
He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

Japan's war of aggression against China not only caused many Chinese people to be displaced and suffered miserably, but the Japanese people also suffered the hardships and sufferings brought about by the war. Many people are separated, many children and relatives are separated, most of them are Orphans and women in Japan, and some Japanese soldiers are also included. Today we are going to talk about a Japanese veteran living in Shandong Province, China. He has lived in China for more than 70 years and has married Chinese as his wife. And its name is Hiroshi Yamazaki.

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

This old man set foot on Chinese soil when he was young with the Japanese war of aggression. As a military doctor, he came to the mainland at the beginning of the war with the 10th Company of the 10th Infantry Division of the Japanese Army. However, due to the Japanese army's burning and looting all the way in the Japanese war of aggression, the behavior was heinous, and Yamazaki Hiroshi, as a military doctor, personally witnessed the behavior of the Japanese army for more than half a year. Not only was it disappointing of the behavior of its own military. And it also made him feel guilty. So he quietly found an opportunity to escape from his unit. Became a Japanese deserter.

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

As a deserter, he was initially eager to return to his hometown in Japan. But because the distance between China and Japan is too far. So he had to go all the way. Through his memories of the geography of China and Japan, he felt that if he took a boat from Shandong, China, to Japan, it should be the closest. So he decided to go all the way east from Tianjin, where he was at the time, hoping to find an opportunity to return to his hometown. So he went all the way to the east, and during this time he was also helped by many Chinese, and as a doctor, he also helped many Chinese. With the turmoil of the war, he also made a difficult journey to reach Jinan.

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

After arriving in Jinan, Yamazaki entered the International Red Cross and began to practice medicine for a living. He also married Chinese as a wife. So time flies, and after the baptism of years, he gradually blends into the environment of Chinese. He also felt that Chinese was very simple and enthusiastic, and got along well with them, and gradually gave up the idea of returning to Japan. And he also began to be determined to use his medical skills and life to serve the Chinese people. Hopefully, the Japanese military will be able to atone for the crimes committed in the war. He never charged money for medical treatment, but only ate food, and realized his ideas with this practical action.

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

Later, after China established diplomatic relations with Japan, Japan began to search for former orphans. At that time, he also returned to Japan to visit his relatives. At that time, his relatives in Japan arranged high-tech medical work for him, but he refused. He decided to stay in China completely, hoping to repay the crimes of their army through his own medical skills and healing. Japan's former prime minister also invited Hiroshi Yamazaki, who visited his relatives, and wrote a commemorative banner as a tribute to his contribution to Sino-Japanese friendship.

He was a Japanese deserter who had lived in Shandong for more than 70 years practicing medicine to save people and married a Chinese daughter-in-law

Since then, Hiroshi Yamazaki has been living in China as a representative of Sino-Japanese friendship. As a doctor, he still visits the clinic every Monday to Saturday, and has been persevering and seriously treating every patient for all these years. And his patients are endless. Many patients have a very good evaluation of him, praising him for not only being a noble person but also a superb medical skill.

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