
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

author:Railway soldier culture
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

In Beijing in June, the sun is shining, the sky is clear, and although the weather is hot, the friendship between comrades-in-arms and military wives is even hotter! On this beautiful day, on June 22, 48 comrades-in-arms and military wives of the 7th Company of the 65th Regiment of the 13th Iron Division came from all over the country to Huairou in Beijing to participate in the first comrades-in-arms association.

  In order to hold this friendship meeting, the comrades-in-arms and military wives of the preparatory group in Huairou in Beijing carried out careful planning and careful organization and implementation, and the first comrades-in-arms gathering was held as scheduled.

  The comrades-in-arms and military wives who participated in the meeting reported on June 22, and the comrades-in-arms and military wives of the preparatory group carried out a warm and thoughtful reception, from giving everyone insurance, reporting to the itinerary, check-in, living, travel and other activities, the organization was very strict, in order to unify the dress and leave a commemoration, the army green T-shirt and cool hat were specially customized for everyone.

  On the morning of June 23, a meeting was held, which was presided over by Xiao Jiaoyu, the former deputy commander of the Seventh Company.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

First meeting of the Preparatory Group

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Second meeting of the Preparatory Group

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

The participating comrades-in-arms took a group photo during the meeting

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Comrade-in-arms Xiao Jiaoyu, former deputy commander of the Seventh Company, presided over the meeting

At the beginning of the meeting, the platoon commander on duty reported to the company commander: Salute, report to the company commander, the whole team of comrades-in-arms is complete, please instruct! The deputy company commander returned the salute and ordered to take a break!

  The first item of the conference, all stood up and sang the national anthem, which was conducted by Xia Xianquan's comrades-in-arms.

In the second item of the conference, the comrades-in-arms of Zou Zongyou, the former platoon commander, introduced the comrades-in-arms, military wives and other guests who attended the meeting today.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Zou Zongyou's comrades-in-arms introduced the comrades-in-arms, military wives and other guests who attended today's meeting

In the third item of the conference, the former deputy company commander Xiao Jiaoyu introduced the organizational structure of this year's comrades-in-arms association.

  The first comrades-in-arms association of the second battalion and the seventh company of the 65th regiment of the 13th division of the former railway corps was formally established today, and the following personnel are members of the organizational structure of the association after the study and recommendation of the preparatory group, and they are submitted to the conference for approval by a show of hands:

Dai Shengtang served as honorary president;

Xiao Jiaoyu served as president;

Zou Zongyou served as vice president and chief financial officer;

Zhang Kaixi served as secretary general

Mei Haitao, Wang Ruisheng, Xia Xianquan, Luan Xinrong and other four comrades-in-arms served as deputy secretary general

All comrades-in-arms attending the meeting were invited to raise their hands to vote and pass, and all of them passed.

In the fourth item of the conference, Secretary-General Zhang Kaixi's comrades-in-arms introduced the itinerary of the sorority.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Secretary-General Zhang Kaixi's comrades-in-arms are introducing the itinerary of this sorority

  In the fifth item of the conference, Dai Shengtang, the honorary president (former company instructor and director of the Trade Union Organization Department of China Railway 16th Bureau Group), was invited to speak.


Please Honorary President (former company instructor, China Railway

Director of the Trade Union Organization Department of the 16th Bureau Group)

Dai Shengtang's comrades-in-arms spoke

  Dai Shengtang's comrade-in-arms made a speech entitled "Memories of Deep Comradeship, the First Friendship Begins", he said:

Dear comrades-in-arms and military wives: Good morning!

  Time flies, time flies, we have fought side by side in our military careers, and we have experienced many unforgettable moments together. In the past years of the army, all the officers and men of our Seventh Company have made indelible contributions to the construction of the motherland's railways, participated in the construction of the Xiangyu Railway and the Shatong Railway, and in the construction of the Lengshui Tunnel, Lengshui Bridge, Dianchenyu Bridge, Chaoheguan Tunnel and other projects, in the era when the construction conditions were backward and difficult, the officers and men relied on air guns to blast holes, pick up ballast, iron basket ends, and bucket carts. There we left behind our hard sweat and blood, and the young lives of some comrades-in-arms were fixed next to the railway.

