
Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

author:Ask the doctor quickly

Eggs, the outside is a layer of hard shell, the inside includes the air chamber, egg white and egg yolk three parts, egg white and egg yolk can be eaten, is one of the common foods in life, contains protein, cholesterol rich, high nutritional value.

Eggs have the effects of nourishing essence and qi, moistening the lungs and throat, nourishing yang and moisturizing dryness, etc., especially suitable for the elderly with weak constitution, malnourished children or anemia women to eat daily, which can help their bodies improve and ensure the basic health of the body.

In addition, the lecithin and unsaturated fatty acids contained in it are beneficial to the brain, so most people can eat more eggs appropriately.

Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

Everything has a ration, how many eggs is best to eat every day?

The nutritional composition of eggs is relatively comprehensive, which is very suitable for supplementing nutrition for the human body, but it is true that the more you eat, the better.

Because eggs are rich in protein, eating too many eggs from time to time will increase the digestive burden on the intestines.

According to the advice of nutritionists: it is better to eat 1 eggs per person per day and no more than 7 eggs per week under the condition of ensuring the normal intake of other foods.

However, if you usually have a low intake of meat and other high protein intake, you can appropriately increase the amount of eggs consumed, which will not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

What should I pay attention to when eating eggs? The following 4 "don'ts" should be remembered.

1. Don't just eat egg white

There are a large number of people in life who are not used to eating egg yolks, so they often only eat egg whites when eating eggs, thinking that this can also supplement nutrition, but they do not know that egg yolks have higher nutritional value.

Egg yolk contains more minerals than egg white, which can promote body absorption; The lutein in it has a good effect on protecting eyesight.

It is best to eat egg yolks and egg whites, and a whole egg a day is more conducive to good health.

Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

2. Don't eat raw eggs

In some places, it is popular to eat raw eggs, believing that raw food retains the most nutrients, but from a health perspective, it is not recommended to eat raw eggs, especially for children.

Because it is inevitable that there will be bacteria breeding in raw eggs, once the sterilization is not in place, eating it in the stomach is easy to affect gastrointestinal health, and it will even cause some diseases in the long run.

Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

3. Don't be superstitious about native eggs

Some elderly people in the family will be overly superstitious about native eggs when buying eggs, and feel that native eggs are more nutritious and healthy, so they spend a lot of money to buy native eggs.

It is true that the content of protein, carbohydrates, cholesterol, trace elements, etc. will be slightly more, and fat, vitamins, niacin, selenium, etc. will be slightly less, but the fact is that the impact of these nutritional differences on the body is negligible, so there is really no need to buy eggs.

Eat eggs a day, and your body will be great! Although eggs are good, you need to abide by these 4 "don'ts" when eating them

4. Don't ignore egg allergies

Due to the difference in genes and physique, some people in life have allergic reactions to eggs, and such people must pay attention to the problem of egg allergy.

Eat as few eggs as possible every day, and when buying some processed foods, you should also pay attention to whether there are eggs in the ingredients to avoid the danger caused by ingesting allergenic foods.



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