Dawangzhuang, then the Huang Wei Corps will have no room for salvation, and all that awaits them is the fate of annihilation.

In order to prevent such a tragedy from happening, Huang Wei and Hu Lian attached great importance to the garrison of Dawangzhuang. After Hu Lian's repeated deliberations, it was finally decided to send the 18th Army, the most senior and well-equipped of the corps, to guard Dawangzhuang.

The combat effectiveness of the 18th Army of the Nationalist Army is very strong, because this team is basically well-trained veterans, and they have not suffered major losses in many previous battles with the People's Liberation Army.

This 18th Army was established from the Nationalist period and experienced countless fierce battles, casting its brutal and fierce style, and also had the nickname of "Tiger Regiment" in the national army. However, many people say that the 18th Army, which is known as the Tiger Regiment, actually has no tiger power of the past.

The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

Soon the campaign around Dawangzhuang officially began, and this time it was the two main regiments of the 20th Division of the 7th Column of Huaye, namely the 58th Regiment and the 60th Regiment, that is, the 58th Regiment and the 60th Regiment, that is, the 20th Regiment that sharpened the knife to the tiger.

It should be known that the 7 columns have also experienced thousands of hammers and tribulations, and hua yejun will only pull out this team at a critical moment.

It is worth mentioning that these two corps are not only fully loaded, but also almost all equipped with American weapons and equipment captured from the nationalist army, so the combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated.

We know that before the two armies go to war, they generally fire a few rounds of artillery fire, and then use the cover of artillery fire to start charging soldiers on both sides.

But this time, before our army could finish firing for fifteen minutes, the infantry directly launched a charge.

It should be known that before the war began, our army had dug trenches very close to the enemy's positions, so the charge tore open the outer defense line of Dawangzhuang at the beginning.

The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

However, the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army was not a decoration in the end, and after our army rushed into the Great King's Village, the casualties increased.

The Tiger Regiment is indeed experienced in hundreds of battles, even if they know that they are in an unfavorable environment, they can still match the light and heavy firepower in an orderly manner and constantly eliminate the soldiers of our army who rushed into the Great King's Village.

The bravery of the People's Liberation Army is known to everyone, the more difficult the war, the more morale the fighters, so despite the heavy casualties, they still braved artillery fire to charge.

Even many PLA fighters directly pulled grenades and died with multiple defenders of the Nationalist army when they were engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy army. After two hours of extremely fierce fighting, the Tiger Regiment of the Nationalist Army finally collapsed and escaped from zhuang.

The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

Hu Lian ordered the recapture of Dawangzhuang at all costs, and Hua Ye suffered heavy losses

Hu Lian didn't expect that Dawangzhuang would be lost by the Tiger Regiment so quickly, knowing that this would be a fatal blow to the besieged Huang Wei Regiment.

The furious Hu Lian directly removed and imprisoned the leader of the Tiger Regiment who had escaped from Dawangzhuang, and strictly ordered the 18th Army to continue to increase its troops to counterattack, demanding that Dawangzhuang be taken back from the Hands of the People's Liberation Army at all costs.

Although the People's Liberation Army seized Dawangzhuang from the Tiger Regiment, the casualties were also very large.

Our army thought that the Battle of Dawangzhuang was over, so it was preparing to retreat to the surrounding villages for recuperation so that the attack could continue the next day. Who knew that just after midnight in the middle of the night, the besieged Huang Wei Corps actually gathered all the remaining artillery and began to fire concentrated on Dawangzhuang, and for a time the Platon's Platon troops suffered huge casualties.

The Battle of Bi menglianggu was fierce, And Hu Lian mobilized the artillery of the 18th Army to bombard, and the seven columns of guards were sent

The enemy's resistance did not stop there, and the Nationalist army also sent a battalion of troops to sneak into dawangzhuang under the cover of night and artillery fire. They originally wanted to drive out the Huaye 59th Corps occupying Dawangzhuang in one fell swoop, but they were met with stubborn resistance from our army.

Although the soldiers on both sides could not see each other clearly, they kept throwing grenades at each other, and the fierce fighting never stopped for a moment.

Although Dawangzhuang is a small village, the two armies have been fighting here.

Soon Nakano sent the 46th Corps to Dawangzhuang for reinforcements, and it was still relatively rare for two major field army units to be sent to the battlefield in a battle, which showed that the Battle of Dawangzhuang was fierce.

Later, at the most urgent juncture of the war, the Huaye Seven Column Guard Company was also dispatched, and finally our army completely occupied Dawangzhuang.


Author: Big Country

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