
The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

The home SUV market can be said to be a must for major manufacturers due to the huge consumer base, but among the many new home SUVs that arrived last year, it can be regarded as a dark horse, and the author believes that only Wuling Star is a model. As we all know, SAIC-GM-Wuling is a car company rich in "god cars", from the original Wuling Hongguang to today's Hongguang MINIEV, which is recognized by consumers as the two major god cars.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

Of course, the Wuling Star to be introduced today also lives up to expectations, and at the beginning of the listing, it was praised by many netizens as a "super hit within 100,000 yuan" home SUV with its people-friendly price and excellent product strength. I thought it was just a gimmick, but the follow-up Wuling Xingchen continued to prove itself with sales, and even had the tendency to become another "god car" of Wuling.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

According to recent official data, in the past December, Wuling Star's sales once again set a record, with single-month deliveries reaching 19,073 vehicles, an increase of 22% month-on-month. According to the market situation in November, it has already overtaken most of the joint venture models, such as CR-V, Rongfang, etc., close to the mainstream independent hot models such as CS75 PLUS.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

It is worth mentioning that from the listing of Wuling Star to the end of December, the total time is only more than 3 months, the cumulative sales volume reached 54563 units, and the monthly sales volume is close to 20,000 units, so the market growth rate can not be described as rapid. And, if Wuling Xingchen is still such a high market performance in the future, there is no doubt that it will become another hot model of the Wuling brand.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

Of course, Wuling Star now not only has strength and sales volume called the existence of "super power within 100,000 yuan", but also won many awards with excellent product strength. Previously, it won the 9th Xuanyuan Award in 2022 and the 2021 China Top Ten Body Award, and also won the "Top Ten Cars of the Year" award in the 2021 annual election recently organized by Sohu Automobile. It can be seen that the product strength of Wuling Star itself is indeed very capable.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"
The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

It is reported that Xingchen is an important work of the Wuling brand to the mainstream market, not only adopts a new "wing dynamic aesthetics" design, but also in the interior, workmanship, materials for a full range of considerations, such as the use of the same price of rare quilting process seats, FSD variable suspension, etc., and also adhere to the Wuling brand has always been close to the people positioning, coupled with Wuling general global manufacturing system BIQ-4 quality and a series of product highlights, thus creating its current market position.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

It is worth mentioning that what impressed the author the most is its self-developed Ling OS Lingxi system, which relies on the ability of full-scene interactive experience, such as continuous voice dialogue, 3D real-time rendering of car assistants, rich activities and social capabilities, highlighting Wuling's strength in human-vehicle interaction and open intelligent ecology. Recently, the Ling OS Lingxi system has also carried out the first OTA upgrade, and also joined hands with NetEase Cloud to create a super sensory online concert, the experience can be said to be very good.

The explosive model is stable, and the Wuling new SUV sells 19,073 units per month, which is called "the top ten cars of the year"

Summary: Whether in terms of sales and word of mouth, Wuling Star is indeed enough to be called a rare dark horse in the home SUV market in the past 1 year. It not only has excellent product strength, the price of 69,800-9.98 million can also be said to be very close to the people, coupled with the reliable and durable reputation of the Wuling brand, it is no wonder that it has such a high sales volume after only 3 months on the market. And according to today's momentum, the sales of Wuling Star will certainly continue to rise, but can it become the next god car of Wuling? It will take time to give us an answer.

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