
The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

Jietu's new T-X is a way to complete the sublimation of the brand.

Tank 300 completely ignited the 200,000-level hardcore off-road vehicle segment, or created a segment of the market consumption field, we can get the answer from a clear context: tank 300 before the 200,000 market segments no hardcore off-road vehicle optional, tank 300 after the batch of users want to become tank 300 owners.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

Unlike chery's other brands, Jietu has a more independent system and a more flexible strategic layout, and launched the hardcore off-road T-X a year later, which is precisely based on this new market, trying to forge a new brand value and competitive decision.

In terms of product strength, it is not weak.

For example, the "square box" shape that users need the most must be at the forefront of design, Mercedes-Benz G Series, Wrangler, Ford Lima, Tank 300 and other models are this design language, different brand concepts inject different details, design will still be the core competitiveness of Jietu T-X.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

In addition to the design, there are certain auxiliary advantages such as cockpit technology and power performance.

Strictly speaking, the biggest competitiveness of this product is the design power, put the design in a higher position, the product heat will not be low, but the reliability, practicality, fuel consumption and durability outside the design, the need for enterprises to have a strong endorsement and heritage.

Toyota makes off-road vehicles, by no means a day or two successful, the new debut of the LC300 is technology, comfort, configuration, reliability, performance is the same as a lot, which is based on decades of experience.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

Before the Great Wall Tank 300, it has been involved in hardcore models for nearly 20 years, from the earliest Seffer, Fengjun pickup truck to the later Great Wall Gun, Haval H9 and other models, hundreds of thousands of units of design, production, manufacturing and operation experience, only to promote a tank 300.

In fact, as of today, the reliability of the tank 300 can not be compared with Toyota's hardcore off-road vehicles, and there is still room for improvement in the strength and details of the key parts.

Chery has no hardcore off-road vehicle production experience.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

12 years ago, Chery debuted a hard-core off-road vehicle Weilin X5, nicknamed Big Cat, with strong book data, but this car was only mass-produced for two years and then hurriedly stopped production, when the reason for the suspension of production was more, the main reason is that the market is not fully open, and the big cat can be said to be untimely.

When a car is endowed with the appeal of long-distance, crossing or even off-road capabilities, then reliability, experience, and stability are more important than configuration and comfort.

Chery's experience in hardcore off-road vehicles is not enough, so the biggest resistance of the T-X is still how engineers can better design from the source, how to better ensure the quality of production from the source, and how to ensure strong reliability and durability of the product.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

Don't worry, Chery 2.0T engine performance will not be bad, worried about the lack of strong self-developed transmission capabilities Chery, how to do a good job in the durability of the transmission under high strength, while the four-wheel drive system and trailer system, the body-in-white structure of the sturdy stability, and the quietness of each part under various frictions.

These are key.

The Great Wall cut off Ford's back road, chery wants to cut off the future of the Great Wall?

The Tank 300 opened up a new consumer market, using good design language to block the passage of the latecomer Ford Bronco to establish a archway, laying the king of its 200,000-level market, but even so, Great Wall engineers are still trying to catch up with the Toyota system, because the experience still does not meet the top standards.

Jietu T-X wants to cut a shortcut behind the tank 300 to succeed, but if it wants to get a share in the real sense and for a long time, it is equivalent to grabbing the market from the tank 300, then the market from a long-term perspective, it is necessary to consider Chery's production of hardcore off-road vehicles, whether there is a Great Wall experience, in terms of ensuring core quality, how big the gap with Toyota is.

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