  After the military was reorganized, some comrades-in-arms returned to their hometowns, and through their own efforts, they achieved very good results, and some participated in politics and were promoted. Some of them became bosses in enterprises; Some became the president and party secretary of the hospital; Some of them participated in finance and became leaders in the bank, some still worked as farmers, and some of them served as party branch secretaries in the village for many years. What's more, we, the old comrades-in-arms, are now able to come together and gather together in a healthy way, which makes us feel extremely happy and happy.

  Today, although we live in the southeast, northwest, and northwest respectively, our comrades-in-arms and military wives are over the age of sixteen, and most of our comrades-in-arms may be in their prime, and our comrades-in-arms have changed from young soldiers in the prime of life in the past to gray-haired old men with children and grandchildren. Under the wise leadership of the party, we have caught up with the good times, the society is rich and the people are strong, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the comrades-in-arms and military wives are happy and peaceful, all of them are radiant and heroic. We must be grateful to the Communist Party, cherish the hard-won happiness of life, and veterans must always follow the party and always be the cornerstone of social stability.

  Although decades have passed, the deep comradeship will always be engraved in my heart. This is the years of our fighting, leaving us with indelible memories, it can really be said that there is a virtue called comrade-in-arms, there is a kind of touching called comrade-in-arms care, and there is a kind of concern called comrade-in-arms. In order to strengthen the connection between us and relive the past eventful years, the first comrades-in-arms meeting of the 7th Company of the 65th Regiment of the 13th Division of our former Railway Corps was held in Huairou, Beijing in June 2024.

Only some of the comrades-in-arms came today, and there are many comrades-in-arms, some of them are due to physical reasons, some because they have to take care of their grandchildren at home, etc., they were unable to participate in this gathering, here we would like to express our cordial condolences to them and their families, and wish them good health and happiness for the whole family.

Our old company commanders, Yang Yongren and Li Haixian, could not participate in this comrade-in-arms gathering for various reasons, let me take them to say hello to their comrades-in-arms and military wives, and also wish the two old company commanders good health and a long life!

  The purpose of this gathering is to provide a platform for everyone to meet and communicate, so that we can gather together to share the bits and pieces of our military career and participate in society, and share our life experiences and insights. We believe that on this special occasion, we will be able to feel once again the deep and more unforgettable military years and the more and more cordial comradeship.

Once, we walked side by side, arm in arm, through that period of hardship and glory of the railway soldier career. In those years, we struggled and worked together for the construction of the country's railway, and we paid our youth and sweat.

  Today's gathering is to reminisce about that good time and share each other's growth and changes. No matter how many years in the future, we all want to say, yesterday we fought side by side, today all the way, our old comrades-in-arms, it's good to have you!

I propose that in the future, if conditions permit, we will choose an appropriate time and place to meet again, continue to talk about our deep friendship, and make due contributions to carrying forward the spirit of the railway soldiers and inheriting the culture of the railway soldiers.

  Finally, let us send the auspicious wishes in our hearts and the good wishes in our hearts to everyone, and sincerely wish all our comrades-in-arms, military wives and their families good health and family happiness!

At the end of the meeting, also in the form of a tea party to let comrades-in-arms, military wives speak freely, first Comrade Xia Xianquan as a representative of comrades-in-arms made a speech, he first congratulated the holding of the first friendship meeting, he expressed his gratitude to the preparatory group for careful arrangement, serious organization, warm hospitality, he briefly introduced his hometown in the hospital as the president and party secretary of the work.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Comrade Xia Xianquan spoke as a representative of his comrades-in-arms

At the tea party, Zhang Kaixi's comrades-in-arms recited a poem for everyone, [Original] The Immortal Soul of the Railway Soldiers - Dedicated to the 76th Birthday of the Railway Soldiers.

