
Across the Yalu River, there are some plots that do not conform to history

Some time ago, crossing the Yalu River was broadcast on a set of CCTV programs, which triggered a wave of discussions on the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the volunteer soldiers threw their heads and spilled their blood, writing one scene after another battlefield myths, so that the people's army eventually rose to power the world.

In the TV series, a large number of pages describe the deeds of the volunteer soldiers who fought in blood, which can be said to be a patriotic education film with typical significance. However, after all, this TV series was filmed in a hurry, in fact, it took only about 100 days to cross the Yalu River TV series from project establishment to green shooting.

Across the Yalu River, there are some plots that do not conform to history

Being able to achieve success in such a short period of time fully demonstrates the great energy of CCTV as a state-level television station. However, just as the so-called hundred secrets are inevitably sparse, even if CCTV is magical, it is difficult to shoot a long TV series in such a short period of time. No, across the Yalu River, this TV series has many flaws. In particular, many of the plots do not fit history.

The author has studied the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in detail, and the process of resisting the United States and aiding Korea can be said to be a treasure. Today, I would like to point out here a few shortcomings of this movie, point out a few points of this movie that do not conform to the historical plot, and also count it as a little supplement to this excellent TV series.

The first point is insufficient: the process of volunteering. When the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea occurred, the central authorities were actually hesitant for a time about whether to send troops. When the US military invaded the Korean Peninsula, our side immediately dispatched the 13th Corps to the northeast and formed the Northeast Border Defense Army. However, when it was first formed, the main strategic purpose of the Northeast Border Guard Army was to defend and defend the security of our northeast region.

At that time, Premier Zhou repeatedly warned Truman, declaring our bottom line, that is, as long as the "United Nations Army" did not cross the 38th Line, our side would not interfere. Later, the US Seventh Fleet entered the Taiwan Strait, and the US planes bombed Andong and other places in northeast China, which made our side make up its mind to march into Korea.

This process is long and full of twists and turns, after all, sending troops to confront the world's number one military power, and the other side is under the banner of "United Nations Army", which requires great courage. When deciding whether to send troops, our side held a special meeting to study, and at the meeting, many participants were opposed to sending troops. This point is not well explained by the TV series. In the recollection before the dispatch of the troops, except for Lin Zong, there were very few opponents of the rest, which is not in line with historical truth.

Across the Yalu River, there are some plots that do not conform to history

Imagine how important it was to send troops to confront the United States, and how could a decision be made so easily? How much courage and determination did Chairman Mao need to decide to invade Korea? Only a hero like Chairman Mao dared to make such a determination, and how could most people agree?

The second point is insufficient: the use of Katyusha rockets. In the TV series, our army used Katyusha rockets in the fifth battle, giving the "United Nations Army" a fatal blow. But is that true in history?

The answer is no! In real history, in the first five battles, our army did not use Katyusha rockets. When we first sent troops to Korea, our side sent Premier Zhou and Lin Zong as envoys to the DPRK to agree on the issue of joint troop dispatch. However, the Soviet side did everything possible to shirk it, and even made all kinds of perfunctory arrangements for equipping our army with weapons.

At that time, the US army had already crossed the Cheongcheon River and advanced to the border between China and North Korea, and the matter of sending troops could not be delayed! Therefore, our side will have time to wait until the Soviet side is equipped with weapons, that is, the line of fire into Korea, which has caused the problem of insufficient firepower of our army in the first five battles.

In such a difficult situation, the commanders and fighters of our army pooled their wisdom and efforts to give the multinational force three consecutive sticks, and in the fourth and fifth battles, they fought bloodily, and always maintained the battle situation near the 38th line.

However, although the volunteer generals were brave and good at fighting, the Katyusha rocket artillery did not make it to the battlefield in the first five battles, and it was not until the end of the fifth campaign that the volunteer army officially activated Katyusha. In the TV series, because the events after the fifth battle were not filmed much, the Katyusha rocket was advanced to the fifth battle, which is of course an artistic creation, but it is easy to misunderstand the audience who do not know the truth, and I do not think so.

Across the Yalu River, there are some plots that do not conform to history

The third point is insufficient: the formation process of the Northeast Border Defense Army. Why was the Northeast Border Defense Army formed? It is to prevent the US military from launching an attack on our country at any time. When the Border Guard Army was established, it selected the four armies of the 38th, 39th, 40th, and 42nd armies that Were the most capable of fighting in Higashino, and formed this unit, and in terms of the selection of commanders, a generation of war god Su Yu was selected.

