
Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

Wei Qing and Huo Went ill two, are a rare general during the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, relying on the continuous efforts of the two, the Xiongnu, who have always been unruly, were finally beaten to obedience, and it has to be said that the talent of the two in the military field is indeed very high, especially Huo Goyi, who was able to be crowned Marquis at a young age, which is simply a major miracle in history.

Logically, Wei Qing and Huo Goyi can hold important positions, they must be smart people, and they should also have a more mature way to deal with things in normal times, but why was Li Guang's father and son finally "killed" by Wei Qing and Huo Goyi?

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

Background of the times

Speaking of Li Guang, many people will think of such an allusion as "Li Guang is difficult to seal", the reason why this allusion can be passed down for so long is because li Guang in real history has been looking for opportunities to make meritorious contributions throughout his life, and during the Han Dynasty, without making great contributions, there is no chance to be knighted.

In terms of Li Guang's lineage, he had advantages over Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi, because Li Guang's family was a family of officials and eunuchs, and the third emperor was an official, accumulating quite good connections in the imperial court, as long as Li Guang made some achievements on the battlefield that were related to the marquis, the emperor would inevitably make him a marquis.

It is a pity that Throughout his life, Li Guang has participated in countless wars of all sizes, but he has never made great contributions to be crowned a marquis, which has basically become a major regret in Li Guang's life.

In fact, the feudal system during the Han Dynasty was not unfair, the reason why Li Guang was not knighted in his life had a huge relationship with his own ability, Li Guang participated in countless wars, but when we analyze his war record, we will find a more embarrassing truth: almost all the wars in which Li Guang participated belonged to defensive rather than active attack wars, which doomed Li Guang to make meritorious contributions.

Even if it is difficult to make meritorious contributions, ordinary people may still have some self-knowledge, be a low-key person, but Li Guang is strong and fierce, not only is it not low-key, after Wei Qing was reused by Emperor Wu of Han, Li Guang was still very unconvinced, and he had considerable opinions about Wei Qing.

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

The main reason why Li Guang was prejudiced against Wei Qing was that Wei Qing's origin was not good, Wei Qing and Li Guang were completely two different groups, Wei Qing was leading a horse in the Princess Pingyang Palace, relying on Wei Zifu's favor after he was favored by Emperor Wu of Han, Wei Qing was reused by Emperor Wu of Han and began to emerge in the official arena.

Judging from the actual situation, Wei Qing is indeed very capable, and can be regarded as a talent, so after being reused by Emperor Wu of Han, he will go all the way to the top of the ladder, just in Li Guang's eyes, he feels unfair, he has worked hard all his life to get the honor, Wei Qing only fought a few battles to get all of it, and even surpassed himself.

It was based on this feeling of dissatisfaction that when Emperor Wudi of Han once again sent Wei Qing and Huo to clean up the Xiongnu, Li Guang repeatedly requested to follow the battle, and Emperor Wu of Han reluctantly let Li Guang participate in it, and when he left, he specifically explained that Wei Qing could not reuse Li Guang, which directly caused a series of tragedies later.

Death of Li Guang

Wei Qing can grow from a man who leads a horse to a great general, in addition to talent, but also closely related to his personality and personality, Wei Qing can be regarded as a real sense of handsomeness, not only capable, but also able to control the rest of the capable people, this kind of person's mind and wisdom are very high, if there is no accident, Li Guang's tragedy will definitely not be staged.

As mentioned earlier, before setting out, Emperor Wu of Han had already told Wei Qing that Li Guang could not be made a former general, after all, Li Guang's luck had always been bad, and Emperor Wu of Han was more superstitious, and he was worried that Li Guang's luck would affect the outcome of this war. All this was known only to Wei Qing and Emperor Wu of Han, and Li Guang was naturally in the dark.

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

After Wei Qing and his army discovered where xiongnu Shan Yu was located, they began to divide their subordinates, in order to cater to the wishes of Emperor Wu of Han, Wei Qing could only arrange for Gongsun Ao to be the current general, and let Li Guang go to the East Road to make a roundabout encirclement of the response troops, after hearing this deployment, Li Guang was furious and directly quarreled with Wei Qing, after the dispute was over, Li Guang did not say hello and set out with his men.

From the perspective of the latter, if Li Guang had been more active this time and there had been no accidents, perhaps Wei Qing's arrangement had just given Li Guang the best opportunity to make meritorious contributions, but unfortunately fate was to like to joke with Li Guang, and after he angrily led a group of people away, he actually caused a strong wind and sand because of the sudden change in the weather, which directly caused Li Guang and others to get lost and did not reach the strategic destination on time.

