
The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

Qin Shi Huang was the first monarch in Chinese history to be called emperor, and he pioneered the feudal emperor system, making the Qin Dynasty the beginning of China's feudal system. Since then, feudal dynasties have been centered on the emperor, who is the supreme ruler of the country, has supreme power, and can even influence people's lives and deaths. The emperor in the feudal society period was rich all over the world, and the whole world belonged to him alone, so the best resources in the country were for the emperor to enjoy, and under the temptation of power, countless people in history coveted the throne.

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

Even in modern times, people continued to propagate democratic scientific ideas, but the feudal system influenced China for too long, coupled with the fact that education was not fully popularized at that time, resulting in many backward areas still dominated by feudal ideas. After the Xinhai Revolution, China's feudal system was not completely eradicated, and the problem can be intuitively reflected from Yuan Shikai's claim to the title of emperor. At that time, Yuan Shikai stole the fruits of the victory of the Xinhai Revolution, and then did not really implement democratic politics, and eventually changed the Republic of China into the Chinese Empire, and he himself abolished democratic politics and became emperor.

In fact, after Yuan Shikai, many people in China have been called emperors, but the influence is not very large, so many people do not know. In 1981, in a remote mountainous area in Hubei, there was actually a person who "called the emperor", he was a 56-year-old man, who also made a lot of noise at that time, it is said that he also enthroned hundreds of officials, and even the harem of the ancient feudal society, most of whom were abducted and called "concubines". What is going on here, and why is there such a thing happening in modern society?

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

Born in 1925 in Macheng County, Hubei Province, this man was born from a poor family with no education and suffered from eye diseases since childhood. At that time, the village where Ding Xinglai lived was more superstitious, and he was also affected to join the very "fiery" Daomen organizations of that year, which specialized in deceiving ordinary people and seriously harming the interests of the people, but Ding Xinglai believed in these very much. Later, the government carried out a crackdown on these Daomen organizations, and Ding Xinglai was arrested and imprisoned for 5 years. It is said that at that time, Ding Xinglai's superior, Lei Jin'an, also led the believers to hold an enthronement ceremony in an attempt to "claim the title of emperor" in the environment at that time, which had a great impact on Ding Xinglai.

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

After Ding Xinglai was released from prison, he did not change his former wrongs, but secretly contacted the people of the original Daomen Organization, and then became the leader himself, and he also wanted to emulate Lei Jin'an to "claim the emperor". At that time, the popularity of education in many places was still very low, and most people were basically uneducated, especially in remote mountainous areas, Ding Xinglai seized this point, swindled everywhere in the mountainous areas, and lied that he was a god who came to Pudu sentient beings. Over time, Ding Xinglai's influence in the local area grew, and his followers continued to increase, so he decided to find a suitable opportunity to "claim the emperor".

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

In 1981, Ding Xinglai was in the home of a believer in the deep mountains, pretending to be "the son of heaven", and then arranging for people to set off the atmosphere in advance, so that many believers believed that he was a "god". Ding Xinglai took this opportunity to declare that he wanted to "ascend the throne." The backbone members on the side shouted "Long live" along the mountain. In order to win over the backbone, Ding Xinglai followed the example of the ancient emperor and appointed many "ministers of culture and martial arts". Not only that, he also occupied the local girls to enrich the "harem" for him to play. According to the archives, Ding Xinglai occupied 55 young girls in 9 years, which can be described as a terrible crime.

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

Due to the closed news at that time, the inconvenience of transportation, and Ding Xinglai's ideological control of the villagers, the farce of the emperor was never known to the outside world. Until 1990, the news began to spread slowly, which directly attracted the attention of the local public security department, until the police found out the truth, everyone was surprised, did not expect that there are such absurd things happening in modern society. At that time, Ding Xinglai had been the "emperor" in the mountains for 9 years, and he was already completely immersed in this beautiful dream.

The 56-year-old man in Hubei "claimed the emperor" in the deep mountains, sealed hundreds of officials and set up a harem, and occupied 55 young girls in 9 years

In the end, the police swept it all away, and Ding Xinglai's "emperor dream" ended, he was arrested and arrested by the police, and the farce was put to rest.

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