However, at that time, Su Yu's physical condition was not good, and in the Battle of Huaihai, in order to surround and annihilate Du Yuming's clique, Su Yu abandoned the command of sleeping and forgetting to eat, and completely threw himself into the battle, and eventually suffered from headaches due to excessive use of his brain. After the liberation war, Su Yu went to Qingdao to recuperate. When the Northeast Border Defense Army was established, Su Yu's physical condition still did not improve, so. The central government eventually withdrew his life and decided not to send Su Yu to the northeast and let him stay in Qingdao to continue recuperation.

For this period of history, the TV series did not make it clear at all, from the TV series, it seems that Deng Hua was in charge when the Northeast Border Defense Army was established. In fact, Deng Hua had never been in charge of the Northeast Border Defense Army before entering North Korea, he was only a deputy commander. After the establishment of the Northeast Border Defense Army, although commander Su Yu did not arrive, the political commissar Gao Gang was always in the northeast, so he was always responsible for the affairs of the Northeast Border Defense Army. For this point, it is completely absent from the TV series, which is far from the historical facts.

Fifth deficiency: the sense of traversal of the equipment. In the TV series, there is a sniper Lu Chengfeng, who uses a sniper rifle that is very advanced and also has a scope. However, in fact, during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, our army had difficult conditions and rudimentary equipment, and it was not in the condition to be equipped with a scope. You can refer to the guns left behind by Zhang Taofang and Zou Xixiang, the two sharpshooters of the volunteer army, the two famous sharpshooters of the volunteer army, and the two sniper heroes who created the killing record, their guns have no scope. In the TV series, Lu Chengfeng's equipment makes people feel a full sense of crossing.

Fifth point: A lot of important plots are missing. Due to the hasty filming, the show missed a lot of very important historical plots in the middle and late stages. These include the missing scenes of the 38th Army in the fourth campaign, the ins and outs of the encirclement of the 60th Army in the fifth campaign, the Battle of Jincheng, and so on.

In the fourth battle, the 38th Army and the 50th Army joined hands to deploy on the south bank of the Han River, fighting a tear-jerking blockade battle on the south bank of the Han River, in this battle, the 38th Army participated in the battle from beginning to end, and the last to withdraw from the position was the biggest contributor to this campaign.

But in the TV series, because the 38th Army had already left the country many times before the fourth battle, the 50th Army had not yet left the country. In order to make up for this plot, in the blockade battle on the south bank of the Han River, the TV series gave all the shots to the 50th Army, and the 38th Army did not have a single shot in this battle, which is a bit off the real history.

In the fifth battle, a division of the 60th Army was surrounded by the "United Nations Army" and lost more than half of the damage, about this accident, the TV series spent a lot of time describing, but missed a key figure: Wei Jie, commander of the 60th Army.

Across the Yalu River, there are some plots that do not conform to history

As the main force of the volunteer army, the 60th Army made great sacrifices in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and also played the prestige of the volunteer army, and Wei Jie, as the commander of the army, made outstanding achievements. I don't know why in the TV series, there is not a single shot of Wei Jie from beginning to end, which is really regrettable.

Finally, there was the Battle of Jincheng. The Battle of Jincheng was the last large-scale battle in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, in which the volunteer army had completely taken the initiative in artillery fire, and finally defeated the stubborn Rok army. In this campaign, Yang Yucai, commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the Volunteer Army, led the reconnaissance platoon to break into the ROK army's position, went deep into the Longtan Tiger's Den, killed the ROK army's "White Tiger Regiment Leader," and made a miraculous contribution.

It is a pity that the Battle of Jincheng is such an important battle. Such heroic deeds as the surprise attack on the White Tiger Regiment were completely not reflected in the TV series, which was a waste of such a good film and television material.

One last point is not enough: the addition of several fictional characters, the performance is not flattering, and the integrity of the TV series is destroyed. Focus on the five characters of Zheng Rui, Zheng Shuangxue, Ma Jinhu, Dr. Jin, and Wang Zhu. Zheng Rui slippery tongue, hanging Er Lang Dang, there is no volunteer platoon leader at all, Zheng Shuangxue and Wang Pearl only know that the eyes are wide open to do surprise, that is, the two are stupid white and sweet, Dr. Jin is even more poker face, facial expression has not changed, and finally crying Zheng Rui's scene is even more embarrassing, Ma Jinhu's performance is like a soldier, and the final sacrifice is not logical.

In short, the performance of these fictional characters is relatively poor, and I think that if you delete a few of them, it will greatly improve the fluency of the TV series, everyone thinks.

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