
Car circle 丨 Rolls-Royce sales in 2021 increased by 49% year-on-year, and some model orders have been scheduled for the third quarter of this year

Rolls-Royce handed over the brand's best report card in its 117 years of existence.

On January 10, Rolls-Royce Motors announced a total of 5,586 vehicles delivered in 2021, an increase of 49% over the same period in 2020, and achieved sales growth in all markets. Among them, China, the United States, Asia-Pacific and other global markets have set record for the best sales in history.

From a model point of view, the market performance of Gust models has contributed significantly to sales growth, and the demand for the Grister Black Badge, which came out in October last year, is also further rising, and Cullinan and Phantom customer orders have been scheduled until the third quarter of 2022.

In terms of bespoke's premium customization business volume, it is comparable to the historical level of 2020. At present, Rolls-Royce already has a "Land Speed" collector's edition of the Bespoke Haute Couture Model Phantom "Weaving Burn", the Mirage "Tianluo" Collector's Edition, the Black Badge Phantom and black Badge Obscura's "Land Speed" collector's edition, which is jointly created with Hermès. Today, body customization has become an integral part of Rolls-Royce's future product matrix, and it has also announced that it will be committed to leading the wave of contemporary exclusive body customization, and released a new benchmark for body customization, "Floating Shadow".

Rolls-Royce is already planning an electrified future for the brand. At the end of September last year, Rolls-Royce unveiled its first pure electric vehicle, the Shining, which will be available by the fourth quarter of 2023. It is understood that the 2.5 million kilometer road test of the "Shining" will fully cover the four continents of the world, and the cumulative mileage of almost a Rolls-Royce car used for more than 400 years will be complete.

To fully meet the orders of customers around the world, Rolls-Royce Motor Home in Goodwood, ENGLAND, is operating at full speed with near maximum man-hours and working in two shifts.

Car circle 丨 Rolls-Royce sales in 2021 increased by 49% year-on-year, and some model orders have been scheduled for the third quarter of this year

"2021 will be a phenomenal year for Rolls-Royce." Torsten Müller-tvs, CEO of Rolls-Royce Motors, believes that the key to this achievement lies in its extraordinary product lineup and Bespoke haute couture category. At the same time, Rolls-Royce is also preparing for the birth of the first pure electric vehicle, "Based on this year's successful performance, Rolls-Royce has further evolved into a true luxury brand, rather than being limited to traditional car manufacturers." (Text/Tencent Auto Bi Ran)

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