
After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, where did the once-prosperous Khitans go, and why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups now?

When it comes to the Khitan people, I think many people will think of Xiao Feng in "Tianlong Babu", yes, Xiao Feng is a Khitan and was born in the Liao Kingdom. The Liao State (907-1125) was a feudal dynasty established by the Khitans in the northern region, and the Liao State could compete with the Song Dynasty at its peak, but later died in jurchen and Mongolia, so where did the once powerful people go? Why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups in China now?

After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, where did the once-prosperous Khitans go, and why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups now?

In fact, the Khitan people have always existed, but they have changed their names and surnames to integrate into other ethnic groups, but many of their inheritance is still there. Let's talk about one of the most famous Khitan descendants. Mr. Lao She is a descendant of the Khitan people, as we all know, Mr. Lao She is a Manchu, his Manchu surname is Shu Mulu, this surname is a typical Khitan surname, from the Shi Mo clan. After the fall of the Liao, the descendants of the Liao's surname Xiao changed their surname to Shi Mo. Because Mr. Lao She's family inheritance is still there, it can also be seen that his ancestors were Khitans and later integrated into the Manchus, which was common at the fall of the Liao Dynasty. More Khitans were completely integrated into other ethnic groups, and future generations did not know it at all.

After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, where did the once-prosperous Khitans go, and why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups now?

We know that after our liberation, our national composition was gradually divided from the five nationalities of the Republic of China period to as many as 56 nationalities, in fact after the last nationality was determined in 1979. More than 30 ethnic groups are still recognized one after another, but in the standard expression of our country, only 56 nationalities are said. If you go to the household registration department to inquire, in fact, there are already more than 80 recognized ethnic groups.

After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, where did the once-prosperous Khitans go, and why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups now?

However, because our country adopts ethnic preferential policies, there are nearly 30 ethnic groups that are constantly applying to become independent ethnic minorities.

At present, it is believed that the Han, Mongolian, Manchu, etc. in the north all have Khitan hemolysis. The Western Liao, founded by the Khitans, had a great influence on the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz people in Central Asia. Even the Nogai in the North Caucasus and the Bashkir people in the Ural Mountains are of Khitan descent. According to DNA research, the direct descendants of the Khitan may have been the Dahan people of China. By analyzing the blood samples of ancient Khitan female corpses and modern Daur, Evenk, Mongols and Han chinese, modern DNA shows that the Daur have the closest genetic relationship with the Khitan and are descendants of the Khitan people.

After the fall of the Liao Dynasty, where did the once-prosperous Khitans go, and why are there no Khitans among the 56 ethnic groups now?

In a ancestral hall in Shidian County, a plaque with the word "Yelü" was found. According to locals, this was to honor their ancestors and show evidence of their Khitan descendants. According to history, Asuru was a descendant of the Liao state who defected to the Mongols, and his ancestors fought in the counterinsurgency war in the southwest. But how can this prove that these people are the descendants of the Khitan people at that time, after all, Mobei and Yunnan are thousands of miles apart, and before there is no definite evidence to prove it, the academic community has never been able to justify the name of this ethnic group.

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