  Immediately afterwards, Wang Ruisheng's comrades-in-arms introduced the situation of his supervision work after separation. The operation of several nearby railways was also described.

  Comrade Wang Xiangen briefly introduced his 28 years as the secretary of the village branch and led the village to change the appearance of his hometown.

  Guo Jiguang's comrades-in-arms shared their knowledge about fitness and health preservation, which benefited everyone a lot.

  The speeches of comrades-in-arms and military wives were all enthusiastic, sincere and vivid, and everyone's impromptu speeches pushed the atmosphere of the venue to a climax.

  At the end of the meeting, President Xiao Jiaoyu's comrades-in-arms made a summary of the meeting, and President Xiao said:

  Comrades-in-arms and military wives: Hello everyone! The first comrades-in-arms association of the second battalion and the seventh company of the 65th regiment of the 13th division of our former railway corps was formally established today, and the preparatory group studied and recommended, and all the comrades-in-arms who participated in the meeting voted by a show of hands, and the first comrades-in-arms organization was produced. Secretary-General Zhang Kaixi's comrades-in-arms introduced the itinerary and plan of the gathering, before that, several comrades of the preparatory group have done a lot of work, and the preparation work is relatively sufficient, here I would like to express my heartfelt thanks on behalf of my comrades-in-arms and military wives. After today's meeting, we must follow the itinerary and arrangement, conscientiously implement it, organize it closely, and the members of each group in the division of labor must be conscientious and responsible to ensure that this gathering is completed safely and smoothly and achieves the expected goal.

  Just now, Instructor Dai, the honorary chairman of the former company, made a brief speech, briefly reviewing our past combat experience and the situation after our separation.

  The comrades-in-arms spoke on behalf of Comrade Xia Xianquan, and other comrades-in-arms also made brief speeches, and I felt very good. Most of our comrades-in-arms and military wives have not seen each other for decades, and we have a rare opportunity to come together, everyone is very excited, a thousand words, indescribable, I believe that we will communicate with each other in the next few days, and will further enhance our comradeship.

  Here we would like to give special thanks to Luan Xinrong's comrades-in-arms, he contacted the "Railway Soldier Wine" produced by Chongqing Changshou Xiaomingdong Distillery, and sponsored ten boxes of wine for this friendship in his personal name, expressing his heart for the comrades-in-arms to taste, so that we can enjoy the fine wine produced by the railway soldiers-in-arms themselves, which is a dedication to the sorority, but also a deep friendship to the old comrades-in-arms of the Seventh Company, let us express our heartfelt thanks with warm applause!

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Here we also want to thank Xia Xianquan's comrades-in-arms, last night he sincerely proposed to our preparatory team that in his personal honor, invite all the comrades-in-arms and military wives to have a meal. Second, the friendship between comrades-in-arms will last for a long time, and there will be opportunities for Xia Xianquan's comrades-in-arms to express their hearts to their comrades-in-arms and military wives in the future, so we politely declined the invitation of Xia Xianquan's comrades-in-arms.

  Due to our limited conditions, although we do our best, there will be many places where hospitality is not good. Second, please give us your understanding.

  At the end of the conference, all the people stood up and sang "Railway Soldiers and Soldiers are Determined in the Quartet", the song sounded, and the comrades-in-arms and military wives sang loudly and excitedly.


