
Miss Miss's "Alliance Battle" began broadcasting, and she debuted as the C-bit of the lead actor!

LOL before and after has been more than ten years, popular anchors, professional players, professional commentary is countless, with the advent of the network era, the update iteration speed is getting faster and faster, the number of various fields has gradually increased, the early batch of anchors have disappeared a lot, only the few remaining anchors continue to develop for interest, of which the female anchors were the hottest Xiao Cang, Su Xiaoyan, Xiao Lou, Miss, etc., and only Miss was still silently insisting on their interests.

Miss Miss's "Alliance Battle" began broadcasting, and she debuted as the C-bit of the lead actor!

Recently Miss Miss has a new action, an official announcement caused a hot discussion among netizens, it turned out that she actually successfully crossed the border, starred in a latest e-sports network drama "Alliance Battle", and served as the female number one in the play! "Alliance Battle" is a bloody e-sports theme of the web drama, with LOL mobile game as the background, starring actors Zhu Tianfu, Cai Yuhang and others. In this web drama, the big miss will play a girl named "Ye Luo", and the story as a whole will appear more tortuous, completely showing the cruelty that the e-sports circle cannot see.

Miss Miss's "Alliance Battle" began broadcasting, and she debuted as the C-bit of the lead actor!

As we all know, Miss debuted in the early days as a professional player in the field of vision, although she looks very young, but she has won many women's major competitions. However, most people in the e-sports environment at that time were not optimistic about girls, and after the transformation of the anchor became famous, Miss's technology was still questioned by netizens, and it was not until recent years that it improved, which was similar to her in the play!

Miss Miss's "Alliance Battle" began broadcasting, and she debuted as the C-bit of the lead actor!

It is reported that Miss will accompany everyone to watch the drama in his live broadcast room every weekend after that, after all, it is a film and television debut, what do you think of Miss's acting skills? Welcome to discuss below!

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