According to the plan, this war could have left the Xiongnu alone in one pot, but unfortunately, because of Li Guang's mistake, the Wei Qing army did not form a complete encirclement circle, giving the Xiongnu a single way to live, although the war achieved a major victory, but did not achieve the expected effect.

After the war, Wei Qing, as a great general and commander-in-chief, inevitably needed to investigate and analyze the reasons for the mistakes in the war, Wei Qing first went to Li Guang to ask about the reasons for the mistakes, Li Guang was unwilling to talk to Wei Qing, there was no way Wei Qing could only ask the people around Li Guang, and as a result, Li Guang was quite angry after hearing this, saying that this matter had nothing to do with others, and after saying that, he swung a knife and committed suicide.

Wei Qing did not expect that Li Guang's personality was so strong, just to ask the reason for the mistake, he was so impulsive, it really exceeded Wei Qing's expectations. In this way, a generation of flying generals Li Guang ended his legendary life, and the allusion that Li Guang was difficult to seal was also passed down through the ages.

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

Judging from Li Guang's death, there is little relationship with Wei Qing, after all, from beginning to end, whether it is the transfer of Li Guang's position or the pursuit of Li Guang's responsibility, Wei Qing is acting in accordance with the will of Emperor Wu of Han and the rules and regulations, there is no wrong place, Li Guang's suicide is completely caused by his own personality, and has nothing to do with others.

Li Dare's death

Clear-eyed people can see that Li Guang's death has nothing to do with Wei Qing, but in the eyes of the young and impulsive Li Dare, the nature is completely different, Li Dare also participated in this war, and made great achievements with Huo Toyi, so he was given the title of Marquis, at this time Li Guang was at the time when the spring breeze was triumphant, slightly seemingly blind, he attributed the cause of his father Li Guang's death to Wei Qing, so he went to Wei Qing's mansion and beat Wei Qing badly.

According to the laws of the Han Dynasty, Li Dare's practice belonged to the following offenses, and once emperor Wu of Han knew about it, he would inevitably be severely punished, but fortunately, Wei Qing saw that Li Dare was young and vigorous, and his father Li Guanggang died, Wei Qing did not want to make a big deal out of this matter, so he suppressed it privately and did not let the news leak out.

Who ever thought that there is no impermeable wall in the world, wei Qing tried to suppress the things, and finally was known by Huo Qi, Huo Qi's and Wei Qing's personality is completely different, Wei Qing was born poor, experienced all kinds of difficult life, and more understands the principles and bottom lines of doing things, Huo Qing was valued by Emperor Wu of Han from childhood, basically grew up in the favor of Emperor Wu of Han, the personality is straight forward, and doing things is also casual.

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?

Knowing that his subordinate Li Dare actually dared to do something to his uncle Wei Qing, Huo Wentai was quite angry and decided to give Li Dare a little color to see, in the process of accompanying Emperor Wu of Han on a hunt, Huo Went ill took the opportunity to shoot Li Dare with an arrow, and Emperor Wu of Han was furious about this, but finally suppressed the matter, falsely claiming that Li Gan was injured by antlers.

After this incident, Emperor Wu of Han understood that huo went ill to continue to stay in the capital, which was already very dangerous, so he appointed Huo to go to Shuofang, that is, this move, to a large extent, determined the fate of Huo's illness later, the environment in the Shuofang area was harsh, Huo went to the disease on the battlefield and left the root of the disease, and various factors combined, resulting in Huo's illness at the age of only 23 years old and died young, which is a great regret.

Judging from the details of Li Gan's death, objectively speaking, Li Gan's death has a lot to do with his own personality, as a subordinate, he should not be guilty of the following, but he was impulsive and made reckless moves, which really should not be, just Li Gan's recklessness and Huo's illness have similarities, so two equally young and vigorous people did the same wrong thing, unfortunately, Li Dare failed to do what Wei Qing did, and Huo Wentong directly wanted Li Gan's life.

For Huo to go to the disease, this matter is definitely the biggest mistake in his life, it is precisely because of the impact of this matter, Huo to go to the disease will have to go to Shuofang, and after going to Shuofang, Huo's body is deeply affected, which led to the early death, many people say that Huo to go to the disease is the character to determine the fate, to some extent, it is actually very reasonable.

Wei Qing and Huo Fuyi were both smart people, so why did they eventually kill Li Guang's father and son?


Objectively speaking, Wei Qing is indeed a wise man, and has a very big picture view and wisdom, but unfortunately Li Guang is not a broad-minded person, so it has led to tragedies happening one after another, from Li Guang's death to Li Dare's death, on the surface it is only the life and death of several people, but from the perspective of the entire history, it can be said that this incident directly affected the later historical trend!

Remarks: The picture comes from the Internet, infringement must be deleted, welcome to comment to leave interesting ideas.

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