
What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

Li Guang, Li Gan, and his father and son were both generals who fought against the Xiongnu, and could be said to be loyal and loyal; the uncles and nephews of Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were the humerus of the Han Dynasty in resisting foreign enemies and the backbone of the country. They are all the hopes of the Han Dynasty, and they should have been a group of like-minded heroes, but they came to the opposite side because of the trickery of fate, because the flesh and blood Fang just made a mistake, which made posterity sigh.

The story begins with the last expedition of the Flying General Li Guang:

Death of Fei General Li Guang

The famous border poet Wang Changling once described and commented on General Li Guang as "but making the Dragon City fly in general, not teaching Humadu Yin Mountain", indeed, the fei general Li Guang took the fight against the Xiongnu as his mission all his life, and fought in the forefront of the imperial enemy, from youth to Huafa.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

However, what is more sad is that General Li Guang's luck is indeed not very good, and he has not returned from his deeds for many years, so the world says that Li Guang is difficult to be a marquis, especially compared with Wei Qing, who became famous at a young age and was crowned a marquis in the first battle, the situation of the veteran General Li Guang is indeed somewhat embarrassing, and the white-haired veteran who has fought all his life is indeed very disgraceful to a stinking hairy boy, but General Li Guang is still very tall and bright in this regard, as long as he can conquer the Xiongnu and defend the country, whether the lord will care about him or not.

In 119 BC, Emperor Wu of Han once again ordered Wei Qing to lead the army to attack the Xiongnu, at this time Huo Wentai was already a general on his own, the two of them each led 50,000 elite soldiers to the Xiongnu base camp, Li Guang, although he was old, did not change his heart to serve the country, several times wrote to request the expedition, Emperor Wu of Han refused as a general, but finally could not resist Li Guang's repeated pleas and agreed to his appointment as a former general.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

It is said that although Emperor Wu of Han agreed to Li Guang's entourage, he also specially instructed Wei Qing before the departure of the army, saying that Li Guang had bad luck in his life and could not be entrusted with heavy responsibilities, so as not to delay the grand plan to destroy the Xiongnu.

After Wei Qing and his party left the blockade, they learned of the xiongnu Shan Yu's tracks, and Wei Qing led his elite troops to pursue, causing Li Guang to detour from the east road and surround Wei Qing into a siege to capture Shan Yu. Li Guang objected to this, wanting to follow Wei Qing as a vanguard and confront the Xiongnu Shan Yu, perhaps Wei Qing remembered the instructions of Emperor Wu of Han, or perhaps he wanted to make a head of merit, in short, Wei Qing refused Li Guang's request.

In this way, angry Li Guang's team set off from the East Road, but the East Road was far around, Li Guang got lost several times, delayed the speed of the march, and fell behind the Wei Qing army, resulting in the Wei Qing army having no foreign aid, and fighting with the Xiongnu alone, although the Wei Qing soldiers were fierce and wounded countless enemies, but the Xiongnu Shan Yu took the opportunity to escape, failed to capture Shan Yu alive, and this battle could not be regarded as a big victory.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

After the war, Wei Qing wanted to fold the folds of Emperor Wu of Han and make a post-war summary, and Li Guang's team failed to meet in time naturally had to make a detailed statement, so he sent Chang Shi to ask for the details of the lost way when delivering supplies to Li Guang's team, but Li Guang was silent. Wei Qing was helpless, so he asked Chang Shi to summon Li Guang's lieutenants to come and confront him, but Li Guang stopped Chang Shi and went to Wei Qing's General's Mansion to confront him.

Surprisingly, Li Guang went to the shogunate of the Great General and took full responsibility for the crime of getting lost and derelict in his duties, saying that he could not bear the humiliation and did not want to be humiliated by future historians and swung his sword to kill himself.

