
Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

Since 1931, the Japanese army has waged a 14-year war of aggression against our country, which has brought deep suffering to the Chinese people. In the war, they lost their humanity, committed adultery and plunder, and committed unforgivable crimes against the Chinese people. The following group of old photos of the invasion of China and the Japanese Kou private photo album reproduced to us the true face of the Japanese army during those humiliating years, and the ugly crimes were at a glance, hoping that through this group of photos, we would warn the Chinese people to remember history and not forget the national shame!

Figure 1:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows the innocent Chinese people being brutalized after the Japanese army occupied the city of Nanjing in December 1937, and the Japanese Kou who gathered in a circle were still watching the liveliness. This was a great disaster that the Chinese people would never forget, just four days after the occupation of Nanjing, the inhuman Japanese army tied more than 5,000 refugees hiding in the Nanjing Overseas Chinese Institute with their hands tied up and took them to Zhongshan Wharf, let them line up in rows and then strafe and massacre with machine guns.

Figure 2:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows the Japanese Kou standing next to "Kuaizaliao" during the war of aggression against China. During the war of aggression against China, the shameless Japanese Kou cruelly insulted and persecuted the women everywhere they went in order to vent their bestiality, and in order to prevent soldiers from reducing the combat effectiveness of the army due to disorderly infection and disease, the Japanese army established a large number of comfort stations in the occupied areas, and most of the women among them were coaxed by the Japanese Kou and abducted Chinese women, which was really shameless to the extreme.

Figure 3:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows a group photo of the Japanese Kou at a city wall after occupying Kaifeng City during the War of Aggression against China. The Japanese in the picture are shouting long live with their hands raised, but behind this is the tragic death of a large number of innocent people and anti-Japanese fighters, and the tattered walls on the side show how fierce the fighting was at that time.

Figure 4:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows the Japanese army during the war with the Chinese little girls, they pretend to be kind, full of smiles, trying to show their "kindness", but from the two little girls look very scared, their expressions can explain everything! In order to suppress the anti-Japanese enthusiasm of the Chinese people and cover up their own aggressive aims, the shameless Japanese Kou put forward false slogans such as "Sino-Japanese harmony" and "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" during the war, and took a large number of hypocritical photos of such things.

Figure 5:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows a group of Japanese Kosovars who plundered the livestock in the homes of ordinary people after occupying the Chinese countryside during the war of aggression against China, and they smiled and had no shame. This photo can intuitively reflect the strong figures of the Japanese kosovars at that time, on the one hand, due to the high training intensity of the Japanese soldiers in peacetime, on the other hand, the Japanese army pursues the strategy of fighting to feed the war, frantically robbing the people of their property and food in the occupied areas, in contrast, many anti-Japanese fighters in our army can not even eat enough.

Figure 6:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows a Japanese signal soldier during the invasion of China, who is resting in the trenches at this moment. The photograph shows the full equipment of these messengers, telephones, cans, helmets, and a very conspicuous samurai sword, and the messengers, as an important source of intelligence communications, often play a great role on the battlefield.

Figure 7:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows a group photo of a Japanese soldier with an anti-Japanese slogan on the wall after the Japanese invaded China occupied suzhou. It reads, "Kill all the Japanese robbers who are raping and plundering!" And the Japanese Kou in the photo crossed their hands at the waist, posing a proud look, without any shame, it is really shameless, the crimes they committed in Suzhou City are even more hateful, even the civilians and soldiers hiding in the Buddhist temple have not been spared, and a large number of Chinese compatriots have died tragically at the hands of the Japanese Kou.

Figure 8:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

This shocking photograph was taken on September 13, 1938 in Shucheng County, Anhui Province, where the Japanese Kou shows off to the camera the first-class group photo of the Chinese people he has beheaded. The Japanese Kou in the photo is only 23 years old, should be a Japanese student who has just graduated from college, and looks very proud in the face of the atrocities he has committed, enough to see his indifference and ruthlessness to the lives of Chinese people, a fledgling student once he enters the Chinese battlefield, his brutal nature is exposed, and in a short period of time he has become a murderous, cold-blooded and ruthless executioner...

Figure 9:

Invasion of China, intimate old photos: Chinese little girls make people feel heart-wrenching, and the picture 8 is unbearable to see!

The picture shows one of the many photos taken by the Japanese in Shanghai, Hangzhou and other areas in 1938 to persecute the Chinese people. The innocent people in the photograph were driven into a deep pit by the Japanese army, and they seemed to know what they were about to face, and the expression on their faces was frightening, and their eyes were full of despair. And this is only one of the many major crimes committed by the Japanese Kou during the war of aggression against China, a large number of innocent people died tragically under the guns of the Japanese Kou, and one by one the living lives became the playthings in the hands of the Japanese Kou. How can we forget this humiliating history?

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