
Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

Since the launch of the LOL mobile game web series "Alliance Battle", it has attracted the attention of many loL veteran players. Although this web series is based on LOL mobile games, for old players, LOL mobile games are also derivatives of LOL, and overall they are based on LOL. And what is surprising is that this web series also invited the former LOL female commentator Miss to play the heroine, which shows that the investor is still very discerning!

Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

Why? Miss Miss is not only a former LOL female commentator, she has also played many professional competitions before and won many championships. For such a title, the web series starring Miss is still a very good match to be honest. And you can also use the popularity of Miss to call on more LOL players to come and watch, which is a stable and profitable situation for the web drama "Alliance Battle"!

Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

At present, "Alliance Battle" has been able to watch the fourth episode for free, in these four episodes, Miss can be said to have broken her own personality a lot, and no longer has anything to do with the word "goddess"! The opening is "Wang Bang", which is simply transformed into a "professional rent cheater" and a "professional slap on the back", which makes many fans laugh out loud, Miss This is the rhythm of flying themselves!

Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

It is worth mentioning that in the third episode, many netizens found an "explosion" news, that is, Miss's screen first kiss was gone! Yes, when eating instant noodles in the third episode, Miss quickly ate her own instant noodles, so she decisively shared a bucket of instant noodles with Jiang Daxia, and this wave of indirect kissing directly broke the hearts of many male fans, and this picture looked sour.

Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

Also because of this scene, in the next four episodes, Jiang Daxia mistakenly believes that Miss likes him and cares about him less and orders wine. As a result, Miss gave a blank look, saying that she was worried that after he was drunk, he would not be able to lift him at all! I have to say that in the web series "Alliance Battle", Miss's game talent is still very high, and it is undoubtedly the strongest of the four. Although it was originally retired because of an "empty big", the strength of Miss was still there!

Miss screen first kiss gone? Kissing the male protagonist indirectly, fans are sour!

So the next plot may be Miss Miss's "turnaround battle", think about it and feel exciting! It is worth mentioning that on January 16, Miss Miss will join hands with many Huya head anchors to appear together on the extraordinary night of the Huya Live Star Festival, and players who like it must not miss it!

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