The suicide of the great general Li Guang caused a sensation, and the people of the Great Han Dynasty were all moved by his regrets.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

Li dared to complain about his father and became angry with Wei Qing

After Li Guang heard the news of his father's death, he was sad from it, deeply sad for his father's life's situation, thinking about it, he felt that his father's death was all blamed on Wei Qing, thinking that Wei Qing's deliberate difficulties and secret persecution had led to his father's tragedy, if it were not for Wei Qingfei insisting on letting his father detour from the far east road, his father would not have lost his way, nor would he have committed suicide, it must have been Wei Qing who was worried about his father's struggle for merit, and with this thought, the pain of losing his father seemed to have found an outlet. Therefore, Li Dare's obsession with Wei Qing killing his father in his heart became deeper and deeper.

Soon after, the young and vigorous Li Dare found an opportunity to injure Wei Qing, and with Wei Qing's position at that time, if he pursued it, Li Dare would definitely not be able to eat and walk, but Wei Qing had the weight of an adult and did not bother with Li Dare.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

It may be that Wei Qing also feels guilty about Li Guang's death, although from the perspective of a bystander, Li Guang's affairs cannot be blamed on Wei Qing at all, but involved, Wei Qing will probably have the feeling of "I don't kill Bo Ren, Bo Ren died because of me".

In the face of this child who had lost his father, he knew that Li Dare could not turn around for a while, the Li family was full of loyalty, and he could not bear any accidents with his beloved son after the death of the old general Li, so Wei Qing hid the fact that Li Dare had hurt himself and blocked the news, so as not to spread the news to Emperor Wu of Han and dispose of Li Gan.

The curse that the flesh and blood fang has just brewed

Li Dang was already a general against the Xiongnu at that time, for his own selfishness, more accurately, his own obsession, injured the main general, the following crimes, and even endangered the great cause of fighting against the Xiongnu, the nature was extremely bad, although Wei Qing did not pursue, but also tried his best to block the news, but the paper could not keep the fire after all, this matter still reached Huo's sick ears.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

Huo went to the disease to hear about this, then it was still necessary, his heroic uncle was beaten like this, the beating was still his subordinate Li Gan, too much, is not his own not strict to let the uncle be hurt is simply intolerable, Huo went to the disease the more he wanted to get angry, but felt that he could not easily let Go of Li Dare, so he decided to avenge his uncle Wei Qing.

In 118 BC, when Huo Went ill and Li Dang accompanied Emperor Wu of Han on a hunting trip, Huo Went ill actually found an opportunity to shoot Li Gan privately.

Although Li Gan's status was not as good as Huo's and Wei Qing's, he was also a general with status after all, and Emperor Wu of Han would not easily move him, and if he killed him, he also needed to go through the procedure, and he could not be said to kill.

Huo Wentai actually shot the imperial court minister in front of the emperor, and if the people of the world knew about it, what a great chaos would be set off.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

However, Emperor Wu of Han was not willing to punish Huo Goyi, who was the child of Emperor Wu of Han's empress Dowager Wei Zifu's sister, who was also the nephew of Emperor Wu of Han. Emperor Wu of Han was very fond of Huo Qi's illness, and was raised in the palace from an early age, admiring his talent, and also wanted to greatly reuse Huo Qi's disease to expand his territory and strengthen his own power.

Emperor Wu of Han did not punish Huo to get sick, in large part because he also knew that Li Dared had hurt Wei Qing, but he did not punish Li Dare also because Wei Qing tried his best to stop it, and the emperor let Li Dare go.

And now that Huo went ill and shot Li Gan, the emperor naturally turned a blind eye, and also announced to the outside world that Li Gan was killed by a deer in the forest while hunting, which also exempted Huo from punishment.

What kind of grudge did Li Guang's father and son have with Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, and they were going to get into trouble to the point of killing people?

Whose fault is it? In fact, different positions have different feelings. In Li Gan's view, his father's life is greater than anything else, and he only wants to avenge his father. In huo's view, Li Dare is unreasonable, and Huo goes to avenge his uncle and does not want to see his uncle being bullied. Therefore, many things sometimes cannot be judged by personal ideas, but the personalities of both people are still too impulsive, and they do things without considering the consequences.

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