
Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

With the flow of cameras into the mainland in the late Qing Dynasty, from the imperial court and nobles to the common people's peddlers and pawns, it quickly set off a wave of national love for taking photos. The old photos of the scene characters taken in the late Qing Dynasty in this group are to unveil the real life of people a hundred years ago for future generations.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

In the late Qing Dynasty, Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the snow with a sad face, and there were several beautiful palace women serving her around. Empress Dowager Cixi, as the ruler of the late Qing Dynasty, lived an extremely luxurious second half of her life, until the Qing court completely came to the end of the barren and weak road, when she would be so sad that she could not sleep all night.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

This is an old photograph of a female prisoner sitting on a shackle in the late Qing Dynasty, and the punishment of women in ancient laws is relatively lenient. Women who usually commit trivial matters do not need to kneel in court to stand trial, but can be tried in place of the family by their fathers, brothers or husbands. If a woman is sentenced to a sentence, she can pay two silver to offset her crime. However, if the crime is serious, it is not within its forgiveness.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

In the late Qing Dynasty, the mother and daughter of the flag people wearing splendid costumes took a group photo, and the ancient women were poisoned by feudal etiquette and had a low status, and they could not show their faces at ordinary times, and they could not collide with their husbands and in-laws at home. However, the flag women who are in the family of the imperial relatives and nobles have no distinction between honor and inferiority, they can sit on an equal footing with their husbands at home, and they also have relative decision-making power over major matters.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

This is an old photo of a young woman with Qi bangs at the end of the late Qing Dynasty, the woman in the old photo looks very beautiful and beautiful, and the costumes and exquisite appearances she wears are also very fashionable and rich, which intuitively reflects the changes in clothing in the late Qing Dynasty. Coupled with the home furnishings and grand decoration behind him, it can also be seen that his family is very good and enlightened.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

The picture shows the common lawyers in the yamen public court in the late Qing Dynasty, and it is well known that the lawyers are the people who wrote the papers and fought lawsuits in place of people in ancient times, that is, the lawyers in today's society. However, the ancient lawyers had a bad reputation, and they were often criticized by the people for colluding with officials for adultery, thus disregarding the law and justice, so they were called litigation sticks by the people.

Late Qing Dynasty old photos: Empress Dowager Cixi walked in the garden with a sad face, and five generations of large families took a group photo!

This is a group photo of five generations of large families in the late Qing Dynasty, most of the rich people in ancient times attached importance to their children and grandchildren, so the backyard wives and concubines are also for the sake of extending the descendants. In fact, it is common for ordinary people to have three generations in the same house, but large families like this old photo that can share five generations of nearly 50 people are a minority.

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