
In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

On March 12, 1982, the organization sent someone to visit a sick person. Coming to the patient's bedside, they read out the decision to revoke her status as a traitor. After hearing this patient, she shed tears of excitement, and at this point, she was saddled with the name of traitor for nearly 50 years and was finally rehabilitated. In December of the same year, the patient committed suicide by taking medicine, ending his legendary life. This person is the red spy of our country, the famous writer Guan Lu.

Become a party member to get intelligence

Guan Lu's fate is very bumpy. Before the age of 15, his parents died one after another, and his kind aunt adopted Guan Lu. With the help of her aunt, Guan Lu was able to enter the school. And she also lived up to expectations and was successfully admitted to Nanjing Central University.

In school, she was exposed to advanced ideas, which also laid the foundation for her to become a revolutionary.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

In 1932, through the introduction of a friend, Guan Lu joined the Communist Party and was responsible for editing publications such as New Poetry. During this period, Guan Lu was responsible for editing the journal and publishing poetry collections and novels. Guan Lu's talent made her a famous figure in Shanghai. Seven years later, in the autumn, Kwan Lu was sent to Work in Hong Kong by the organization.

There, the organization gave her a very important task, that is, to contact and plot against the traitor Li Shiqun.

As we all know, Li Shiqun arrested and killed many people with advanced ideas, and the place where he was located was even more heavily guarded, and it was difficult for ordinary people to get close to him. However, under the arrangement of the organization, Guan Lu successfully penetrated into the enemy's interior and successfully won the trust of Li Shiqun. From the mouth of this traitor, Guan Lu had a lot of useful information.

This news reached the organization and eventually contributed greatly to the victory of the War of Resistance.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

Becoming undercover is misunderstood

After the mission was completed, Guan Lu did not rest.

Later, Guan Lu obeyed the organization's arrangement and became an editor of "Female Voice".

It is worth mentioning that "Female Voice" was founded by the Japanese. The task given to Guan Lu by the organization is to let Guan Lu find Japanese CCP members through the friends of the Japanese president, so as to obtain the latest intelligence of the Japanese army.

When in charge of Women's Voice magazine, Guan Lu never pursued militarism or slandered the Chinese Communist Party.

In July 1943, Japan held an exchange conference for "Greater East Asian Scholars", which Guan Lu attended as a representative of the magazine "Female Voice". At the beginning of the conference, the major newspapers published the names, information and photos of the participants.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

In other words, after the newspaper was published, it was equivalent to publicly announcing that Sekiro was working for the Japanese.

However, in order to complete the organizational tasks and for the sake of the motherland, Guan Lu decided to go to this meeting.

When the conference was held, the relevant person in charge asked him to write an article on the development of Greater East Asia, but she resolutely refused.

Later, she changed the title to "Sino-Japanese Women's Exchange". After the meeting, Guan Lu rushed back to Shanghai without stopping, and by this time, the news of her attendance at the Japan Congress had spread in China.

While people scolded Guan Lu for failing to live up to the cultivation of the state, they were also shocked and angry about her behavior, and for a time, Guan Lu became the object of people's scorn.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

He was wronged and eventually rehabilitated

Two years later, Japan announced its unconditional surrender. Upon hearing this news, the Kuomintang included Guan Lu in the list of the shovelers. In order to protect Guan Lu's personal safety, the organization took her to the liberated areas of northern Jiangsu. However, even when she arrived at the world of freedom, Guan Lu did not live the free and happy life she imagined.

Not only that, when Guan Lu wanted to continue to engage in the creation she loved, she found that her name was already closely related to the name of the traitor, so people did not want to see the articles she wrote.

However, Guan Lu was not willing to change his name, so Guan Lu could no longer continue to write.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

Seeing this, some people may say that Guan Lu is undercover, and she is not a real traitor, so why doesn't the organization return her innocence? In fact, things are not so simple.

Because Guan Lu's painstakingly managed relationships are all in the National Bureau of National Statistics, if she now reveals her true identity, then the undercover agents who are still lurking in the National Bureau of National Statistics will be exposed, so the current organization has no way to return Guan Lu's innocence.

Everyone does not know that Guan Lu was once undercover, which made Guan Lu suffer injustice. In the past, she spent ten years in jail. Later, Guan Lu was finally released from prison, but because the historical problems were still not solved, her life was still very poor.

In 1982, the Central Organization Department found a 75-year-old woman: Your traitor status has been revoked, who is she?

In 1980, Guan Lu was paralyzed and lost the ability to take care of himself.

In 1982, the organization sent someone to read out the rehabilitation decision to Guan Lu, who was lying in a hospital bed, but it all came too late.

This year, Guan Lu is 76 years old, and her life has come to an end.


In his later years, Guan Lu was on the verge of mental collapse and was paralyzed. Few people know how Guan Lu, lying in a hospital bed, survived. However, it is conceivable that the reason why Guan Lu held on to her breath was to wait for the day when the organization would rehabilitate herself.

Finally, Guan Lu, who was lying on the hospital bed, waited for the organization to be rehabilitated. When she heard the news, she was relieved. A few months later, she completed her memoirs and then committed suicide by taking medication. Guan Lu abandoned fame and fortune, endured the scorn of the world, and resolutely moved forward in the midst of misunderstanding and slander, and her spirit deserves to be remembered by all of us.

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