According to the schedule of the association, on the afternoon of June 23, first in the comrades-in-arms, the military wives of the "mother" unit of China Railway 16th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd. at the door of the office building, in the comrades-in-arms, military wives lined up for a group photo, we were honored to invite the "mother-in-arms" unit leadership deputy secretary of the party committee and chairman of the trade union Mr. Dong Bowen met with comrades-in-arms and military wives, and made a welcome speech, Secretary Dong said: "You are my predecessors, you have made outstanding contributions to the construction of the motherland's railways in the past military career, On behalf of the company's leaders and all employees, I would like to pay tribute to you! What I want to say: first, welcome the comrades-in-arms and military wives of the Seventh Company to Beijing Huairou, where the company is located; the second is to congratulate the convening of the Seventh Company Comrades-in-Arms Association; The third is to briefly introduce the company's situation to comrades-in-arms and military wives, and the company's overall development has been good over the years. The fourth is to wish old comrades-in-arms, military wives and their families good health and family happiness!

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

The participating comrades-in-arms took a group photo at the door of the old unit

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Mr. Dong Bowen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Labor Union

met with comrades-in-arms and military wives,

He also made a welcoming speech

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Secretary Dong (middle) took a group photo with his comrades-in-arms

On the afternoon of June 23, comrades-in-arms and military wives also visited the Huairou Reservoir, and they could see the panoramic view of Huairou City on Longshan. During the visit, everyone felt the great changes in Huairou for decades, and also felt the embodiment of the prosperity and strength of the motherland. On the way back to the hotel, comrades-in-arms and military wives also visited the largest shopping mall in Huairou, Jingbei World Beijing, and everyone felt that compared with the department store on the commercial street more than 40 years ago, there had been a great change.

  On June 24th, according to the schedule of the meeting, comrades-in-arms and military wives took a bus together and went to the former site of the Chenyu Company in Miyun Bulaotun Palace. When we arrived at Bulaotun, a Shanxi Zhao Chunhai comrade-in-arms who got married and settled in Dianchenyu greeted us warmly, and warmly wanted to entertain us for lunch in Bulaotun Street. The couple was reluctant to agree. Chunhai comrades-in-arms and their couples drove their tricycles in front to lead the way, we finally arrived at the destination of the former site of the Dianchenyu Company, where the past barracks were unbelievable, the rows of small bungalows of the company have long been gone, and what appeared in front of everyone was a cornfield, the corn seedlings grew green and green, and this land happened to be the land of the Chunhai comrades-in-arms. The old instructor Dai Shengtang introduced to you that this was the company headquarters of the year, and that place was the barracks dormitory of the first, second, third, and fourth platoons, and in front of the company headquarters was a large playground, and below was the cooking class, the room and the family room. With the instructor's fingers, everyone seemed to hear the sound of the military horn and the pace of the exercise, and seemed to see the scene of a class of comrades-in-arms eating in a circle, the comrades-in-arms and military wives were in a very uncalm mood, the team leader shouted to everyone to take a group photo, the comrades-in-arms and military wives were still thinking about the past, and the team leader shouted again loudly to everyone to take a group photo, and everyone woke up. Comrades-in-arms and military wives lined up in an orderly manner, Xia Xianquan, Wang Xiangen and other comrades-in-arms held selfie sticks and raised their mobile phones to take videos and photos for everyone, leaving beautiful moments.

On the return trip, we came to the Dianchenyu Bridge we built that year, just at this time a train (passenger car) passed through the bridge, the comrades-in-arms grabbed this shot, we remembered that countless trains carrying passengers and goods passed through the bridge we built, how a sense of accomplishment we had, this is the witness of history, the great achievements of our railway soldiers, forever.


Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Comrades-in-arms and military wives took a group photo at the Dianchenyu Bridge that we repaired that year


After seeing the old site of the company, when the veteran team returned with the car, some comrades-in-arms proposed to go to the former site of the second battalion headquarters to see the soldiers' and horses' camp, and the team leader met the requirements of his comrades-in-arms and military wives, and asked the master to drive the car to the soldiers' and horses' camp. On the way back, the car was moving fast on the road, and the comrades-in-arms and military wives were still reminiscing about the military life in the past, just like a movie......

