
A person in Hubei "succeeded to the throne as emperor" in the deep mountains and raised 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only 10 years old

Generally speaking, everyone believes that the last emperor of our China was Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and after Puyi, the Qing Dynasty collapsed, there was no emperor, and the history of our feudal system in China ended. However, what is surprising is that in the 1980s after the founding of the People's Republic of China, there was actually an elder brother who declared himself "heir to the throne" in the deep mountains of Hubei Province, and took 55 harem concubines in one go, the youngest being only 10 years old.

A person in Hubei "succeeded to the throne as emperor" in the deep mountains and raised 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only 10 years old

This elder brother, who "succeeded to the throne and became emperor" in the 1980s, named Ding Xinglai, was born in 1925 in Dingjia Nanchong Village, Zhangjiahua Town, Macheng County, Hubei Province, China. At the time of birth, Ding Xinglai fell ill, suffered from a relatively serious eye disease since childhood, and was an out-and-out blind blind man. Although the eyes can not see, But Ding Xinglai's life experience is not simple, between 1943 and 1945, he successively joined the ancient Buddha Gate, Yaochi Gate and other Daomen organizations, and later became a leader.

A person in Hubei "succeeded to the throne as emperor" in the deep mountains and raised 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only 10 years old

It's just that this so-called Daomen organization that Ding Xinglai joined is really not a good organization, and it is good at tricking and deceiving and harming the people, and it has never done even one thing that benefits the country and the people. As it should be, ding Xinglai's Daomen organization was banned after the founding of the country, and there was also a powerful Daomen organization called the emperor in the middle of the way, trying to restore the feudal monarchy, the leader was called Lei Jin'an, of course, in the end, it did not set off any big storms, and it was quickly quelled.

A person in Hubei "succeeded to the throne as emperor" in the deep mountains and raised 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only 10 years old

Because of his involvement in this matter, Ding Xinglai, who was only a small leader, was sentenced to 5 years in prison. It is reasonable to say that the organization has collapsed and the head is gone, so Ding Xinglai should consider how to become a new person in prison, and develop his future prospects well after going out. However, this invisible Ding Xinglai silently had a ghost idea in his heart, and he felt that since Lei Jin'an could be called emperor, he Ding Xinglai could also do it. Lei Jin'an said that the emperor's failure was due to poor preparation, coupled with his arrogance and arrogance, he had learned the lesson of Lei Jin'an's failure, and no matter how careful and cautious he was, he would certainly be able to achieve something great!

A person in Hubei "succeeded to the throne as emperor" in the deep mountains and raised 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only 10 years old

The more he thought about it, the more excited Ding Xing became, and after he was released from prison, he first contacted a large group of his "old Daoist friends", basically put up the original shelf, and then chose a less developed remote area, where there was little education popularization, inconvenient transportation and closed news, which was very suitable for Ding Xing to be called emperor. Since 1980, under the banner of "exorcising evil spirits and curing diseases" and "pudu sentient beings", Ding Xinglai has developed tens of thousands of Disciples under his disciples, during which he also used some divine "immortal qi" methods to insult 55 women, including children in their early teens, which is outrageous. In 1981, Ding Xinglai, who thought he was well prepared, declared himself "possessed by the dragon soul" and officially declared himself emperor, opening a harem to take 55 concubines, the youngest of whom was only a teenager. However, this emperor's addiction has not passed a few years, and Ding Xianlai, who has been emperor for 9 years, was arrested and arrested, officially ending this absurd journey to become emperor.

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