On June 25th, according to the requirements of comrades-in-arms and military wives, they have not been to Tiananmen Square for many years, and they want to see, in order to meet everyone's wishes, according to the itinerary, comrades-in-arms and military wives are ready to take the booked bus early in the morning to set off, ready to travel Tiananmen, before departure, the team leader suddenly heard a bad news, saying that you must make an appointment in advance to go to Tiananmen, before that, this was not expected, the team leader heard the news, and was stunned, the team was about to set off, how to make an appointment, and how to operate, We were sweating profusely! As the saying goes, there is no endless road, and at this moment I heard a good news, Ms. Liu Chunhui, the lobby manager of the Hongjude Hotel where we stayed, said to me: "Uncle Zhang, you are going to Tiananmen, there is still some time, I will help you make an appointment, you quickly get a few mobile phones and ID cards", at this time, Manager Liu, put down all the work at hand, in the lobby, spent nearly an hour, for our 46 comrades-in-arms to book tickets to Tiananmen, then I was relieved. I said to Manager Liu, this is your work outside of your class, let's give you a little hard money, Manager Liu politely declined. Later, I proposed several times to let all my comrades-in-arms applaud and express their gratitude to Manager Liu, and we really admired Manager Liu's service attitude that exceeded the customer's wishes.

  After we arrived in Beijing, the driver master considered the traffic regulations and parking convenience, parked the car in the southwest corner of Tiananmen Square, after we got off the car, ready to line up from the southwest corner of the square into Tiananmen Square, when the line to the entrance, the square staff told us that there are activities in the west square in the control, can not go in, he told us to detour, we had to along the sidewalk on the south side of the square, walk around to the east side of the square, along the east side of the detour to Chang'an Street, and then prepare to enter Tiananmen Square, our comrades-in-arms, The military wives are all over the age of the sixtieth year or the old man who is over the age of old, although the long distance walking, are very hard, but we do not have a bitter, the comrades-in-arms carry forward the fine style of the army training and marching, and finally walked to the northeast corner of Tiananmen Square, at this time to line up for verification before entering Tiananmen Square, at that time the queue here is crowded with tourists, our comrades-in-arms, military wives are sweating profusely, the queue has been more than an hour, the queue tourists can not see the edge in front, can not see the tail in the back, It is expected that there will be three more hours will not be able to enter, at this time, the leaders of the team agreed, cancel the arrangement to Tiananmen Square, fortunately we are in the position, can clearly see the Tiananmen Tower, comrades-in-arms stood on the inside of the railing, took a few group photos, comrades-in-arms, military wives thought, finally saw the Tiananmen Tower.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

The comrades-in-arms took a group photo on the east side opposite Tiananmen Square

Due to the time relationship, in the afternoon, the original plan to see the bird's nest, had to cancel the itinerary, ready to return, but our bus is not able to go Chang'an Avenue, but also have to return to the original parking position, if you walk from the northeast corner of Tiananmen Square to the southwest corner of Tiananmen Square on foot, the comrades-in-arms and military wives are really unbearable, after all, everyone is old. After the discussion of several leaders of our team leader, we took the subway to the front door and got off the station to the parking position, which was much easier, and not far from the subway entrance, we finally got on the bus for our return trip.

  On the return car, comrades-in-arms and military wives were thinking that the situation has changed too much now, a few decades ago, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the National Museum could all be entered and exited at will, but now these places have to be booked in advance and verified, and it is still difficult to enter with so many people. Originally, we also planned to have arrangements for climbing the Tiananmen Tower, but we made an appointment eight days in advance according to the online information, and when we reserved the fourth ticket, there was no way, so we had to cancel the arrangement to climb the Tiananmen Tower.

  Although the comrades-in-arms and military wives failed to enter Tiananmen Square, climb the Tiananmen Tower, or see the Bird's Nest as they wished, they saw Tianmen in the distance and took photos and took a group photo. Although the comrades-in-arms and military wives have some regrets in their hearts! But we can understand that there are more people traveling today, the country is rich and strong, and there are more friends, and then there are more foreign affairs activities of the country, and our Tiananmen Square is more solemn, and now the country is a legal society, and Beijing is more strict in management than in the past, which shows that our country is thriving and thriving. The comrades-in-arms and military wives did not complain, everyone thought, let everything be as it is......

On June 26th, according to the itinerary, we visited the Mutianyu Great Wall and Yanxi Lake, because these are all in the Huairou area, we are more familiar with it, and it is relatively smooth, but the comrades-in-arms and military wives have the wish of "not going to the Great Wall is not a hero". Due to various reasons, some comrades-in-arms and military wives climbed the Great Wall on foot, and in the process of climbing the Great Wall, the most worthy of praise was Mr. Dai Shengtang, the honorary chairman (former company instructor), who was already a 75-year-old man, who climbed the second beacon tower of the Great Wall and took a group photo with his comrades. Most of the comrades-in-arms and military wives who had not swam the Great Wall climbed up, and everyone watched the scenery and took pictures on the Great Wall, and had a good time. The Great Wall, the majestic project, the great monument, the wisdom of the ancestors, the heritage of the world, the pride of the motherland, comrades-in-arms and military wives are worth the trip.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

The 75-year-old instructor climbed the second beacon tower of the Great Wall on foot

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Comrades-in-arms take a group photo on the Great Wall


In general, comrades-in-arms came to Beijing from all over the country, but everyone "didn't eat roast duck, not to Beijing; If you don't go to the Great Wall, you are not a hero".

  In the afternoon, I traveled to Yanxi Lake, comrades-in-arms, military wives mainly looked at the international conference center, many comrades-in-arms are the first time to come here, when we heard the narrator's introduction, here is the mainland to implement the "Belt and Road" and other major international conferences are held here, many heads of state come here to hold a meeting, comrades-in-arms, military wives are extremely excited, all are proud of it, our country is strong, this is our country in front of the world, is the country's image of the tall highlight. Here, comrades-in-arms and military wives took a group photo, and also left a rare beautiful moment.

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi
Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Comrades-in-arms and military wives took a group photo at the International Conference Center

On the morning of June 27th, comrades-in-arms and military wives checked out and left the hotel one after another, and embarked on the return journey one after another. We also welcome everyone to have the opportunity to come to Beijing Huairou again in the future, and we will receive our comrades-in-arms and military wives warmly and thoughtfully......

Memories of deep comradeship, the first friendship begins Author: Zhang Kaixi

Zhejiang Fuyang comrades-in-arms wore 65 military uniforms for a group photo



Thanks to Mr. Dong Bowen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee (and Chairman of the Labor Union) of the Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Railway 16th Bureau Group, for cordially meeting with his comrades-in-arms and military wives!

Thanks to Mr. Jiang Wenquan, the former vice chairman of the labor union of China Railway 16th Bureau Group Fourth Engineering Co., Ltd., for taking photos for his comrades-in-arms and military wives!

Thank you to the staff of Hongjude Hotel for providing us with warm and thoughtful service and providing us with the venue!

Thanks to Beijing Mingyu Jiaye Passenger Transport Co., Ltd. (main: commuter shuttle bus for enterprises and institutions, car rental for business meetings, chartered cars for team building activities, chartered buses for intra-city and inter-provincial tours), for providing thoughtful and service for our business tours!

Thanks to Beijing Rongdaxiang Trading Co., Ltd. for our thoughtful service in the process of ordering T-shirts, cool hats, and meal packs, and write the names of all personnel on the label of each T-shirt, so that we can easily find it when we distribute it.

Thanks to Mr. Ye Jie for providing us with warm and thoughtful service when we visited Yanqi Lake, and also helped us take pictures.

The pictures and videos were taken by Jiang Wenquan, Wang Xiangen, Ye Jie and others.

Edit: Have fun